A2 Lactic acid system


Lactic acid system

Anaerobic glycolysis. – this is the partial breakdown of glycogen. As no oxygen is present, the system stops with the production of lactic acid.

Description of process:

Glycogen to (GPP)

Glucose to (PFK)

Pyruvic acid to (LDH)

Lactic acid.

Aerobic/anaerobic - anaerobic

Intensity - high

Duration – 10 – 180 secs

Number ofATP resynthesised - 2

Where reaction takes place -sarcoplasm

Fuel used – glycogen/glucose

Enzyme(S) – GPP/PFK/LDH

By-product(s) – lactic acid/low pH

Sporting example – 400m sprint

Advantages of system

Large stores of glycogen in muscles and liver

2 ATP resynthesised (more than PC system – 1ATP)

Relatively quick energy provision – quicker than aerobic system

Provides energy for high intensity activity for up to 3 mins

GPP/PFK kick start system automatically, having detected decrease in PC

Disadvantages of system

Not as quick as the ATP/PC system

Causes pain and muscle fatigue

Produces lactic acid (fatiguing by-product)

Lowers pH (acidity) which inhibits enzyme action

Causes pain (stimulates pain receptors)

Training adaptations

Increases tolerance of lactic acid – lactate buffering

Increases stores of glycogen
