Data Collection: Effective Classroom Instruction School _________________________________ Length of Class Period ______ min. Grade Level ___________________ Length of Observation ______ min. Content/ Subject _______________________ N/A (Not Not Evide Notes PILLARS: Evidence observed Evident nt INDICATORS Environment set up for collaborative active learning (not in rows I. Time and facing the teacher) and efficient access to materials. Structure II. Teacher Modeling III. IV. Student Practice and Application Disciplinary Teacher provides a short direct instruction and modeling (content and literacy skills). (See II) Teacher talk is less than 20 % of total class time. Text-rich environment has visible learning evidence, such as anchor charts and other visual information. Teacher provides individual and small group work/instruction based on formative assessment. In the closing, students share and reflect on their learning. Evidence that rituals and routines have been established. Evidence that K-5 classrooms have a minimum of 90-minute reading and writing blocks. Teacher provides modeling of processes, procedures and skills, and includes metacognition of thinking processes. Students are observing, taking notes and reflecting on the instruction. After instruction, students practice or apply the instructed and modeled skills and application of knowledge individually and in small groups. Evidence that lesson progression provides opportunity for gradual release of responsibility to students. Students work collaboratively to apply, understand and manipulate texts, skills and processes. Teacher observes and monitors student conversation and progress. Students work independently to apply information, processes and skills. Evidence that students write daily. Evidence that students read daily, including independent reading. 2 Revised 4-27-15 Data Collection Tool PILLARS: CORE INDICATORS Literacy Instruction Evidence Teachers provide explicit Disciplinary (content-specific) reading, writing, speaking, and listening instruction, modeling, and practice, including content-specific text knowledge. Evidence that the steps of the writing process are explicitly taught, modeled, and practiced. (Prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing) Evidence that students take some, but not all, of their compositions through the entire writing process to publication. Evidence of student writing in various domains and modes for exploration, thinking, wondering, reflecting, and making meaning. Evidence that students write for real audiences and purposes. (Opportunities for publishing for an audience other than the teacher: e.g., writer’s chair, website, portfolios, authentic, purposeful communication) Evidence that the teacher writes with students. Language is explicitly taught in context of authentic language use; i.e., grammar, usage, and structure of the content texts are studied through reading and writing in the content. Students participate in appropriate close, guided and shared reading experiences. Evidence of balance for assigned task and text complexity: Ex. For complex text: just understanding what it says may be the first task. The same task is not required of every student with every text. Students are given a purpose for reading a specific text. Evidence that conceptual content/ disciplinary learning is from, through, and about texts. (All types of texts and media) Students have opportunity to grapple with increasingly complex texts, and to build meaning from diverse texts. Evidence that students are reading one or more of a set of texts on the concept or Big Idea. (Texts include all form of information or communication. Sets are collections of texts that provide information and views on a content concept) Evidence that the Text Set includes different levels of complexity (building along the staircase of complexity for the grade level or grade span.) Texts in the set reflect different world views and attitudes toward the content and concepts and combinations of types and genres of texts. N/A (Not Observed) Not Evident Evident Notes 3 Revised 4-27-15 Data Collection Tool PILLARS: CORE INDICATORS V. Dialogue and Accountable Talk: Inclusion of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening (All are types of dialogue) Evidence VI. Vocabulary and Word Study Students are reading, writing, speaking and listening as part of active learning. Evidence that speakers and writers are held accountable to topic, audience and situation. Evidence that students know that they are expected to support all answers and opinions with evidence and references to texts and sources. Evidence of dialogical and social learning: Students read texts (all forms), have opportunities to talk with teachers and peers as they make meaning of texts and content, reflect and write about what they are learning. Discussion is a conversation among learners, on open-ended, provocative questions, not recitation of answers. Visible and intentional use of content and academic vocabulary, and the language of learning in conversations and instruction. Evidence that Word Study includes Tier 2 (Academic language) as well as Tier 3 (Content) Evidence that students actively participate in content and text-embedded Word Study, NOT lists, definitions, and tests. (Students develop vocabulary by using words and learning about them.) VII. Self-Selected Reading Teachers address “how words work” Evidence that students have choice in what they read independently. Evidence that students have knowledge of book complexity levels and process for choosing just-right books (appropriate understanding for grade-level). Evidence of library use, class libraries with magazines, and access to digital reading resources, and/or other easy access to varied texts. Evidence that students are aware of expectations, structures and processes for independent reading in and out of class. Students have opportunities for sharing their individual reading in writing or in discussions with peers. N/A (Not Observed) Not Evident Evident Notes 4 Revised 4-27-15 Data Collection Tool PILLARS: CORE INDICATORS VIII. IX. Evidence Evidence of a concept-based Unit Plan. StandardsBased Planning StandardsBased Instruction Literacy Standards appropriate for the content and grade-level are included in the Unit plan. (Including appropriate 6-12 Content Literacy Standards) Evidence of the daily instruction following the Unit plan. All instruction and learning tasks clearly scaffold students toward reaching the standards, addressing the Essential Questions, and completing the Performance Task. Evidence that the daily lesson plan is focused by the Big Idea, Enduring Understandings and the standards and concepts of the content, not content elements, such as literary work or historical events. Evidence of explicit instruction in the literacy processes, skills and strategies needed for the content. (Including appropriate 6-12 Content Literacy Standards) X. Standards Performanc e-Based Assessments Focusing Questions and Essential Question(s) from the Concept-based Unit drive the day’s instruction. Evidence that students are formatively assessed through daily speaking and writing. Evidence of a system for following formative assessment with timely feedback, adjustments to core instruction, or differentiated support. Evidence that performance tasks (assignments) are standards-based, requiring application of appropriate literacy skills. Format of the task assures the depth of knowledge required by the standard. Evidence that learning and working toward the standard is the purpose and focus of all tasks, not the product. Evidence that students use rubrics, which are standard- and taskspecific, reflecting the standards which have been taught, modeled and practiced. (Content and Literacy) Classroom displays of student work, including descriptions of the tasks, models, standards, and rubrics. Evidence of rubrics that are collaboratively created with student input as they learn about the concepts, skills and standards. Students share what they are learning for authentic purposes. N/A (Not Observed) Not Evident Evident Notes 5 Revised 4-27-15 Data Collection Tool PILLARS: CORE INDICATORS Evidence N/A (Not Observed) Not Evident Evident Notes