Vita - Texas Tech University Departments

Sonya Sherrod
Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction (2009) — Texas Tech Graduate School, Lubbock, TX
M.A. in Mathematics (2006) — Texas Tech Graduate School, Lubbock, TX
B.S. in Mathematics (2004) — Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Dissertation Specialist and Writing Coach
Aug 2015--Present
Provide one-on-one writing support to doctoral students throughout their doctoral program
Coaching students in: time management; goals setting; research methods and study design; IRB
proposals and ethics compliance; source documentation; writing and editing; document design
and formatting; presentation content, design, and delivery
Mathematics Lecturer / Mathematics Interventionist / Research Assistant
June 2012--July 2015
Teach Elementary Analysis to prospective elementary and middle school teachers
Provide constructive feedback to middle school and high school mathematics teachers on their
delivered curriculum
Write proposals for the Institutional Review Board for research projects
Write manuscripts for journal publication
Executive Administrative Associate, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
April 2010--May 2012
Created assessments to measure the effectiveness of the role of the Office of International Affairs
(OIA) in supporting student learning and the mission of TTUHSC
Assisted with the construction of university policy regarding the safeguarding of students
participating in international programs and activities
Contributed to efforts in public relations (receptions for medical school candidates and foreign
Managed the budget and finances of the OIA
Made arrangements for community education (film series and lectures targeting global health
issues and cultural issues that impact health care)
Co-edited department newsletter
Graduate Part-Time Instructor, Texas Tech University
Jan 2007-Dec 2008
Taught mathematics methods courses for elementary and middle school teachers
Graduate Assistant, Texas Tech University
Aug 2005-Dec 2008
Conducted research on the mathematical thinking of students and preservice teachers
Published research findings in national and international journals
Created assessments to measure geometric spatial abilities and knowledge of the lunar cycles
Managed the MOON Project (an Internet project involving middle school students around the
Teaching Assistant, Texas Tech University
Aug 2004-May 2005
Instructed students in a College Algebra Lab
Tutored students in a remedial lab
Cetin, S., Sherrod, S., & Matteson, S. (in progress). Content deficits and pedagogical difficulties
of US middle school mathematics teachers: A study of lesson analysis.
McClusky, R., Dwyer, J., Sherrod, S. & Stevens, T. (Under review). Teacher immediacy and
learning mathematics: Effects on students with divergent mathematical aptitudes.
Investigations in Mathematics Learning.
Williams, E., Dwyer, J., & Sherrod, S. (May 2014). Instructor immediacy and motivation for
mathematics learning. MathAMATYC Educator.
Dwyer, J., Sherrod, S., & Hitchcock, K. (2011). Science and mathematics integrated activities for
middle school. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Ganesh, B., Wilhelm, J., & Sherrod. S. (2009). The development of a tool for assessment of
geometric spatial visualization concepts. School Science and Mathematics, 109(8), 461‐ 472.
Sherrod, S., Dwyer, J., & Narayan, R. (2009). Developing science and math integrated activities
for middle school students. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and
Technology, 40(2), 247‐257.
Dwyer, J., Keating, M., & Sherrod, S. (2008). The Koch snowflake. Mathematics Teaching 207,
March 2008, 33‐34.
Sherrod, S., & Wilhelm, J. (2008).A study of how classroom dialogue facilitates the development
of geometric spatial concepts related to understanding the cause of moon phases.
International Journal of Science Education, 1, 1‐22.
Wilhelm, J., Sherrod, S., & Walters, K. (2008). Project‐based learning environments: Challenging
pre‐service teachers to act in the moment. The Journal of Educational Research, 101(4), 220‐
Wilhelm, J., Smith, W., Walters, K., Sherrod, S., & Mulholland, J. (2007). Engaging pre‐service
teachers in multinational, multi‐campus scientific and mathematical inquiry. International
Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
Wilhelm, J., Sherrod, S., & Walters, K. (2007). Pre‐service teachers experience an
interdisciplinary project‐based learning environment. Conference Proceedings of the annual
meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST – New
Orleans, Louisiana).
Wilhelm, J., & Sherrod, S. (2007). Gender differences in lunar‐related science and mathematics
domains. Conference Proceedings of the annual meeting of the National Association of
Research in Science Teaching (NARST – New Orleans, Louisiana).
Sherrod, S., Gilinsky, N., & Ensminger, M. (2012). Global Health Interest Index.
Duncan, S., & Sherrod, S. (2009). Correctional Managed Health Care (CMHC) Employees’
Satisfaction Survey.
Duncan, S., & Sherrod, S. (2009). Interprofessional Teamwork for Faculty, Students, and Alumni
Smith, W., Duncan, S., Sherrod, S., & Harman, R. (2008). Comprehensive Moon Phases
Wilhelm, J., Ganesh, B., Sherrod, S., & Ji, J. (2007). Geometric Spatial Assessment.
Reviewer for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2015)
Reviewer for Pearson Publishing (2014)
Reviewer for International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology (2014)
Reviewer for PME-NA (2103)
Reviewer for Cengage Learning (2013)
TAP Certified (2012)
Reviewer for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2010)
Reviewer for School Science and Mathematics (2010)
Reviewer for NARST Annual Conference (2007)
Research Committee, College of Education, Texas Tech University (2006‐2007)