C8RTH06 Title: C8RTH06 Environmentally Safe Packaging

Title: Environmentally Safe Packaging
Tracking ID: C8RTH06
Language: Thai
Skill: Reading
Proficiency Level: 2+/3
Functional Objective: Demonstrate your comprehension
Topic: Ecology/Geography
Model responses
What, according to the author, is
the situation with environmentallyfriendly packaging products in
The author seems to suggest that
both private and government
sectors in Thailand are short
sighted. While in other countries
the use of foam and plastics
decreases because of their
hazards to health and
environment, there is no such a
movement in Thailand. It is also
ironic that health safe and biogradable packaging products are
manufactured in Thailand mainly
for exports. These products are
ignored by the Thai because they
are more expensive than foam
and plastic products.
What does the author say about
health hazards of foams and
plastics? Are biogradable
products more popular in
Thailand? Read the Notes for
background information.
What is the text's main idea?
People in Thailand are becoming
more engaged in enviromental
protection. There is now a
company which manufactures
biogradable products from sugar
cane. In one village, effective
forest preservation measures
were taken. More and more
people in the cities recycle
clothes and batteries and use
cloth bags for shopping. A new
"green wave" is a result of a
Consider the examples the author
uses throughout the text. What
does the expert on the
environment say about the new
"green wave"?
realization that the effects of
many disasters are due to human
activity causing greenhouse effect
and global warming.
What controversy does the author
point out?
While people feel proud of
themselves for doing their part to
help reduce global warming, they
do no know that the production of
cloth bags might have released a
lot of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere, or where their old
clothes or batteries would end up.
Moreover, they do not know
whether the powder from
compostable bags which may
have a worse effect on people's
health than old plastic bags had
on the environment.
Note what people do not know.
Check the Learn More for
additional information.
What does the author
mean when by 'ท่ามกลาง
‘ "คลืน
่ สเี ขียว" ทีถ
่ าโถม
สงั คมต ้องการความรู ้และ
ความจริงทีไ่ ม่มใี ครยอมบอก' ?
While there are wide campaigns
on environmental protection,
global warming, and endorsement
of environmentally-friendly
products, more and thorough
information on how these
products are processed and
where they end up is needed for
consumers to make a better
'green' decision.
Re-read the conclusion of the
article. Consider the title.What
truth does the public need to
What, according to the author, is
the situation with environmentallyfriendly packaging products in
Model responses
The author seems to suggest that
both private and government
sectors in Thailand are
shortsighted. While in other
countries the use of foam and
plastics decreases because of
their hazards to health and
What does the author say about
health hazards of foams and
plastics? Are biodegradable
products more popular in
Thailand? Read the Notes for
background information.
environment, there is no such
movement in Thailand. It is also
ironic that health safe and
biodegradable packaging
products are manufactured in
Thailand mainly for exports.
These products are ignored by
the Thai because they are more
expensive than foam and plastic
What is the text's main idea?
People in Thailand are becoming
more engaged in environmental
protection. There is now a
company which manufactures
biodegradable products from
sugar cane. In one village,
effective forest preservation
measures were taken. More and
more people in the cities recycle
clothes and batteries and use
cloth bags for shopping. A new
"green wave" is a result of a
realization that the effects of
many disasters are due to human
activity causing global warming.
Consider the examples the author
uses throughout the text. What
does the expert on the
environment say about the new
"green wave"?
What controversy does the author
point out?
While people feel proud of
themselves for doing their part to
help reduce global warming, they
do no know that the production of
cloth bags might have released a
lot of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere, or where their old
clothes or batteries would end up.
Moreover, they do not know that
the powder from compostable
bags may have a worse effect on
people's health than old plastic
bags had on the environment.
Note what people do not know.
Check the Learn More section for
additional information.
What does the author
While there are wide campaigns
on environmental protection,
Re-read the conclusion of the
article. Consider the title. What
mean when by 'ท่ามกลาง
‘ "คลืน
่ สเี ขียว" ทีถ
่ าโถม
สงั คมต ้องการความรู ้และ
ความจริงทีไ่ ม่มใี ครยอมบอก' ?
global warming, and endorsement
of environmentally-friendly
products, more and thorough
information on how these
products are processed and
where they end up is needed for
consumers to make a better
"green" decision.
truth does the public need to
Category: Vocabulary
The following English cognates appear in the text.
- โฟม = foam
- พลาสติก = plastic
- คลอรีน = clorine
- อัลบัม
้ = album
- บูม = boom. It means ‘flourish’ in this context.
- คาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ = carbon dioxide
- ซูเปอร์มาร์เก็ต = super market
Category: Background Information
1. Plastic bags. The hazard of plastic bags is well-publicized. For instance, they
- add carbon emission into the air during the manufacture
- they take hundreds of year to biodegrade
- they cause marine animals deaths
For detailed information and attempts to deal with the problem, go to http://www.naturalenvironment.com/blog/2008/01/10/environmental-impact-of-plastic-bags/
2. Residual Sugarcane Fiber
The passages mentions packaging products from residual sugarcane fiber or bagasse.
Bagasse is a biodegradable and compostable made from sugarcane fiber leftover after juice extraction.
Normally, this residue is burned after pulping, thus creating air pollution. But this sugarcane fiber can be reused. (From http://www.worldcentric.org/biocompostables/bagasse)
Category: Culture
1. ชาวมูเซอ (Musser) or Lahu are diverse ethnic groups residing in high altitude in
upper southeast Asia. Some migrated to Thailand decades ago. It is estimated that
their population is 30,000.
For more information, go to
2. พ่อหลวงจักรพงษ์ มงคลคีร ี is the village chief as well as environmental educator to
the Musser or Lahu village mentioned in the passage. 'พ่อหลวง' is a reverence term
of address and reference adopted by the villagers to call him. In general, the
'พ่อหลวง' is the term used for elderly and highly revered monks, and lately for the
For the interview with พ่อหลวงจักรพงษ์ มงคลคีร,ี go to
ิ มหาราช (Taaksin the Great National Park) located in northern
3. อุทยานตากสน
Thailand, covers an area of 262 Km2 with mountain ranges, plains, brooks, flora and
fauna. There had been problems in the past of people enchroaching the area to
practice slash and burn farming.
For more information on the park, go to
Category: Vocabulary
1. The following English cognates appear in the text.
โฟม (foam)
พลาสติก (plastic)
คลอรีน (chlorine)
้ (album)
บูม means "boom" and is used in this context to mean "flourish."
คาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ (carbon dioxide)
ซูเปอร์มาร์เก็ต (supermarket)
Category: Background Information
1. The hazard of plastic bags is well-publicized. For instance, they add carbon emissions into the air during
manufacturing, take hundreds of year to biodegrade, and cause marine animal deaths.
2. The passages mentions packaging products from residual sugarcane fiber or bagasse.
Bagasse is a biodegradable and compostable made from sugarcane fiber leftover after juice extraction.
Normally, this residue is burned after pulping, thus creating air pollution. But this sugarcane fiber can be reused.
Category: Culture
1. ชาวมูเซอ (Musser) or Lahu are diverse ethnic groups residing at high altitudes in
upper southeast Asia. Some migrated to Thailand decades ago. It is estimated that
their population is 30,000.
2. พ่อหลวงจักรพงษ์ มงคลคีร ี is the village chief as well as environmental educator to
the Musser or Lahu village mentioned in the passage. 'พ่อหลวง' is a reverence term
of address and reference adopted by the villagers to call him. In general, the
'พ่อหลวง' is the term used for elderly and highly revered monks, and lately for the
For the interview with พ่อหลวงจักรพงษ์ มงคลคีร,ี please visit:
ิ มหาราช (Taaksin the Great National Park) located in northern
3. อุทยานตากสน
Thailand, covers an area of 262 Km2 with mountain ranges, plains, brooks, flora and
fauna. There had been problems in the past of people enchroaching the area to
practice slash and burn farming.
ผู ้บริหารบรรจุภัณฑ์เพือ
่ สงิ่ แวดล ้อม
The executive of the
environmental-friendly packaging
่ กระดาษชานอ ้อย
sugarcane fiber
A giant music producer
้ มาทาเพลงด ้านสงิ่ แวดล ้อม
1 เพลงทุกอัลบัม
Even include an environmentrelated song in every music
ค่อยๆ ซาไป
Gradually diminished
ผู ้บริหารบรรจุภัณฑ์เพือ
่ สงิ่ แวดล ้อม
"The executive of the
environmental-friendly packaging
่ กระดาษชานอ ้อย
"Sugarcane fiber"
"A giant music producer"
้ มาทาเพลงด ้านสงิ่ แวดล ้อม
1 เพลงทุกอัลบัม
"Even include an environmentrelated song in every music
ค่อยๆ ซาไป
"Gradually diminished"
Content * This is a comment on environment-friendly products.
Notes * As people have become aware of the impacts of toxic wastes on the environment,
they conscientiously use environmentally-friendly or 'green' products, that are
considered to inflict minimal harm on the environment. To make consumers aware,
environmentally friendly goods and services are often marked with eco-labels. But
because there is no single international standard for this concept, the International
Organization for Standardization considers such labels too vague to be
meaningful. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmentally_friendly)
New breeds of biodegradable and bioavailable plastics have been created in an
effort to reduce the tons of plastic waste that ends up in landfills each year. For
more information go to
Time * 45 minutes
Keywords * ecology, environmental protection, eco system, global warming, preservation
Challenges * Vocabulary
Content * This is a comment on environment-friendly products.
Notes * 1. As people have become aware of the impacts of toxic wastes on the
environment, they conscientiously use environmentally-friendly or "green"
products, that are considered to inflict minimal harm on the environment. To make
consumers aware, environmentally-friendly goods and services are often marked
with eco-labels. But because there is no single international standard for this
concept, the International Organization for Standardization considers such labels
too vague to be meaningful.
2. New breeds of biodegradable and bioavailable plastics have been created in an
effort to reduce the tons of plastic waste that ends up in landfills each year.
Time * 45 minutes
Keywords * ecology, environmental protection, ecosystem, global warming, preservation
Challenges * Vocabulary