
Invented Fashion project
Create a piece of clothing or fashion accessory using found objects
and/or art supplies from the art room or from home.
Objects that may be used:
egg cartons, packing peanuts, food containers; meat trays
cardboard pieces, duct tape, plastic containers, magazines,
plastic bottles & lids, plastic shopping bags, soda 6-pack rings, tin foil,
food wrapper linings, newspaper, envelopes, junk mail, string, yarn,
old CD’s, old coat hangers, twist ties, garbage bags, nuts & bolts, soda
tabs/lids, old tablecloths, sheets, scrap fabric, etc……
Evaluation Categories:
-Overall craftsmanship... is it quality work and neatly presented?
-Unique design and use of the materials... is your work an original idea?
You can be inspired by an image, but change it to make the final product
your own.
-Level of difficulty. Were you up to the challenge or did you make
something extra simple and easy?
Project will be due at the end of the first trimester- exact date TBD
Good luck!
Recycled Art Evaluation
Name: ___________________________________ Date:____________
Evaluate your project:
0=not great; 5=perfect
Overall design/craftsmanship
Unique use of the materials… is your work an original idea?
Difficulty of your selected project- did you challenge yourself or do what was easiest?
What difficulties did you encounter creating this project
What would you like to change about your final results?