What is Sustainable Development? (SD)

What is Sustainable Development?
Ice Breaker
• Start with a simple game to kick the session off
Aims and Objectives
• Understand the three elements of Sustainable
Development (SD)
• Understand what SD actually is
• Determine why SD is important to you and your
future in the workplace
What is Sustainable Development?
'Development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs.' (Brundtland 1987)
Sustainable development is about using resources more efficiently, in
order for society to reduce not only its impact on the environment, but
on the economy, whilst improving social impacts both locally and
globally to ensure a fairer and more sustainable future.
• Education
is essential
to sustainable
in order
that meets
the needsdevelopment,
of the presentand
to improve SD we need to understand it and how it impacts on
the needs of future generations to meet their own
needs.' (Brundtland 1987)
• The education of today is crucial to enhancing the ability of the
leaders and citizens of tomorrow to create solutions and find
new paths
to a better, ismore
using resources
more efficiently
and educating people about the issues of sustainable development in
• SD will impact on you in the workplace
order for society to reduce not only its impact on the environment, but
the economy,
improving social impacts both locally and
• You
can makewhilst
a difference
globally to ensure a fairer and more sustainable future.
What do we need?
1. To live?
2. To lead comfortable lives?
3. To have health & well
4. To have economic well
Our Most Basic Needs
Water, Heat, Food, Light, ….
Human needs in the developed world
Fashion clothing
Health care
The Three Elements of Sustainable Development
The diagram illustrates the three elements of SD and focuses not just on the economic value of a company
or project, but also on the environmental and social value
Social –
Sustainability =
Human happiness
Economic- Social
All three elements are required in order to achieve sustainable development and an impact on one
element will usually have a knock on effect for the other two elements
To put it another way….
Simple SD facts
7.2 million tonnes of food and drink from our homes is thrown away every year in
the UK, and more than half of this is food and drink we could have eaten
50% of waste collected by local authorities in the UK was sent to landfill in
2010/11, compared to an EU-27 average of 40%
Recycling saves more than 18 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year – equivalent
to taking 5 million cars off the road
We would need 3 planet earths if everyone lived like we do in the UK
Turning PC’s off in the computer suites for 1 hour a day would save over £11,000
per year in waste energy
National figures gathered on the use of plastic carrier bags show 9 billion are used
in the UK each year, of which most of this ends up in landfill sites
99.4% international aid money goes to men not women. In developing countries
90% of the money women earn goes back into the family, but only 35% of the
money earned by men goes to the back into the family.
Take a moment to think about oil
• Crude oil is "unprocessed“ oil that comes from the ground
• It is a major fossil fuel and is used in the production of many synthetic
materials such as plastic
• There are an estimated 1.3 trillion barrels of oil reserve left
• This should last us for the next 30 years
• By 2040, around 20% of what we currently consume will be available
• It is likely by then that the world’s population will be twice as large, and
more of it industrialised (and therefore oil dependent)
• Now think about how reliant we are on oil
Understanding Sustainable
UNESCO Framework
The UNESCO Framework 2003 identifies 10 key themes
for SD:
Overcoming poverty
Gender equality
Health promotion
Environmental protection and conservation
Rural transformation
Human rights
Intercultural understanding & peace
Sustainable production & consumption
Cultural diversity
Information & communication technologies
Initiatives at the College
Green Impact scheme
Mend Not Spend Fair
Charity Collections
Car Share scheme
Paper Recycling
Clothes Swap
Sale of Equality and Diversity Bags
Climate Week
Fairtrade Fortnight
What you can do
Recycle your products after use
Join the College Green Impact Scheme
Buy and support Fairtrade
Get involved with charity events at the College
Switch electrical items off after use
Use public transport or car share
Try to walk or cycle more
Waste less food
Buy energy efficient products
Consider the durability of a product before you buy it
Reuse plastic bags
How would you make the college more
sustainable ?