Academic Productivity: The Added Value of Friendship Agrita Kiopa Doctoral Student School of Public Policy Georgia Institute of Technology D. M. Smith Building, 685 Cherry Street, Atlanta, GA 30332 Numbers of productive scientists are small. Few prolific individuals account for most of the publications while most scientists publish nothing, and men publish more than women (Fox 1983, Maske et al 2003, Ramsden 1994, Sax et al 2002 among others). The literature attributes this observed inequality in productivity to a range of factors which taken together constitute a knowledge production function. Scientific knowledge is an outcome of effort, materials, equipment, skills, and knowledge of discipline-dependent relative proportions (Stephan and Levine, 1995). A distinct aspect of knowledge production is that no single scientist can supply all of the arguments directly. Instead, scientists pull these resources from others within and outside of their institutions. Therefore, ability to mobilize relevant resources also is an input in the knowledge production function. Bozeman and colleagues (2001) conceptualized knowledge creation capacity of scientists as S&T Human capital comprised of competences and networks of professional relationships. While research have documented that personal relationships affect broad range of individual outcomes, a little is known about the relational mechanisms that allow individuals to appropriate resources from their networks in general, and in the context of knowledge production in particular. What relationships do scientists develop in order to further their productivity and career advancement? One of the most prevalent relationships in sciences is collaboration. Scientists collaborate in order to pool knowledge for solving complex problems, to access complementary resources such as expertise, tacit knowledge, equipment, or funding, to increase their productivity, prestige, visibility and the quality of the research outcomes, and because they simply like to collaborate (Kraut, Galegher and Egido 1987-88, Crane 1972, Katz and Martin 1997, Beaver 2001, Thorsteinsdottir 2000). Scientists often collaborate with long-time friends, and sometimes friendship is even a reason to collaborate (Melin 2000). In sum, individuals form networks of relationships that provide them with advice, support, and access to various work related resources (Seibert, Kraimer et al. 2001). The social network literature distinguishes between strong and weak network ties (Granovetter 1983, Krackhardt 1992) that benefit an individual in distinct ways by providing various instrumental or expressive resources (Lin 2001). Less is said about the benefits of relationships that are determined by more than one role, especially in the context of knowledge production. Such relationships are important because they allow transferring resources from one context to another, and, therefore, contribute to the ability of a scientist to pull resources necessary for knowledge production. Drawing from a national longitudinal NSF-funded study of academic scientists in six STEM fields in the United States, this paper seeks to understand how friendship with fellow scientists affects knowledge exchange in personal advice and collaborative networks. The paper predicts that personal networks comprised of close relationships are associated with higher intensity of knowledge exchange and have higher added value for scientific productivity and other career outcomes. Further, it argues that friendship allows scientists to appropriate resources from their networks, and therefore is important for scientists’ knowledge creation capacity. Friendships are especially beneficial for linking scientists with others outside their own institution and in this way providing access to the quality non-redundant information and resources. Preliminary findings show that an average advice network of a U.S. academic scientist consists of 5 individuals (range1-14). About a half (47%) of the relationships with those individuals are uniplex, or such that consist of only one role, and about a half (53%) multiplex, or such that consist of more than one role. One third (29%) of all relationships are close friendships. The data indicates a significant variation of the types of relationships across the rank, gender and citizenship. Assistant professors, especially female and foreign nationals, have fever friends in their networks than associate and full professors, who in turn, have more friends. This might be an indication that friendship takes time to develop. Alternatively, it might be an indication of the often discussed but rarely documented phenomenon “old- boy networks”. However, while full professors have more friends in their networks, they also rely on the uniplex-instrumental relationships more than the associate and assistant professors. Further, preliminary findings show that friendship encourages advice seeking behavior of scientists and results in more mobilized resources from their networks. The effects of different types of relationships on the productivity and career outcomes vary by the type of outcome. References Beaver, D. B. (2001). "Reflections on scientific collaboration (and its study): past, present, and future." Scientometrics 52(3): 365-377. Bozeman, B., Dietz, J. S. and Gaughan, M. 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