Name: Date: Period: _____ Trade Routes and Muslim Empires

Name: _________________________________
Date: ______________________ Period: _____
Trade Routes and Muslim Empires Study Guide
The Life of Muhammad
1. What are the major beliefs of Islam?
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
c. _____________________________
i. ___________________________________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________________________________
iv. ___________________________________________________________________
v. ___________________________________________________________________
2. What are the similarities between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
Islamic Caliphates
1. What was the House of Wisdom? Why was it significant?
2. List causes of the decline of the Abassid Caliphate.
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
3. Describe Islamic art and architecture. What style was developed?
a. _________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________
4. In what areas of North Africa did Christianity remain despite the spread of Islam?
5. What group of people toppled the caliphates and established their own Islamic Empire? Where
was it centered?
6. What were the causes of the rapid spread of Islam?
a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________
c. _________________________________________
Moor Spain
1. Compare and contrast Spain under Islamic rule to the rest of Europe at the same time?
2. Describe Spain under Islamic Rule.
West Africa
1. How was Islam spread to the region?
2. Who is Mansa Musa and why is he significant?
3. What is the significance of the development of the West African Kingdom?
Trade Routes
1. Describe the locations of the Major Trade Routes.
a. Silk Road - ________________________________________________________________
b. Indian Ocean Sea Lanes - _____________________________________________________
c. Trans-Saharan Caravan Routes - _______________________________________________
2. Who traded along each of the trade Routes?
a. Silk Road - ________________________________________________________________
b. Indian Ocean Sea Lanes - _____________________________________________________
c. Trans-Saharan Caravan Routes - _______________________________________________
3. What were the major goods traded along the Trans-Saharan Trade routes?
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
c. _____________________________
4. What were the major goods traded along the Indian Ocean Trade routes?
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
c. _____________________________
5. What were the major goods traded along the Silk Road Trade routes?
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
c. _____________________________
6. In addition to goods, what ideas were spread along to the trade routes? Give specific examples.
a. Religions
i. _____________________ - on the ______________________________________
from _____________________________ to ______________________________
ii. _____________________ - on the ______________________________________
from _____________________________ to ______________________________
iii. _____________________ - on the ______________________________________
from _____________________________ to ______________________________
iv. _____________________ - on the ______________________________________
from _____________________________ to ______________________________
b. Ideas and knowledge
i. _____________________________
ii. _____________________________
iii. _____________________________
iv. _____________________________
7. What was the most important impact of the Silk Road?
8. What were the long-term impacts of the Indian Ocean Trade?
9. The Indian Ocean Trade led to the migration of whom to where?
a. _____________________________ to _______________________________
10. What were the monsoon winds and how did they aid the Indian Ocean Trade?
11. What technology was developed along the Trans-Saharan Trade routes and what purpose did it
12. Who was Ibn Battuta? Where did he travel and why are his travels important?
13. What language developed on the Indian Ocean and what was it a mixture of?