History of Dam Building in the Klamath Basin (Andrew)

History of Dam Building in the Klamath Basin
Chiloquin Dam(1914)
Originating in Southern Oregon and extending through Northern California,
the Klamath River Basin represents the Pacific Northwest’s natural beauty.
Unfortunately, once the focus is directed to the residing communities, it is clear
that human impact is destroying the no longer plentiful resources. From the turn
of the 20th century, construction of dams initiated within the watershed for flood
control. This also served as a perfect storage device for irrigational purposes.
More dams were built within the upper and lower basins, which obstructed the
habitat for several endangered and threatened species. The scarcity of water has
increased equally with the competition for it. Conflicts concerning water
management have reached the interests for farmers, environmental organizations,
wildlife refuge management, and recreational income. Equally important, the local,
state, and tribal governments are negotiating to create a solution.
Link River Dam
Regulates flow from
Upper Klamath Lake
(principle source of
water for Klamath
Project). Allows
upstream fish passage.
Height: 22 feet
Length: 435 feet
Capacity: 873,000 ac-ft
Gerber Dam(1925)
Storage for irrigation.
Reduces flow into Tule
Lake and Tule Lake
National Wildlife Refuge.
Height: 84.5 feet
Length: 460 feet
Capacity: 94,300 acre-feet
JC Boyle Dam(1958)
Keno Dam(1931)
Regulates water
flows. Intended to
produce power, but
facilities never
built. Allows
upstream fish
Height: 26 feet
Diverts water to an irrigation
canal. Upstream fish ladder
no longer efficient and
blocks access to two
endangered suckers.
Estimate to remove:
$2.1 million
Generates 80 megawatts
of hydropower. Allows
upstream and downstream
fish passage.
Capacity: 3,495 acre-feet
Estimate to remove:
$6.2 million
Copco 1 Dam(1918)
Blocks access to 75 miles of salmon and
steelhead habitat. Copco 2(1925) is 0.25
miles south. Estimated to remove both:
$10.4 million
Iron Gate Dam(1962)
Regulates flows from Copco dams. Generates
20 megawatts of hydropower. Creates 944
acre Iron Gate Reservoir. Height: 173 feet.
Estimate to remove: $19.2 million
Water Year Type
April – October
The Klamath River travels 263 miles
Inflow Forecast
from Oregon to the Pacific Ocean. The
total coverage area is approximately
>500,400 acre-feet (af)
12,100 square miles. Dam construction
was planned as early as 1905 and the
last dam was completed in 1967. Federal
312,800 af – 500,400 af
government’s Bureau of Reclamation
organizes projects to control water flow
185,000 af – 312,800 af
consider this region: the Klamath Water
Project and the Central Valley Project.
<185,000 af
Reclamation’s projects are designated by
water year type forecasted by Natural
Figure 2: Water year type designated from
Resource Conservation Services (Figure
Natural Resource Conservation Service’s inflow
2). This planning is necessary to protect
forecast assigned by Bureau of Reclamation.
wildlife (low water levels result in warm
temperatures and bacteria formation).
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission operates 50-year licenses for the dams.
Pacific Power and Light (PacifiCorp) operates many of these dams and their licenses
are up for renewal this year. Of all facilities operated by PacifiCorp, the combined
capacitance of 151 megawatts produced approximately 757,000 megawatt hours of
electricity per year. This is enough to supply an estimated 69,500 homes. On top of
this, many farmers are paid by the national government for crop production.
Upper Klamath Basin
The Upper Klamath Basin covers 4,630 square miles, representing approximately
38% of the total watershed area. This portion only accounts for 12% of the total
basin’s water runoff. Water management began in 1905 with the primary source of
water deriving from Upper Klamath Lake, as well as precipitation and snowmelt. Link
River Dam controls flows from Upper Klamath Lake, sending water down river.
PacifiCorp may have to modify their licenses when they reapply this year, and Link
River Dam is one that they operate. The agricultural usage in this area is about 60%
higher than in the Lower Basin, and the land value is $283 million (2004).
Lower Klamath Basin
Trinity Dam(1961)
Became known as the world’s
highest embankment dam. Stores
water from Trinity River for Trinity
Height: 538 feet
Length: 2,450 feet
The Lower Klamath Basin covers 7,470 square miles, representing approximately
62% of the watershed area. This portion is considerably more fortunate with water
runoff, accounting for 88% of the total basin. The lowermost part of the Klamath
River is included in this region, stretching nearly 200 miles. Much of the water flow
into this basin is from four major tributaries: the Shasta, Scott, Salmon, and Trinity
Rivers. The agricultural value in this basin is $114 million (2004).
The Major Issues
Figure 1: This map represents the Upper and Lower
Klamath River Basins with the main river channels, dams,
and lakes. Dams Represented: (A) Chiloquin, (B) Link River,
(C) Gerber, (D) Keno, (E) JC Boyle, (F) Copco 1&2, (G) Iron
Gate, and (H) Trinity.
The dams serve as a direct threat to the wildlife whom have made the Klamath River Basin their habitat. A primary issue in the Upper
Klamath Basin is how to avoid low water depths at which water temperatures increase, which eventually leads to poor living conditions for
salmon and sucker fish. Unfortunately, the water inflow is not as high in the Upper Basin, so the flow needs to be regulated. The major
concern for the Lower Klamath Basin is that most of the dams do not have pathways for which fish can migrate. The salmon have actually
become extinct near the Iron Gate Dam and have been included as an Endangered Species. Wildlife, such as Bald Eagles, rely on the salmon
as a primary food source, so their populations are lowering as well in this basin. Also, the local Native American tribes are impacted from
this loss of fish. Fisherman are losing profits, as well. Due to the multiple environmental issues reflecting from the dams, immediate action
is required. Fish Wildlife Service (FWS) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NWFS) are regulating refuge areas in efforts to protect the
threatened wildlife. Requests and complaints to remove the dams are yet to be answered. Research has indicated that either choice to keep
a dam and suffer consequences or to destroy it will result in a loss of millions of dollars. The budget estimated to remove four major dams
(Copco 1&2, Iron Gate, and JC Boyle) would reach roughly $40 million, and this has not been inclueded in the final budget agenda. Another
issue is in relation to recreational activities. The dams create lakes for tourists and locals to participate in outdoor water sports and
camping activities, which in return raises the revenue for the communities. If the dams are, a major source of income is also removed.
Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid all the problems within the Upper and Lower Klamath River Basin. Negotiations have been
initiated and the end result may very well be the loss of at least a few dams in order to protect the wildlife, which is the highest priority.
References: Klamath River Basin Issues and Activities: An Overview. Kyna Powers. CRS Report for Congress, September 22, 2005.
“Dammed to Extinction.” http://www.pelicannetwork.net/images.intertribal/dammed.map.big.jpg. 04/27/2006. “Klamath River Hydroelectric
Project.” Klamath Basin Tribal Water Quality Work Group. http://www.klamathwaterquality.com/project.htm. 04/27/2006.
“Dam Application Has No Salmon Plan.” CNN International. http://edition.cnn.com/2004/US/West/02/25/klamath.dams.ap/ 04/27/2006.
Project California and Oregon.” Dams, Projects & Powerplants, Bureau of Reclamation. http://www.usbr.gov/dataweb/html/klamath.html.
Photos: http://www.klamathwaterquality.com/iron_gate_river_level.jpg, http://www.comcast.net/data/2005/05/24/bin15069.jpg, http://www.hoopa-nsn.gov/images/trinitydam.jpg, http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/apr2001/2001-04-05-03.asp,
http://www.klamathwaterquality.com/project.htm, http://www.klamathbucketbrigade.org/YNTKUSGSFlowGraphs_table.htm.