University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America

University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America
Board of Governors 2015 Spring Meeting
Hilton Frontenac Hotel
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Dear fellow alumnus:
A proposal to reimburse active BOG members for their travel and lodging expenses incurred while
attending official UPMASA Board face-to-face meetings was announced at the last General Alumni
Meeting in San Diego, California held in July of 2014. Concerns were voiced by several of the alumni
particularly by previous leaders of our organization. In the end it was decided that we would present the
pros and cons of this proposal to the general membership in written form which would then be enclosed
with the ballots for voting in the next set of officers. We are presenting this information in to you in the
pages that follow.
Our Constitution and by-laws states: " No part of the net earnings should benefit the members and officers of
the society: except reasonable compensation in the conduct of business." Attendance by BOG members of
face-to-face meetings is part of the conduct of business for UPMASA. The IRS laws governing non-profit
organizations allow the use of up to 15% of donations for administrative expenses.
The policy proposal is that UPMASA will reimburse the travel and lodging expense for each Board Member to
attend a face-to-face board meeting, be it by air or land transport, up to a maximum of $850/member per
meeting upon presentation of official receipts. Travel expenses by car will be computed per mile according to
current IRS standards. This reimbursement is optional on the part of any BOG member.
We will now present the views in favor of and against the proposal.
Danny Senseng, M.D.
Recording Secretary
2015 Reimbursement Proposal/pgo
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