Short Stories - Amazon Web Services

Tick off what you have covered while doing this topic:
Year 5
Apply knowledge of
morphology & etymology
when reading new words
Reading & discuss a broad
range of genres & texts
Identifying & discussing
themes Make
recommendations to others
Learn poetry by heart
Draw inference & make
Discuss authors’ use of
language Retrieve & present
information from non-fiction
Formal presentations &
Year 5/6 Spring Term 1 Topic Web:
Secure spelling, inc.
homophones, prefixes,
silent letters, etc.
Use a thesaurus
Legible, fluent
Plan writing to suit
audience & purpose
Develop character,
setting and atmosphere
in narrative
Use organisational &
presentational features
Use consistent
appropriate tense
Perform own
Use expanded noun
Use modal & passive
Use relative clauses
Use commas for clauses
Use brackets, dashes &
commas for
Speaking &
Give well-structured
Command of Standard
Consider & evaluate
different viewpoints
Use appropriate
Year 5
Secure place value to 1,000,000
Use negative whole numbers in
Use Roman numerals to 1000
Use standard written methods
for all four operations
Confidently add & subtract
Use vocabulary of prime, factor
& multiple
Multiply & divide by powers of
Use square and cube numbers
Geometry &
Convert between
different units
Calculate perimeter of
composite shapes & area
of rectangles
Estimate volume &
Identify 3-d shapes
Measure & identify angles
Understand regular
Reflect & translate shapes
Interpret tables & line
Solve questions about line
Compare & order fractions
Add & subtract fractions with
common denominators, with
mixed numbers
Multiply fractions by units
Write decimals as fractions
Order & round decimal
Link percentages to fractions
& decimals
Learning is opened
through a key
experience to
engage pupils and
assess their current
End of topic ‘learning show’ to parents in classes, across whole
At the end of each
unit, outcomes are
celebrated with a
‘lock’ event to
secure learning.
school – books and learning displayed, parents invited in to view
work with their children.Learning journey should be clear through
classroom displays that have built up as learning progresses. Home
learning can be brought in to share during the learning show.
Speaking, Listening & Drama Opportunities
Listen and respond appropriately
Participate in discussions
Maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative
Speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of Standard
Participate in debates
Gain and maintain the interest of listeners
Consider and evaluate different viewpoints
Select and use appropriate registers
Gain a deeper understanding of a biome as an ecological
Project Outputs
- Class room environment created by the
children that reflects their learning
-A variety of work based around new
learning, discussions and research. This could
be in the form of writing, drawing, photos,
art work.
-Climate display of learning journey with final
information reports shown.
-Literacy display of learning journey, photos
of debated and the final piece of writing
Children choose a piece of work to publish
for class display
Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their
environment in different ways.
Extended Writing Opportunities
Science Focus
Understand the role of the water cycle in a biome and
understand condensation, evaporation and precipitation.
Short stories - mystery 2 weeks
Know about photosynthesis.
Poetic style 2 weeks
Consider the adaptations of living things in the biome and
how their adaptations have enabled them to survive.
Poetry books
Michael Rosen and Roger McGough poems
Geography: Climate Zones
 Describe and understand key aspects of climate zones,
biomes and vegetation belts.
 Use maps, atlases and globes to locate countries and
describe features studied.
 Define the term ‘biome’ and identify biomes of the world.
 Understand features of biomes, including vegetation, wildlife
and climate.
 Identify indigenous peoples of the biomes.
 Discuss how organisms in a habitat depend on each other,
and rely on light, water and nutrients.
 Understand the role of the water cycle in a biome.
 Understand how organisms adapt to cope with life in their
biome by visiting a biome.
 Understand adaptations of living things by studying closely
and sketching.
 Understand that the threats faced by the various biomes of
the world are serious and urgent.
PSHE &The Drayton Park Way
Phase Assemblies
Children will attend phase
assemblies based the theme
of.......... and how this skill can
help them in their everyday
lives. Children will be explore
inspiration and motivational
life stories.
Short! by Kevin Crossley-Holland
RE: Community and People of Faith - Islam
Yaz to teach Strand 1 - programming
Teachers to teach strand 2 and 3 -
Cross Phase Opportunities
Children to share work
produced during class and
phase assemblies.
Books we are exploring:
Short Stories -
Our Drayton Park Way focus will be Ambition:
 Learning that intelligence and success is
not fixed or predetermined. Even if we
are not good at something now, we can
become so by working hard.
 Learning to always try our best.
 Learning to have high expectations of
ourselves and others.
 Learning that in order to 'aim for the
stars' we something will need to make
mistakes and we must learn from them.
Spanish teacher to continue building on previous knowledge.
Art & Design
Build a Model Eden Project
Using arts and crafts materials, the children construct a
model Eden Project: a representation of a biome of their