December 2009 - College of Southern Nevada

Cheyenne Campus Room 2661
December 18, 2009
Sergio Guzman (Chair)
Robert Aberle-School of Business, Hospitality & Public ServiceLisa Bailey- School of Arts and Letters
Randy Becker-School of Advanced & Applied Technologies
William Clayson – School of Science & Mathematics
Diana Clennan – School of Arts & Letters
Darin Dockstader- School of Education Behavioral & Social Science
Billy Duke-School of Science & Mathematics
Deborah Harbour-School of Science & Mathematics
Doug Nelson-School of Advanced & Applied Technologies
Greg Niemasik-Counseling-ABSENT
Robert Petrucci- School of Health Sciences
Tammy Silver-International Student Center- ABSENT
Leslie Zuckerman-School of Health Sciences
NJ Pettit-Counseling
Jason Cifra-Director of Counseling
Clarissa Erwin – Director of College Library Services- ABSENT
Beverly Jackson-Catalog Production
Hyla Winters-Assoc. VP, Academic Affairs
Pat Zozaya – Registrar
Virginia McRoyal – W32E
1. CALL TO ORDER-Chair Guzman opened the meeting at 9:37am
2. APPROVAL of November 20, 2009 Minutes
Motion to approve the November minutes was made by Doug Nelson and
seconded by Randy Becker; the minutes were approved by majority vote.
Rob Petrucci & Cassie Gentry presented the Curriculum Request
HIT 180B Introduction to Health Information Management…Credit/Hour Change, Edit of
Course Description, Prerequisite Change
HIT 106B Healthcare Reimbursement…Outcome Review, Title Change, Edit of Course
HIT 170B Healthcare Computer Applications… Outcome Review, Title Change, Edit of Course
Description, Prerequisite Change
HIT 184B Introduction to ICD Coding…… Outcome Review, Title Change, Credit Hour
Change, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
HIT 186B Advanced Outpatient coding……… Title Change, Edit of Course Description
HIT 205B Privacy, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Healthcare…Outcome Review, Title Change,
Credit Hour Change, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
HIT 102B Coding for Medical Offices… Outcome Review, Title Change, Credit Hour Change,
Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
HIT 119B Introduction to Pharmacology and Laboratory Tests… Title Change, , Edit of Course
Description, Prerequisite Change
Motion to approved was made by Randy Becker, seconded by Bill Clayson, and approved
by majority vote.
HIT 185B Introduction to CPT Coding………… Title Change, , Edit of Course Description,
Prerequisite Change
HIT 201B Advanced Coding Systems… Outcome Review, Title Change, Edit of Course
Description, Prerequisite Change
HIT 207B Health Information Management..Credit Contact Hour Change, Edit of Course
HIT 240B Healthcare Statistics and Research………………………………… NEW COURSE
HIT 245B Healthcare Quality Management.. Outcome Review, Title Change, Credit Hour
Change, Edit of Course Description
HIT 290B RHIT Exam Prep……………………………………………………..NEW COURSE
HIT 291B Coding Exam Prep……………………………………………………NEW COURSE
Motion to approved was made by Robert Aberle, seconded by Billy Duke, and approved
by majority vote.
AAS-Health Information Technology…Program/Certificate Revision, Gen Ed Requirement,
Special Program Requirement
CoA-Medical Coding………Program/Certificate Revision; Special Program Requirement
Motion to approve was made by Randy Becker, seconded by Darin Dockstader, and
approved by majority vote.
Rob Petrucci presented the curriculum request
MOA 106B The Body in Health and Disease I……Outcome Review, Title Change Edit of
Course Description
MOA 108B The Body in Health and Disease II…………… Outcome Review, Title Change
MOA 120B Medical Office Management …….Outcome Review, Credit/Contact Hour Change
Motion to approve was made by Deborah Harbour, seconded by Bill Clayson, and
approved by majority vote.
Certificate of Achievement, Medical Office Assisting…Program Certificate Revision, Special
Program Requirement
Motion to approved was made by Randy Becker, seconded by Doug Nelson, and approved
by majority vote.
Rob Petrucci presented the curriculum request
SRGT 108B Central Services Practicum….Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
SRGT 207B Clinical Practicum I….Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
Motion to approve was made by Randy Becker, seconded by Deborah Harbour, and
approved by majority vote.
Trish LaFlamme presented the Curriculum Request
ENG 107 Technical Communication I…………………Edit of Course Description
Motion to approve was made by Doug Nelson, seconded by Deborah Harbour, and
approved by majority vote.
Diana Clennan presented the Curriculum
AA Journalism and Media Studies……………………Program Certificate Revision, Special
Program Requirement
Bill Clayson made a motion to reject the AA in Journalism and Media studies, and the
communications dept comply with CSN, motion was seconded by Deborah Harbour, and
approved by majority vote.
Laura McBride presented the curriculum request
AA/English Emphasis…………… Program Certificate Revision, Special Program Requirement
Motion to approve with Dance 101 added to the degree sheet, was made by Doug Nelson,
seconded by Randy Becker, vote was taken with 10-yeah 2-nay, and approved by majority
Diana Clennan Presented the Curriculum Request for Anne M. Hoff
Art 202 Life Drawing II………………………………………………………Prerequisite Change
ART 223 Beginning Printmaking: Serigraphy………………………………..NEW COURSE
ART 298 Portfolio Emphasis………………….Credit/Hour Change, Prerequisite Change
Motion to approve was made by Darin Dockstader, seconded by Randy Becker, and
approved by majority vote.
Patricia Vazquez presented the curriculum request
ENG 272 Queer Literature…………………………………………………….NEW COURSE
Motion to approve was made by Darin Dockstader, seconded by Diana Clennan, and
approved by majority vote.
Leslie Roth Presented the curriculum Request
DAN 119 Swing Dance…………………………Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
DAN 126 Ballroom (Beginning/Intermediate)….Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
DAN 128 Latin Dance…………………………. Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
DAN 133 Jazz Dance (Beginning/Intermediate). Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
DAN 145 Tap Dance (Beginning/Intermediate). Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
DAN 225 Ballroom Dance (Intermediate)…….. Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
DAN 232 Jazz Dance (Intermediate)………….. Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
DAN 244 Tap Dance (Intermediate)………….. Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
DAN 245 Repertory Tap Dance………………..Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
DAN 287 Concert Dance Company……………Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
Motion to approved was made by Doug Nelson, seconded by Deborah Harbour, and
approved by majority vote.
Elfie Manning presented the curriculum request
GER 103 First Year Business German I…………………………………………Number Change
GER 104 First Year Business German II…………………………………………NEW COURSE
GER 204 Second Year Business German II……………………………………. Number Change
FREN 103 First Year Business French I…………………………………………NEW COURSE
FREN 203 Second Year Business French I……………………………………….Number Change
FREN 204 Second Year Business French II…………………………………….Number Change
GER 203 Second Year Business German 1……………………………………….Number Change
GER 232 German Resistance to the Nazis and Hitler……………………….NEW COURSE
German items were approved by Randy Becker, seconded by Leslie Zuckerman, and approved
by majority vote.
FREN 104 First Year Business French II…………………………………….NEW COURSE
Motion to approve French items was made by Doug Nelson, seconded by Leslie
Zuckerman, and approved by majority vote.
Robert Bonora presented the curriculum request
MUSE 165 Steel Drum Band……………………………………………………NEW COURSE
MUS 281B Business of Music II……………………………………………Prerequisite Change
Motion to approved was made by Randy Becker, seconded by Leslie Zuckerman, and
approved by majority vote.
Jennifer Kuk-Bonora Presented the Curriculum Request
MUS 201E Basic Musicianship IE………Number Change, Title Change Credit/Contact Hour
Change, Edit of Course Description
MUS 202E Basic Musicianship IIE……. Number Change, Title Change,Credit/Contact Hour
Change, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUS 207 E Advanced Musicianship IE.. …Number Change, Title Change Credit/Contact Hour
Change, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUS 208E Advanced Musicianship IIE.. Number Change, Title Change Credit/Contact Hour
Change, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUS 201F Basic Musicianship 1F………………………………………………NEW COURSE
MUS 202F Basic Musicianship IIF………………………………………………NEW COURSE
MUS 207F Advanced Musicianship……………………………………………..NEW COURSE
MUS 208F Advanced Musicianship IIF…………………………………………NEW COURSE
Motion to approved was made by Darin Dockstader, seconded by Bill Clayson, and
approved by majority vote.
AA/Music………………………..Program Certificate Revision, Special Program Requirement
Motion to Table was made by Diana Clennan, seconded by Darin Dockstader, and
approved by majority vote.
Robert Donora presented the curriculum request
MUSA 104 Bassoon II…………….Outcome Review, Edit of Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 101 Bassoon Lower Division……………………..Outcome Review, Edit of Description
MUSA102 Bass II…………………. Outcome Review, Edit of Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA103 Bassoon-Lower Division……………………..Outcome Review, Edit of Description
MUSA 105 Cello- Lower Division……………………….Outcome Review, Edit of Description
MUSA 106 Cello II………………… .Outcome Review Edit of Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 107 Clarinet- Lower Division…………………..Outcome Review, Edit of Description
MUSA 108 Clarinet-II………….Outcome Review, Edit of Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 109 Drum Set- Lower Division………..Outcome Review Edit of Course Description
MUSA 110 Drum Set II……Outcome Review Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 111 Euphonium- Lower Division………Outcome Review Edit of Course Description,
MUSA 112 Euphonium II ….Outcome Review Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 113 Flute-Lower Division………………Outcome Review Edit of Course Description
MUSA 114 Flute II……….Outcome Review Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 115Guitar-Lower Division…………….Outcome Review Edit of Course Description
MUSA 116 Guitar II……Outcome Review Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 117 Harp…………………………………Outcome Review Edit of Course Description
MUSA 118 Harp II……….Outcome Review Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 121 Horn-Lower Division …………….Outcome Review Edit of Course Description
MUSA 122 Horn-II………Outcome Review Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 123 Oboe-Lower Division…………… Outcome Review Edit of Course Description
MUSA 124 Oboe II……………..Outcome Review, Edit of Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 127 Percussion-Lower Division………… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 128 Percussion II ………………………..Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 129 Piano-Lower Division ……………….Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 130 Piano II ………..Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 131 Saxophone-Lower Division…………Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 132 Saxophone II.. …Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 133 Syntheseizer/MIDI-Lower Division… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 134 Syntheseizer/MIDII…………….….. Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 135Trombone-Lower Division…….…… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 136 Trombone II… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA137 Trumpet-Lower Division…………. Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 138 Trumpet II… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 139 Tuba-Lower Division… ………..Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 140 Tuba II …. Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 141 Viola-Lower Division…. ……….Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 142 Viola II… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 143 Violin-Lower Division…….. Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 144 Violin II… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 145 Voice-Lower Division………. Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description
MUSA 146 Voice II… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 201 Bass III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 202 Bass IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 203 Basoon III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 204 Basoon IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 205 Cello III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 206 Cello IV…Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 207 Clarinet III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 208 Clarinet IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 209 Drum Set III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 210 Drum Set IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 211 Euphonium III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 212 Euphonium IV…Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 213 Flute III……. Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 214 Flute IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 215 Guitar III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 216 Guitar IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 217 Harp III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 218 Harp IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 221 Horn III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 222 Horn III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 223 Oboe III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 224 Oboe IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 227 Percussion III Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 228 Percussion IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 229 Piano III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 230 Piano IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 231 Saxophone III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 232 Saxophone IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 233 Synthesizer/MIDI III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite
MUSA 234 Syntheisizer/MIDI IV Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite
MUSA 235 Trombone III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 236 Trombone IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 237 Trumpet III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 238 Trumpet IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 239 Tuba III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 240 Tuba IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 241 Viola III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 242 Viola IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 243 Violin III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 244 Violin IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 245 Voice III… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
MUSA 246 Voice IV… Outcome Review, Edit of Course Description, Prerequisite Change
Motion to approve all MUSA items was made by Leslie Zuckerman, seconded by Robert
Aberle, and approved by majority vote.
Diana Clennan presented the Curriculum
AA Journalism and Media Studies……………………Program Certificate Revision, Special
Program Requirement
Bill Clayson made a motion to reject the AA in Journalism and Media studies, and the
communications dept comply with CSN, motion was seconded by Deborah Harbour, and
approved by majority vote.
Robert Aberle presented the curriculum request
Associate of Arts Degree…….Program/Certificate Revision, Special Program Requirement
Associate of Arts –Anthropology Emphasis…Program/Certificate Revision, Special Program
Associate of Arts –Art Emphasis…Program/Certificate Revision, Special Program Requirement
Associate of Arts –Communication Emphasis…Program/Certificate Revision, Special Program
Associate of Arts –Creative Writing Emphasis…Program/Certificate Revision, Special Program
Associate of Arts –English Emphasis……………Program/Certificate Revision, Special Program
Associate of Arts –History Emphasis………….Program/Certificate Revision, Special Program
Associate of Arts –International Languages Emphasis…Program/Certificate Revision, Special
Program Requirement
Associate of Arts –Journalism/Media Studies Emphasis…Program/Certificate Revision, Special
Program Requirement
Associate of Arts – Music Emphasis…………..Program/Certificate Revision, Special Program
Associate of Arts –Philosophy Emphasis………Program/Certificate Revision, Special Program
Associate of Arts –Political Science Emphasis……………………Special Program Requirement
Associate of Arts – Psychology Emphasis………………………. Special Program Requirement
Associate of Arts – Secondary Education Emphasis…..…Program/Certificate Revision, Special
Program Requirement
Associate of Arts –Sociology Emphasis………………………….Special Program Requirement
Associate of Arts –Theatre Studies Emphasis…Program/Certificate Revision, Special Program
Associate of Arts –Women’s Studies Emphasis……….Program/Certificate Revision, Gen Ed
Associates of Science……. ………………Program/Certificate Revision, Gen Ed Requirement
Associate of Science-Biological Science Emphasis… Program/Certificate Revision, Gen Ed
Associate of Science-Chemistry Emphasis… Program/Certificate Revision, Gen Ed Requirement
Associate of Science-Earth Science Emphasis………….. Program/Certificate Revision, Gen Ed
Associate of Science-Environmental Science Emphasis… Program/Certificate Revision, Gen Ed
Associate of Science-Geological Science Emphasis….. Program/Certificate Revision, Gen Ed
Associate of Science-Mathematics Emphasis… Program/Certificate Revision, Gen Ed
AS-Ornamental Horticulture/Environmental Horticulture Emphasis… Program/Certificate
Revision, Gen Ed Requirement
Associate of Science-Pre-Engineering Emphasis… Program/Certificate Revision, Gen Ed
Motion to approve all Degree changes was made by Leslie Zuckerman, seconded by Randy
Becker, and approved by majority vote.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:17 pm
MUSA 119 Harpsichord-Lower Division
MUSA 120 Harpsichord IIMUSA 125 Organ-Lower Division
MUSA 126 Organ II
MUSA 163 Organ for Non-Majors
MUSA 219 Harpsichord III
MUSA 220 Harpsichord IV
MUSA 225 Organ III
MUSA 226 Organ IV
MUS 126 History of Black Popular Music
MUS 140 History of Jazz/Pop Vocal Styles
MUS 171 Arranging/Orchestration
MUS 174 Keyboard Ensemble
MUS 176 Advanced Jazz/Rock Ensemble
MUS 191 Survey of Electronic Music
MUS 236 History of Electronic Music
MUS 237 Analog/Digital Synthesis
MUS 238 Sampling/Sequencing/MIDI
MUS 253 Voice
MUS 257 Woodwind Instruments
MUS 259 Percussion
MUS 261 Drums
MUS 263 Organ
MUS 265 Guitar
MUS 267 Bass
MUS 269 Synthesizer
MUSA 160 Harpsichord for Non-Majors