
Action Plan from 2012/2013 Patient Survey
Two surveys were carried out during November and December 2012: at the Market
Harborough Medical Centre based around the demand for a pharmacy on site and at
The Bosworth Surgery based around existing services and potential new services.
The action points raised from the surveys were discussed at the Patient Participation
Group Meeting on 19th March 2013 and agreed by all members present. The action
points are listed below with an update on each.
Market Harborough Medical Centre:
Open a 100-hour pharmacy on the MHMC site
The Pharmacy opened on 20th May 2013. Market Harborough Pharmacy is the
newest pharmacy in the town of Market Harborough and is located within the Market
Harborough Medical Centre. The pharmacy offers extended opening times evenings
and weekends, seven days of the week, there is easy access and onsite parking
Provide the essential pharmacy services (eg dispensing, repeat dispensing,
disposal of unwanted medicines)
Pharmacy services and professional pharmacist advice are offered to the local
community. Prescriptions that are taken to the pharmacy should be dispensed within
15 minutes. Repeat prescriptions can be taken to the pharmacy, or collection can be
arranged direct from patient’s GP: repeat medication will be ready for the patient
within 48hours either for collection from the pharmacy or delivery. All medicines
are dispensed in child resistant containers unless requested not to. The Pharmacist
can advise on safe storage of medicines. Dossette boxes are also available. The
pharmacy offers a disposal service for unwanted medicines.
Provide over the counter medications
Over-the-counter products are available to purchase from the Pharmacy
Provide a pharmacy and dispensary delivery service
A free home delivery service (subject to terms and conditions) is available.
Provide the advanced pharmacy services (eg medicines use reviews, new
medication service, appliance use reviews)
The Pharmacist can offer NHS Medical Use Reviews: these are a check-up service
for patients taking regular medications and can answer any queries patients might
have regarding their medication and unwanted side effects.
The pharmacist can assist patients with managing long term conditions such as
asthma, emphysema, hypertension, diabetes or heart disease, the pharmacist can
help check that medicines are working and review any side effects that patients may
be experiencing.
Provide the enhanced pharmacy services (eg minor aliments management,
palliative care).
The pharmacy can provide advice on emergency contraception and also issue the
morning after pill and pregnancy tests. They can also help with Travel Health,
Lifestyle Advice and Smoking Cessation Advice.
The Husbands Bosworth Surgery:
Replace the telephone system
A new telephone system was installed at The Bosworth Surgery Spring 2013.
Enable internet appointment booking
GP appointments are now available to book on-line, this is promoted to patients in
the surgery and via the web-site.
Apply for a new purpose built surgery
Introduce a diabetic specialist nurse clinic
Diabetic Specialist Nurse, Sister Zen Manship, holds weekly clinics at The Bosworth
Provide contraceptive coils and implants
Contraceptive coils and implants can now be fitted at The Bosworth Surgery.
Provide joint and muscle injections
These can now be carried out at The Bosworth Surgery.
Introduce nurse practitioner minor illness clinics
Senior Nurse Practitioner, Sister Steph Cowper, now holds clinics at The Bosworth
Provide a dispensary delivery service
Dispensary delivery service is available Monday to Friday.
Provide extended hours appointments at MHMC
Extended hours appointments are available for Husbands Bosworth Surgery patients
on a Monday evening from 6.30 to 8.30pm at The Market Harborough Medical
Provide complex minor surgery at MHMC
Minor surgery for Husbands Bosworth patients is available at Market Harborough
Medical Centre.
Provide substance misuse services at MHMC
Substance misuse service is available for patients at The Bosworth Surgery if