MIDDLETON CHENEY Parish Council Parish Meeting Room Main Road Middleton Cheney Banbury Oxon OX17 2LR PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING & GENERAL MEETING Monday, 20th July 2015 at 7.15 p.m. MINUTES Venue: Parish Meeting Room, Main Road, Middleton Cheney, OX17 2LR. Present: Cllr. A. Youel (Chairman), Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey (Vice-Chairman), Cllrs. A. Deary, P. Dixon, E. Mason Clerk/RFO & District Councillor V. Furniss (Mrs) and Clerical Assistant E. Winn (Mrs). 15/183 Resolution to approve apologies for absence. Cllr. J. Taylor – Family commitments Cllr. C. Bowden – Illness Proposed: Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey 15/184 Seconded: Cllr. A. Deary Members’ declaration of interest in items on the Agenda. There were no members’ declaration of interest in items on the Agenda 15/185 OPEN MEETING. 3 residents attended. One resident explained that an Enforcement Notice had been served on them, their neighbour and the Developer and an Appeal had been sent to the Planning Inspectorate by the appointed Agent. He further explained that he and his wife had been living at the property for one year and they were very concerned regarding the possible outcome resulting in their house being demolished. This could also apply to their neighbour at No.1. The resident was looking for support from the Parish Council with the Appeal. The Chair explained that the Parish Council had received a copy of the Appeal Notice and would be requesting an extension to the deadline set. This topic would be an Agenda item for the September meeting. 2015/76 Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey Clerk: 01295 713500, Email: clerk@middletoncheney.org.uk MIDDLETON CHENEY Parish Council 15/186 Planning, letters, decisions and applications. 15/186.1 Planning Applications No applications were received. 15/1 86.2 Decisions 15/187 S/2015/1093/FUL – 8 Slade Leas Part garage conversion and boundary wall. APPROVAL S/2015/1022/FUL – 9 and 10 Horton Close Erection of single storey extensions to rear elevation. APPROVAL WW1 Memorial – Custodian Trustees – Update Clerk To date, there had been no communication from the PCC. The Clerk said she would send a follow-up email asking for comment on the request sent. Cllr. Deary asked how long an item could stay on an Agenda before it was removed. This topic had been ongoing for several months. It was explained that the only criteria regarding Agenda items was once removed they could not go back on the Agenda for 6 months 15/188 Village Fun Fair – Would this be feasible? All Cllrs/Clerk Discussion took place regarding the feasibility of a Fun Fair for the village. It was felt that although families would enjoy and benefit from this activity, location would be a problem. The Clerk said that she would write back to the company suggesting contacting both the Primary and Secondary Schools. The other possibility would be to liaise with a landowner. Action: Agenda item for September Meeting – Clerk to handle. 15/189 Bovis Estate – B4525 Location of Stile – Agreement All Cllrs. The Clerk circulated to all Councillors a copy of the proposed site/location for the replacement Stile for their consideration. All agreed to the suggested location. Ransom Strip The aspect of the ransom strip was raised. Cllr. Dixon said it would appear a final handover had not taken place with residents. The Clerk said she would write to Bovis to remind them and request the legal documentation is finalised. Action: Clerk to write to Bovis. 2015/77 Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey Clerk: 01295 713500 Email: clerk@middletoncheney.org.uk MIDDLETON CHENEY Parish Council 15/190 ICC Report Finance Working Party Meeting – recommendations. Councillor Youel gave an overview of the recommendations as follows: Stanwell Play Area equipment should be reviewed relating to current legislation and equipment now available. Cemetery charges should be reviewed at the next Cemetery Working party. S137 – additional finance should be added to next year’s Precept. £50 to be set aside for War Shrine planting - allocated yearly expenditure to be taken from Remembrance Day budget. Remembrance Day wreath should be the Civic one this year. Cost would be £50 plus ribbon costs. Bovis Estate – Adoption of Street Lighting – Commuted sum Recommendation for the suggested commuted sum of £40,000 was felt by Councillors to be an acceptable amount. This was a substantial increase on the original amount that Cllr. Youel had negotiated. All Councillors agreed to accept the offer. Proposed: Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey 15/191 S137 – Parish Council Policy – Adoption Seconded: Cllr. E. Mason Clerk/All Cllrs. The Clerk gave an overview to Cllrs. on the Internal Auditor’s suggestion regarding future Grant donations. A number of Parishes had decided to cease donations due to the conflict it caused. Cllrs. felt they would like to continue with Grant donations for those organisations that were struggling. The Clerk said she had prepared a draft policy and she would circulate it for consideration and approval. Action: Clerk to add to September’s Agenda and circulate draft policy to all Cllrs. 15/192 Clerk/RFO Report General report on activities in the office o Grass – Rose Hall Lane – The Clerk had received a complaint regarding the lack of grass cutting. This had been reported to the contractor who in turn has contacted the Sub Contractor to comment and action as soon as possible. o Wall – Yellow bricks – High Street Commercial Centre. Residents, regarding colour of the bricks used on the wall that are not compatible with the existing wall, had approached Cllr Deary. The Clerk had contacted the agent who assured her that the bricks would weather down in time. 2015/78 Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey Clerk: 01295 713500 Email: clerk@middletoncheney.org.uk MIDDLETON CHENEY Parish Council o Grass cutting – Depending on location in the village the Clerk had either received complimentary written communication or complaints. All concerns are addressed immediately. o S106 – Cllrs. had been issued with guidelines on this subject. The Clerk had been informed by Planning that the backlog would shortly be addressed. Clerk to follow through. o Dands Drive – South Northants had issued a letter to residents indicating that a site visit had already taken place. Whereas a site visit was scheduled for Tuesday the 21st July. South Northants had issued an apology to the residents following a complaint from the Clerk. o Village Hall Open Day – Although the Parish Council would not require a table this year it was suggested by Cllr. Mason that the Clerk could forward this information to the Police who are currently seeking volunteers for Parish Constables. o Over hanging vegetation – The office had received concerns regarding some properties where this has not been addressed. The Clerk has given Cllrs. letters to post. o Cemetery tap – We have received a concern regarding the stand for the tap as it was deteriorating. Our contractor has indicated that he will repair this as soon as possible. Special Parish Constables – The Clerk had attended a meeting at SNC. She has been informed that a leaflet drop could take place to all residents at no cost to the Parish Council to see whether interest could be gained. Cllrs. felt this would be welcomed by all residents i.e. to have someone with local knowledge. Road side – car sales – Set-up shop – Grass verge – The Clerk had communicated with Brackley Police and had received a response from the PCSO indicating that residents should ring 101 where this would be checked out. Village/Residential Care Homes – Perceived problems – Concerns relating to the elderly of the village had been raised and the Clerk was addressing these. Play Area Inspections – Astrop & Stanwell – The inspections and costs had been circulated to all Cllrs. with a recommendation to proceed with High Priority topics. In addition, parents had approached the Clerk on upgrading The play equipment. Parents were prepared to help with fund raising. The comparison parents used was with Kings Sutton play area. Community Enhancement Gangs – Work to be carried out at the end of July the community enhancement gangs would be in the village at the end of July. There are four areas that the Clerk had requested, as follows: 2015/79 Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey Clerk: 01295 713500 Email: clerk@middletoncheney.org.uk MIDDLETON CHENEY Parish Council 1. 2. 3. 4. 15/193 Signs to be cleaned at the entrance to the village. Clearing vegetation from footpaths. Wrought iron gates at Tenlands – to be cleaned Wooden posts on the Green – preservative for 64 posts. Office Security – codes – The Clerk had issued codes and instructions on how to operate the new system. Clerk of the Council and RFO roles as at 1 st September 2015 Resolution to approve the role of Clerk/RFO reverting to a paid position as from 1st September 2015 as the voluntary unpaid role ceases on the 31st August, 2015. It was resolved to change the Clerk/RFO’s position to a paid position from an unpaid one as from 1st September 2015. This was a unanimous vote by all Councillors attending. Proposed: Cllr. A. Youel Seconded: Cllr. P. Dixon 15/194 Next meetings Full Council Meeting – 3rd August - Cancelled Planning & General Meeting – 17th August – Cancelled Full Council Meeting – 7th September 2015 Planning & General Meeting, if necessary – 21st September 2015 15/195 Closed meeting – Human Resources (HR) Resolution to exclude the public and the press in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, relating to HR. Signed……………………………….. Chairman Dated …………………….…………. 2015/80 Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey Clerk: 01295 713500 Email: clerk@middletoncheney.org.uk