Imperialism and WWI Quiz

Imperialism and World War I Quiz
1. Which is an accurate statement about the
partitioning (dividing) of Africa by
European imperialist nations during the
A. new nations were based on old tribal
B. European nations did not consider the
cultural and ethnic diversity of the African
C. the continent was divided equally among the
colonial powers
D. African unity was encouraged
2. The purpose of the Berlin Conference was
A. Create trade agreements with African
B. Draw political boundaries, dividing
C. Create rules for European exploration
D. Punish Germany for the damages of World
War I
3. The borders that were established for many
African nations during the late 1800’s were
based primarily on7.H.2.1
A. natural barriers
B. easy access to natural resources
C. territorial claims of colonial rulers
D. cultural differences between ethnic groups
4. The major impact of the Treaty of Versailles on
Germany was that the treaty led to7.H.2.1
A. an era of peace and international good will
in Germany
B. a stable Germany that was both democratic
and strong
C. an increase in Germany’s desire to regain
its power and prestige
D. a leadership position for Germany in the
League of Nations
5. Which of the following was NOT a cause of
World War I?7.H.2.1
A. racism
B. nationalism
C. imperialism
D. alliances
6. After 1880, European nations sought colonies in
Africa primarily because the Europeans
A. in need of land for their surplus populations
B. competing of raw materials and markets
C. determined to bring Christianity to the
Moslem world
D. interested in completing their geographic
knowledge of the world
7. Throughout the 1800’s, an increased need for
both raw materials and new markets for
manufactured goods led various European
nations to pursue policies of7.E.1.1
A. imperialism
B. socialism
C. isolationism
D. communism
8. During the 18th and 19th centuries, increased
contact between European and the
continents of Africa, Asia, and South
America resulted in7.E.1.1
A. closer cultural cooperation between Europe
and these continents
B. the exploitation of the labor and resources
of these continents
C. a return to the political and economic
systems of feudal Europe
D. preservation of the rights of the indigenous
9. Which statement best expresses the motive for
19th-century European imperialism?7.E.1.1
A. Living space was needed for the excess
population in western Europe.
B. European leaders believed imperialism was
an effective method of reducing the number of
C. European nations would benefit from some
aspects of the conquered nation’s culture.
D. Imperialism would benefit the economies
of the colonial powers.
10. The 19th century term “White Man’s Burden”
reflects the idea that7.C.1.1
A. Asians and Africans were equal to
B. Asians and Africans would be grateful for
European help
C. imperialism was opposed by most
D. Europeans had a responsibility to
improve the lives of the colonial peoples
11. The movements led by Mohandas Gandhi of
India and Martin Luther King, Jr., of the
United States are similar because
A. supported attempts to overthrow the
established government
B. advocated civil disobedience to bring
about social change
C. appealed solely to the upper classes for
financial support
D. resulted in their leaders gaining national
political office
British Influence Upon India
British rule had an important effect on India’s way of life. They built schools which taught western values.
English became the second language. A railroad system was built. This helped the economy grow, but also
helped the British to move soldiers throughout the country to keep order. A telegraph system was constructed,
which helped improve communications. Even farmers learned new western methods to help improve crop
production. However, these advances did not help to change the strict rules of the caste system. People were
still bound to their own social class. The lower castes remained illiterate. Traditional religious practices kept the
social structure of the caste system alive.
13. What is one impact NOT listed as a result of British rule on India?7.C&G.1.2
The British language became the second language of India.
The British built a railroad system.
The British provided self-rule in government to the people of India.
The British taught western style farming methods.
Open Ended—Answer the following questions.
14. Define each cause of World War I7.H.2.1
15. List the countries that were a part of the Triple
Entente (The Allies):7.H.2.1
16. List the countries that were a part of the Central
17. What two events forced the United States to
enter World War I in 1917?7.H.2.1
18. List three (3) innovations used during World
War I 7.H.2.1
Short Answer—Answer ONE of the two questions below. Your answer should be thorough and in
Factors such as natural resources, raw materials, technology, nationalism, and economics have all causes global
conflict in one way or another. While studying Imperialism and World War I, we have learned about how some
of these factors have led to global conflict.
Explain how these factors have led to global conflict. 7.H.2.1
Why was there another global conflict so soon after World War I?