The Scramble for Africa
Directions: Answer the following questions using pages 97-104 and the video.
1. Identify Scramble for Africa. What were the European motives for the Scramble for Africa?
2. What nations remained outside of European control?
3. What European nations took part in colonizing Africa?
4. What provided the advantage to the European invaders?
5. What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?
6. What was Europe’s moral justification for the Scramble for Africa?
7. What nations controlled most of Africa?
8. Define indirect rule and direct rule.
9. What was the goal of the French in Africa? Was it successful?
10. Why was a cash crop/money economy necessary in Africa? What are the problems of a single cash crop economy?
11. What was the purpose of the railways built in Africa?
12. What was the aim of colonial rulers? Give an example of a Colonial ruler.
13. Give examples of African resistance. Why did African efforts to resist European imperialism fail?
14. What were the effects of European imperialism on Africa? (Pages 102 -104)
15. What effect did WWII have on Africa?
Effects of European Imperialism on Africa
Directions: Using your answers from question #14 from Scramble for Africa sheet and pages 102-104 from the
text, categorize the effects of European Imperialism on Africa as an improvement or disruption to the African
culture. Explain your answers.
Was European Imperialism in Africa more disruptive or beneficial to the African culture and its people?
Support your answer with evidence.