Immune System Disorders Student Made Fill In

AutoImmune Disorder Student Notes
Addison’s Disease
Addison’s disease attacks the ________________________ gland and disrupts the production of the
hormones ______________________ and ________________________.
The lack of Cortisol in the body affects a person’s ability to deal with ________________, maintain blood
pressure, and have normal ________________________, as well as having a healthy immune system.
Another hormone that Addison’s suppresses is Aldosterone which is important in
________________________, blood pressure, and helps the kidneys deal with the balance of salt and
Alopecia Areata
Condition that causes round patches of ________________________ about the size of a quarter.
White blood cells gather around the affected hair root or ___________________________ and are
mistaken by the body as ________________________which causes mild inflammation and then leads to
the hair becoming weak and falling out resulting in bald patches on the head or on the body.
To test for Alopecia Areata a scalp ________________________ will be done, blood tests may be done
to check for autoimmune conditions and thyroid problems.
Autoimmune Hepatitis
Autoimmune Hepatitis is a disease that affects the ________________________ and causes it to
The immune system attacks the ________________________because it recognizes the cells to be
The medication is a corticosteroid called ________________________.
Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is a digestive condition triggered by consumption of the protein
Symptoms include: ________________________, Bone or Joint Pain, Arthritis. Depression or Anxiety,
Bone Loss, Tingling numbness in hands or fee, Seizures, & Mouth Sores.
You can manage Celiac Disease by being on a ________________________diet; also by taking vitamin
supplements to combat malnutrition.
Crohns Disease
a chronic disorder of unknown origin characterized by inflammation of the
________________________ (GI) tract.
it might be a ________________________, something in the intestines, or even family history, and
scientists now believe it is a combination of all these factors.
Crohn’s disease can affect anyone at any age; however, it's usually first diagnosed in people in their
__________ and twenties.
Goodpasture’s Syndrome
is a rare autoimmune disease that affects both the
The disease occurs when the body's immune system mistakenly produces ___________________ against
and the
____________________ in the lungs and kidneys.
The first signs of Goodpasture’s syndrome may include:
_________________________, Nausea and __________________, ___________________ breathing,
& _____________________ skin
Graves Disease
Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder that is from the ________________________of the
________________________ gland.
Three symptoms of Graves disease are: ________________________ heart rate, sleeping difficulty, &
swelling of the ________________________..
Some treatment options for Graves Disease are: ________________________,anti-thyroid medication ,
& surgery.
1. Chronic ________________________ and body damage.
2. Not infectious or ________________________.
3. Most common symptom: ________________________ rash on cheeks and nose.
Mellitus is an inflammatory autoimmune disease of the ________________________, resulting in a lack
of ________________________.
The glucose level in blood ________________________and cells do not have enough energy for
The lack of insulin leads to increased ________________________________________ glucose!
Multiple Sclerosis
affects the brain and spinal cord; It damages the ________________________ and slows down
messages between the brain and the body.
Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis include ________________________ problems, coordination,
numbness, and even spasticity paralysis.
There is no cure for Multiple Sclerosis but ________________________ and _____________________
therapy are available as well as plasma exchange and medications are ways of treating MS.
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
The name Polymyalgia Rheumatica literally means __________________________________________.
______________ typically affects adults over the age of 50.
Doctors may treat PMR by giving a low dose of ________________________.
Rheumatic Fever
Rheumatic fever is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that occurs when strep throat and scarlet fever
isn’t treated
Causes body tissues to swell
Can lead to the scarring of heart valves, making it harder for the heart to pump blood
Affects the joints, heart, skin, and brain
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic disease that occurs in j________________________of both sides of
the body.
Rheumatoid Arthritis causes your immune system to attack the synovium, resulting in inflammation.
Long-term symptoms ________________________and disability of the joints. Rheumatoid nodules
(lumps of tissue) may also form under the skin.
Scleroderma affects the body by _________________ and tightening the skin and the connective tissue.
When cells make ___________________________ to repair an injury, too much is produced.
The skin tightens, causing the hands to swell and the fingers become white from ___________ blood
Sjogren’s Syndrome
A chronic disorder in which the white blood cells attack the ________________________and tear
There is no known ____________________ to having Sjögren’s Syndrome. However there are very few
contributing factors such as ; viral infections, heredity, hormones.
Because it is ___________________, there is no particular way to prevent developing the disease.
Wegeners Granulomatosis
 Wegeners Granulomatosis is an uncommon of your blood vessels that causes inflammation of the
persons blood vessels, which restricts blood flow to various organs.
 The most common body orientations that are affected are the kidneys, lungs, and upper respiratory tract.
Besides having inflamed blood vessels, Wegener's Granulomatosis produces a type of inflammatory
tissue known as a granuloma, which is found around the blood vessels