Click here for complete info on the Liver Cleanse

Hello and welcome! I am so excited for you to begin cleansing!! I have designed this program thinking of you. This
cleanse has helped many of my patients and I consider it a building block for health. Are you ready to make some
changes? Get your health back and help your body regain balance by cleansing. You can do it!! The next 2 weeks
are going to be a life changer for good!! I personally have heard so many success stories, it is very exciting to know
someone else is about to start!
If you are on facebook, please join our private facebook page: “Detox your way into Health” My wife Gina is very
creative and makes delicious foods for the cleanse!! It’s a great page to connect with others on the cleanse and
stay encouraged.
And with no further delays, let’s get you started! May the best of health be yours! –Doc Nuzum
Dr. Nuzum’s 2 Week Cleanse
This cleanse is designed to improves liver function and overall health.
There are 4 fat burning hormones which all work through the Liver. In fact over 3 quarters of your thyroid function
happens within your liver. A healthy liver will greatly enhance your body’s overall metabolism. This Cleanse works
by cleansing your liver, gall bladder, Colon, Intestines and Lymphatic System making it a whole body cleanse.
The 5 Fat burning hormones in your body are: T3 Which activated the mitocondria (the power generators of every
cell). T4 Which is what T3 comes from. DHEA your anti-aging hormone and Testosterone which is your rebuilding
hormone, and pregnenolone the good mood and antiinflammatory adrenal hormone.
This cleanse reduces the nesecity for cortisol by removing pro-inflamatory substances from the body while at the
same time enhacing insulin sensitivity.
Total time on the cleanse is 14 days. The first 3 days could be a little harder as your body switches from running on
sugar and starts running on and utilizing your stored fats. As the Liver improves, fat can be burnt as energy. Your
body’s receptors for sugar will have to be readjusted, as you become more insulin sensitive. After these two weeks,
most people have a drastic decrease in their cravings and find themselves needing less sugar or sweets to get
through the day, making healthier eating choices. Coming off caffeine can cause you to be somewhat lethargic and
tired, which is typical for about 3 days (may have some headaches due to caffeine withdrawal) You can drink Green
Tea and Herbal Teas throughout the day.
By the 4th day it will be easier and you will notice it less and less as you go on. Your energy level will start to improve
as your sleep improves. Your cravings will decrease and you’ll find you are not as hungry. You may notice that
weight and inches decrease, and aches and pains improve. Some people experience an increased sex drive and even
notice improvement in their hair, skin and nails. As the Liver improves, fat will be burnt as an energy source, and
your metabolic functions will improve.
A Few Guidelines
1. Follow the program all the way for best results!! Your health is worth it!! Organic Foods, Grown at home
and Non GMO are best!
2. Only use Coconut Oil and Avocado Oil if heating the Oil. Other First Press Oils like fresh Olive Oil are ok on
the cleanse.
3. Watch out for sugar!! This includes hidden sugars in sports drinks, juice, protein bars, and yogurt! Read your
labels, High fructose Corn syrup is the enemy!!
4. Hydration is key! Because this gives the body a way to float and flush toxins out of your system. So
remember to have your water container close by (preferably a glass container) You can drink as much water
and herbal teas as you like on this cleanse 
5. Avoid drinking tap water, due to the toxic substances in our water supply, such as birth control hormones,
PCB and heavy metals. Dr. Nuzum recommends Distilled or RO water for detoxing the body.
6. You shouldn’t feel like you are starving, but should be the opposite. You will be eating every 3 hours to
maintain your blood sugar levels, this is extremely important for detoxification. If you starve yourself you
stop detoxing and the body begins to store toxins instead of getting rid of them. This happens often when
we don’t eat frequently enough. So stay on schedule!
7. Eat one Apple a day, 1 Pineapple a week and one pear every other day.
8. Coffee is off the list while on the cleanse, but you can replace it with Green Tea, Yerba Matte or find an
herbal coffee substitute. The reason for this is because coffee clogs up the liver and can increase your
cortisol production. After the cleanse you can drink up to 2 cups of Organic Coffee to avoid all the pesticides
that are in regular coffee grains. If you suffer from adrenal health problems coffee and other stimulants are
not recommended.
9. This cleanse can be done every other month to keep the Liver in top shape. Many of Dr. Nuzum’s patients
feel so much relief on this program that they continue for a longer period of time. When you start
experiencing protein cravings, re-introduce protein foods slowly and gradually. “A camp fire continues to
burn when it is fed 1 log at a time; it is extinguished by 10 logs at a time.” This is an analogy from Doc to
our fat burning metabolism.
Be creative with your foods, you’ll be surprised how good some healthy meals can be!! 
Foods to Eat: You can eat as many of these as you want. I recommend 16 to 24 oz. daily of any combination.
Unlimited Raw Vegetables: 50% of these vegetables should be eaten raw; you may lightly steam the other 50%.
Starchy Vegetables: You should avoid starchy vegetables such as potatoes (fried, baked, mashed or French fries)
also, sweet potatoes or yams in very small amounts, 4 oz or less every 2 days.
Vegetables: Alfalfa Sprouts, Asparagus, Bamboo Shoots, Beets, String Beans, Squash, Chard, Snow Peas, Tomatoes,
Pickles, Seaweed, Water Chestnuts, Celery, Cilantro, Cucumbers, Dill, Eggplant, Garlic, Ginger, Cabbage, Avocado,
Sauer Kraut, Leeks, Onions
Cruciferous Vegetables Are Key: Kale, Lettuce, Radishes, Turnips, Broccoli, Cauliflower, All Peppers, Brussel Sprouts,
Bok Choy, Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Peas, Spinach, Carrots, Olives, Collard Greens and Zucchinis.
Because of the beneficial effects of cruciferous vegetables on the Liver and all of its functions I recommend these be
your main focus. Cruciferous vegetables can promote Iodine depletion, which is required for normal Thyroid
function (This is why cruciferous vegetables are sometimes called Goitergens).
If you are sensitive to vegetables like broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, etc. (experience gas or bloating)
steam them thoroughly.
Grains: During this cleanse it is important you do not consume any grains and products made from wheat, corn,
oats or rice derived products(breads, crackers, pasta, cereal, muffins, pancakes, biscuits, rice, donuts, rice cakes,
etc.) due to their high simple-carbohydrate content.
Coconut products can be used daily. Coconut flour and Tapioca flour can be used instead of regular flour.
You can Eat Quinoa!! Quinoa is considered an ancient grain but it is actually a seed!! It tastes great on its own,
unlike other grains! Add a bit of olive oil, sea salt and lemon juice and - yum!
Quinoa has the highest protein content, so it's perfect for vegetarians and vegans. Quinoa provides all 9 essential
amino acids, making it a complete protein. Quinoa is considered a gluten-free and cholesterol-free whole grain….
Lentils/ Beans (legumes):
Beans and lentils are allowed in this program. Do not consume more than 1/3 the amount of vegetables. I do not
recommend refried beans, or any highly processed bean foods. Soy beans and soy based foods should be avoided
due to their estrogenic properties.
Only consume 1/3 the amount of fruit as your total vegetables (1 cup vegetables to 1/3 cup fruit a day).
 You may eat any of the fruits listed below, but it should only be eaten at designated times listed on the
 You may eat as many apples as you wish at any time.
Apples, Berries, Pineapple (Small amounts), Apricots, Nectarines, Plums, Kiwis, Grapes, Oranges, Lemons/Limes,
Tangerines, Tomatoes, Peaches, Pears, Melons, Avocados, Coconut. Mangos and Bananas are only allowed every 23 days.
Fruits to avoid (because they are low in fiber and slow down sugar absorption):
Figs, raisins, all canned fruit and dried fruit.
Acceptable Proteins: Choose 4 to 6 Oz. of “one” of the following proteins from this list each day and eat with 8-12
Oz of vegetables, may be lightly cooked or steamed vegetables but preferably most of them raw.
Organic Eggs, White fish, Wild caught Salmon (not farmed), Wild caught Sturgeon (not farmed), Organic free range
Chicken and Organic free range Turkey.
Cheese: You can have one of these each day, but not 3 times a day. Feta, Goat cheese, Raw Mozzarella
 You can have Cottage Cheese once a week.
Minimizing the amount of animal protein reduces the stress in the digestive system. This cleanse can be done
purely vegetarian or with the choice of one animal protein from the list daily. But this program should not be done
with any kind of red meat.
I recommend avoiding animal proteins during this cleanse because it will alleviate the stress of digesting heavy
animal proteins in your liver. Heavy saturated fats slow your liver metabolism which slows down the detoxification
In this program where you are eating mostly greens, vegetables and fruit you have to eat more frequently in
order to stabilize blood sugar, avoid hunger and keeping your metabolic fire burning. You must eat for what you
are going to be doing, more calories for more activity and fewer calories for less activity. Normally around day 3 or 4
of this program the cravings, brain fog, fatigue and light-headedness subside. If these symptoms persist you should
eat just enough animal protein (4 - 6 oz.) to get you through. To sustain your calorie intake on this program you
must eat between meals.
You may start with 1 hardboiled egg or 2 - 3 oz. fish with meals. Remember you are trying to avoid Animal Protein
so minimize your portions because it can add to Liver stress. Raw, uncooked proteins are the easiest to digest. If
hypoglycemic symptoms persist (such as fatigue, dizziness or faintness), gradually increase your protein with each
meal. Overeating stresses the Liver and causes calories to be converted to fat.
This cleanse In a nutshell: You will be eating mostly greens, vegetables and fruit, you must eat more frequently,
hydration is key, herbal teas. You will be taking your supplements morning afternoon and night, lots of water and
your cocktail shoot 3 times a day.
No Sugar, No Wheat or any grains, No processed foods, No Coffee, 90% No dairy. And lots of water!!
Dr. Nuzum’s Liver Cleansing Cocktail:
This cocktail should be taken before each meal:
Mix: * Distilled or RO Water (hot or cold)
*1 tsp lemon Juice
*1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
*1 tsp Honey
*RO= Reverse Osmosis
If this is not palatable you may add ¼ cup apple juice. This drink may be taken cold if preferred.
Purpose of Ingredients:
Lemon juice is extremely high in vitamin C, which support a healthy immune system. It helps to thin the bile coming
out of the Liver and is also an astringent which reduces swelling in the Liver.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Vinegar will balance the body's pH, aids electrolyte balance, enhances intestinal environment for the growth of
friendly bacteria, neutralizes acid waste and normalizes acid alkaline balance. Also, it is a very effective Probiotic.
Local Honey
Honey is a natural antibiotic and contains small doses of local pollen that enhance the immune systems tolerance to
these pollens, thus helping alleviate allergies. Also provides essential vitamins, mineral and cofactors. It must be
raw and unfiltered to gain the benefits.
Supplement Intake:
There are 3 supplements you will take that include all of the nutrients you need for this cleanse. These nutrients will
help support a healthy Liver.
Recommended Supplements Needed:
1. Dr. Nuzum's Super Curcuminoids – 4 capsules daily, preferably with a meal
This product contains Turmeric, and Turmeric Extract
The benefits of this product are unique, it is highly beneficial in natural anti-inflammatories, which aids in the
elimination of swelling and pain, and enhancing the healing process. It also increases circulation and mental clarity.
2. Dr. Nuzum's Super Earth Energy – 2 capsules during the AM and 4 capsules at Noon. This product contains
Cordyceps plus Antimony, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Boron, Bromine, Calcium, Carbon, Cerium, Cesium, Chloride,
Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Dysprosium, Erbium, Europium, Fluorine, Gadolinium, Gallium, Germanium, Gold,
Hafnium, Holmium, Indium, Iodine, Iridium, Iron, Lithium, Lutetium, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Niacin,
Nickel, Niobium, Osmium, Palladium, Phosphorus, Platinum, Potassium, Peaseodymium, Rhenium, Rhodium,
Rubidium, Ruthenium, Samarium, Selenium, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Sulphur, Tantalum, Thorium,
Tellurium, Terbium, Thulium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Ytterbium, Yttrium, Zinc,
Zirconium, Amino Acids: Alanin Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Serinine,
Threonine,Tryptophan, Valine.
The benefits of this product are feeling alive and energetic and full of endurance naturally, by
supporting the body's natural ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production. ATP is the basic energy used by every cell
in the body. Enabling each and every cell to do the work that it is designed to do.
3. Dr. Nuzum's Digestive Detox- 4 per day (take in evening just before bed). This product contains Fennel Seed,
Cascara Sagrada, Ginger, Goldenseal, Pumpkin Seed, Buckthorn Root, Licorice Root, Rhubarb, Citrus Pectin,
Acidophilus, Acai, Cape Aloe, Bentonite Clay, Aloe Vera, Cayenne Pepper, Senna, Oat Bran, Prune Juice, and Flax
Seed Oil
The benefits of this product are unique in that they are highly beneficial in increasing the Liver's ability to detoxify.
This aids in the detoxification and the elimination of waste from the Liver, Gallbladder and the intestines.
Final Note
If you have a day that you are unable to follow this program, don't give up, just start again where you left off.
To Your Health and Vitality for Life!
Pregnant and nursing women should not do this cleanse.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products described are not intended to
diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate or cure any disease. Regular exercise and proper nutrition are essential for
achieving your goals.
Congratulations on making the decision to start your cleanse!! As far as the foods, it’s all about keeping it simple and
being prepared! If you work, you must take yourself your snacks and lunch and do some prepping for dinners. If you stay
at home I still recommend that you do some preparation to make this cleanse a smooth go!
There is a basic grocery list that will help you to have healthy foods available
First thing in the morning you will drink 8 oz of water, Dr. Nuzum’s morning supplements and your cocktail drink. This
will begin to change your probiotics in your gut! Cheers!
Then again you will repeat this at lunch and dinner, your supplements and cocktail drink. And remember to drink your
VEGGIES: ( Cruciferous = * )
Alfalfa Sprouts
Cauliflower *
Bamboo Shoots
Cabbage *
Broccoli *
Brussel Sprouts *
Bok choy *
Kohlrabi *
Romaine Lettuce
Kale *
Rutabaga *
Sea Weed
String Beans
All Peppers
Turnips *
Arugula *
Horseradish *
Watercress *
Unsweetened pickles
Butternut Squash
Mustard Greens *
Snow Peas
Chinese Cabbage *
Collard Greens *
All Berries
Melons (all kind)
Nuts and Seeds:
Pumpkin Seeds
Animal Proteins:
Oranges (all kinds)
Pears (all kinds)
Peaches (all kinds)
Sunflower Seeds
Chia Seeds
Wild Tilapia
Tuna (not from a can)
Garbanzo Beans
*Pretty much all beans
Pinto Beans
Chick Peas
* Not Canned
Kidney Beans
Black Eyed Peas
Other Foods you can have:
Butter in small amounts.
Oils: Avocado Oil for salads, cooking and baking. Cold press Olive Oil (not heated only for salads) Coconut Oil for
salads, cooking and baking.
 Butters: Organic Peanut, Almond and Cashew Butter
 Drinks to replace Milk: Coconut Milk and Almond Milk
 Baking: You can bake a paleo style pastry using coconut flour, sweetened by organic maple syrup or coconut
sugar or agave nectar
 Allowed sweeteners: Honey, Organic Raw Maple Syrup, Stevia, Xhylotol, but do keep your sweet intake into a
minimum. You can do a baked item over the weekend, don’t start the week baking, remember this is a detox!
Example: No more than 3 TBSP a day
 Chocolate: you can have pure raw dark chocolate chips mixed in with your nuts and you may also use raw cacao
Mind over matter! You can do this!
We recommend Distilled water for this program, and you will be drinking ½ a gallon to 1 gallon of water a day.
You will need
1 bottle of Bragg Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, 3 lemons every two days, making a total of 21 lemons for the program.
Meal ideas
Berry Smoothie:
Bunch of Spinach
and Basil around
1and 1/2 Cups, 1 C
Frozen Berries, 1 C
Almond Milk or
Coconut Milk and
1/2 C water. May
add some honey
Cucumber slices
1 pear and pecans
Sliced Apples,
Carrots, Almonds
and Celery Sticks
Humus with
1-2 Boiled Eggs
1 small tomato
and Sautéed Kale
in Coconut Oil salt
and pepper to
Green Drink Blend:
1 pear, 3 celery
stalks, bunch of
cilantro, Bunch of
Spinach, 1 tsp
Banana with
a bowl of berries
Handful of
Home-made Cole
slaw: Chopped
Purple cabbage,
Arugula, shredded
carrots and
chopped pears.
Use coconut milk,
Apple Cider
Vinegar salt,
pepper and honey
Vegetable soup
and salad with
Or try a Quinoa
tabbouleh salad
Cali flour-Broccoli
salad with boiled
garbanzo beans.
Chopped up really
small, add
chopped tomato,
onion and parsley.
Lemon juice and
salt and pepper to
Asparagus and Bok
Choy topped with
Feta Cheese, olive
oil and seasoning
of your choice
Green Olives and
Pineapple slices
Green Detox pesto
with raw veggies
Blend: Bunch of
Cilantro, bunch of
parsley small
garlic, 1 TBS olive
oil and black olives
Dip your veggies
and enjoy
Sliced apples with
Almond butter
Vegetarian Chili
and garden salad
Grilled chicken
breast with
Steamed Broccoli
and Mashed
Quinoa and
veggies: Sauté
(Carrots, Onions,
fresh garlic,
Brussel Sprouts,
cabbage, broccoli)
in coconut oil or
avocado oil.
Season with Salt
and pepper
Bomb Chicken
salad: Purple
tomatoes, carrots,
chives, cucumbers,
kale, lettuce.
Chopped all in
small pieces and
mix together, add
chicken at the end
with a vinaigrette
Gina’s Cilantro Turmeric Hummus Recipe
2 Cups of fully cooked chickpeas, also called garbanzo beans (Soak the day before and boil in water, for
proximally 1-2 hours, adding salt in the last 30 min of boil) or use a slow cooker
1/4 cup (59 ml) fresh lemon juice, about 1 large lemon
1 to Half of a large garlic clove, minced depending on your desired garlic level
2 tablespoons olive oil , plus more for serving (Cold Press Olive Oil)
1/2 pink salt, depending on taste
Bunch of Cilantro
1 tsp of Turmeric
2 to 3 tablespoons water
Dash of ground pepper for serving
Blend all ingredients in a blender, don’t overdo it on salt, your chickpeas may have enough salt from when they were
You can make changes to this recipe and give it your own flavor. I truly have a hard time following recipes and make new
things all the time! It makes a great dip to your fresh veggies anytime and also while doing our 2 week cleanse!
Do you want to try something different? Make a carrot lettuce wrap with it
Healthy eating shouldn’t be hard!! Enjoy!! For a healthier you!!
*** Fresh cilantro is great for the liver, kidneys and detoxing from heavy metals! Turmeric is a liver protector and an
ancient Anti-inflammatory! ****
Gina’s No Bake Energy Bites
1 Cup of Raw Quinoa
1/2 C Almond Butter
1/3 C Coconut oil
2/3 C Coconut Flakes Unsweetened
1/2 C Ground Flax Seeds
1 tbs Chia Seeds
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 Tbs Honey
1/4 tsp of pink Salt
Mix well in a bowl, put in the fridge for 30 min to 1 hour so it's easier to form balls. In a small bowl place some coconut
flakes and cover each ball.
**These are delicious!!!
May the force be with you!