TROUT LAKE SCHOOL BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 2015 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Camden McMahon. Other board members present were Brendan Norman, Carl Allaway, Ken BeLieu and Joe Dean. Others present were Doug Dearden, Mckinzie Wurtz, Steve Allaway, Laurie Sherburne, Dave Sherburne and Ethelyn Beeks. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Camden McMahon. 1.0 APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda stands approved with the addition of ATHLETIC TEAMS under 7.1 SUPERINTENDENT REPORT. 2.0 SAY SOMETHING POSITIVE Camden McMahon commented on the fun homecoming activities and the girls’ basketball win during Homecoming Week. Doug Dearden reported that the staff did a great job with homecoming. Carl Allaway stated that he enjoyed the enthusiasm of homecoming and that there was a great crowd. Camden McMahon thanked Laurie Sherburne and the NHS for helping at Cabin Fever Festival. 3.0 HEARING OF VISITORS Laurie Sherburne presented the board with information about the NHS spring trip to Vancouver, BC in April. The NHS would like to take 2 school vehicles for transportation and the students will take their own money for food and extras. 4.0 CORRESPONDENCE The board recognized a letter from the Klickitat County Auditor regarding candidate filing for board members. Ken BeLieu, Carl Allaway and Brendan Norman are up for re-election in 2015. 5.0 STUDENT REPORT Mckinzie Wurtz gave the following student report: There will be a blood drive at Trout Lake School this Friday as part of a senior project, and it is reported that there is a shortage right now due to cancelled drives on the east coast; in sports, the boys’ basketball team did well and improved this year from last; the girls’ team had a good season although neither the boys’ or girls’ teams went to district; homecoming had good reviews for the dance, with a great turnout for the basketball games from the community, and activities were fun and organized; track and golf season is coming up soon. Mckinzie Wurtz reported that ASB meetings were held this morning where they discussed recycling, a healthy option vending machine, and an improved washing station in the shop. Carl Allaway asked how the chromebooks are working out for the students. Mckinzie Wurtz stated that only 3 chromebooks have been broken and repaired and that the students are using them in almost all of their classes. February 18, 2015 Page 2 of 3 6.0 FINANCIALS 6.1 Doug Dearden presented the financial projections for February 2015. The estimated fund balance for February is $577,666. 7.0 INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION 7.1 SUPERINTENDENT REPORT Athletic Teams: Steve Allaway presented a sports survey recently taken and there are only 6 girls in grades 7-12 interested in participating in volleyball and there are 23 girls interested in soccer. Steve Allaway has asked for direction from the board about girls’ fall sports and if a combine should be pursued with another school or not. Enrollment is at 212.29 FTE, 222 total students for February 2015. Levy Update: The Superintendent reported that the levy passed with a 75% majority and that he appreciates all the support in the community. K-12 Principal Search: The Superintendent gave the board an outline of the screening/ interview process for the advertised Principal position and stated that there are about 20 applications so far. Doug Dearden reported that there is a strong pool of candidates. Audit Information: The Superintendent reported that Trout Lake will have a desk audit this year instead of an on-site audit. Homecoming/Spirit Week: No report 7.2 LEGISLATIVE REPORT Ken BeLieu gave a report on the legislative session with the biggest issue being able to find revenue to fund schools. 7.3 FACILITIES REPORT Doug Dearden stated that 2 HVAC units need to be replaced in the gym this summer. There are two companies that are working on quotes for this project. 7.4 STUDENT NEEDS No report 7.5 SMARTER BALANCED TESTING REPORT Doug Dearden stated that this testing is a new transition which will be done with paper and pencil this year and that experts are predicting that reading, writing and math passage rates may be as much as 30% lower on the Smarter Balanced Test. 8.0 CONSENT AGENDA 8.1 BOARD MINUTES The January 21, 2015 board minutes were presented for approval. February 18, 2015 Page 3 of 3 8.2 VOUCHERS AND PAYROLL The Superintendent and Business Manager recommend the approval of the following: General Fund Accounts Payable in the amount of $28,990.21. ASB Accounts Payable in the amount of $ 6,086.44. Payroll estimated in the amount of $174,429. 9.0 ACTION 9.1 CONSENT AGENDA Carl Allaway made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Ken BeLieu seconded the motion. Motion carried. 9.2 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY TRIP Carl Allaway made a motion to approve the NHS trip overnight to Vancouver, B.C. April 1720, 2015. Ken BeLieu seconded the motion. Motion carried. 9.3 SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACTS Carl Allaway made a motion to approve the following supplemental contract: Kelli Sullivan Drama Advisor $1,525.00 Joe Dean seconded the motion. Motion carried. 9.4 CALENDAR FOR 2015-2016 Joe Dean made a motion to approve the school calendar for 2015-2016 as submitted. BeLieu seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ken 10.0 MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 BOARD ACTION CALENDAR AND CHECKLIST The board scheduled a work session on Monday, March 2 at 7:00 PM. 11.0 EXECUTIVE SESSION No Executive Session was held. Carl Allaway made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 PM. Ken BeLieu seconded the motion. Motion carried. _________________________ __________________________ _________________________ __________________________ _________________________ __________________________