BRABOURNE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Annual Meeting of

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
Held at 7.00pm on Monday, 12th May 2014
At Brabourne Village Hall
Cllr Hickmott (Chairman), Cllr Mrs Bewick, Cllrs Joules, Mayland and Spokes, and Mrs Wood (Clerk).
Cllr Howard (ward member), PCSO Huckstepp and Mr Kingston (Community Warden) attended and
three members of the public were present.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs Tanner and Cllr Mrs Young (prior commitments),
and Cllr Miss Martin.
Declaration of Interest
Cllr Joules (OSI): planning application 14/00330/AS.
That election of the following be Minuted.
Cllr Hickmott
Planning Committee
Cllrs Hickmott (Chairman), Mrs Bewick, Mrs Young, Mayland and
Playing Field Association representative Cllr Spokes
Village Hall representative
Cllr Mrs Young
KALC representative
Cllr Mrs Bewick
Declaration of Acceptance of Office
The Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Undertaking to Observe the Code of Conduct was
signed by the Chairman and received by the Proper Officer of the Council
General Power of Competence
That Brabourne Parish Council satisfies itself that it continues to meet the eligibility criteria for the
Parish Councils (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) 2012 adopted at its
meeting held on 19th November 2012; such Power ceasing to have effect if the criteria cease to be
met and unless a further Resolution is passed at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 17 th March, agenda item 8.1 should read ‘3 tree
applications had also been submitted, but these were not out for consultation’.
Subject to this amendment, that the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Meeting of
Brabourne Parish Council held on 17th March 2014 be approved and confirmed as true records.
Matters Arising
8.1 Roads and footways
The leylandii hedge planted on the footway between Prospect Way and Canterbury Road
will be monitored to ensure that it does not overgrow the footway and that the tree roots
do not damage the path.
Flooding in Church Road has been reported to the Joint Transportation Board for action.
Closure of The Street, East Brabourne. Repairs are underway and the road is open out of
working hours. It was noted that not all residents received the notification letter of the
works from KCC Highways.
Problems in Pilgrims Way have been reported but not yet actioned. Highways will be asked
to put down chippings where the surface has degraded.
Green Lane: reported and the potholes marked, but work has not yet started.
Faults should be reported via the KCC website or by phone because the email address is to
be closed for a trial period.
8.2 Registration of The Warren as a village green The application was approved at the KCC Panel
meeting on 8th April. BT had proposed to site a cabinet enabling an upgrade to broadband
speeds on The Warren, but the location was thought unsuitable. The alternative position by the
telephone kiosk had to be approved by ABC because it is ABC land. The Chairman stated that
users of The Warren are covered by the PC’s public liability insurance, but organisers of events
on the green should arrange their own insurance. Cllr Howard advised that the green should be
in the Council’s Assets Register with a nominal value of £1.
8.3 Village handyman scheme A joint meeting with Smeeth, Brook and Mersham Parish Councils
and John Rivers of KALC will be held on 2nd June at 7.30pm in Brabourne Baptist Church.
8.4 Local Needs Housing Letters were sent to all owners of all sites identified in the desk top survey
but only 1 reply was received. This stated that the site had been withdrawn having been put
forward under ABC’s call for sites. Cllr Howard noted that this may change when the new Local
Plan is published; he stated that the sandpits site is in a similar situation which includes a site for
market housing. He welcomed the feedback at the public meeting on the sites submissions, the
additional information provided by residents would be of value when the planners assess the
8.5 Community led plan and emergency plan The Steering Group met on 18th March; analysis of
the data from the questionnaires Is ongoing. The next meeting is on 28 th May.
8.6 Listing of DPIs on the parish website These have now been uploaded.
8.7 Bus shelter at the stop on The Warren A count had been made of users of the stop, the
greatest number being 3 in one 4 hour period. It was agreed that the expenditure would not be
justified by the usage.
Report from Community Warden/PCSO
Mr Kingston reported that ABC is running a litter awareness project in schools, which will be visited
by ‘Sir Litter Not’ to educate the children on littering. It is hoped that ‘pester power’ will prevent
parents dropping litter, leading to a reduction in littering in the borough. Mr Kingston congratulated
the ABC street cleansing team on its swift response to reports of fly-tipping; he confirmed that the
team goes through the waste to try to identify its source. One minor incident of antisocial behaviour
had been reported in Manse Field – graffiti on the hoarding. Mr Kingston reported that he is looking
after an elderly vulnerable resident; he has made contact with the family (who do not live in the
area) and is arranging assessments. He will continue to monitor parking at The Five Bells.
PCSO Huckstepp’s report is attached.
10. Financial Report
10.1 To approve the Statement of Accounts for the year
That the Statement of Accounts for the year 2013-2014 be approved.
10.2 To approve the Annual Return
That the Annual Return for the year 2013-2014 be approved.
10.3 Resolved:
That the following payments be agreed in accordance with the Budget.
KALC subscription
Zurich Municipal (insurance renewal)
Zurich Municipal (insurance renewal – additional premium)
South East Water (allotments)
S Wood (gross salary April)
S Wood (gross salary May)
D Ansley (salary) (27 hrs @ £6.31/hr)
Harmer and Sons
M Hickmott (travel expenses)
Lloyds Bank interest
Street cleansing grant
VAT refund
Concurrent Functions Grant
Council Tax Support Grant
Allotment rental
Balance: £ 25030.58 (cheque and deposit account) at 12th May 2014
£ 668.00 (No 2 account for CLP and EP group)
10.4 To consider quotes for the Parish Council noticeboard
The Clerk presented 3 quotes and was asked to bring additional information to the next
10.5 To consider replacement of the defibrillator cabinet
The Clerk reported that the defibrillator is housed in an internal cabinet located on an external
wall. The cost of a cabinet suitable for external use is approximately £160.
That Brabourne Parish Council will contribute 50% of the cost of an external cabinet, up to a
maximum contribution of £125.
10.6 To consider a request for a donation to Victim Support
The request was refused.
11. To Receive the Report of the Planning Committee.
The Chairman of the Planning Committee reported on 10 planning applications:
12/01439/AMND/AS Land adjacent to 5 Manse Field
14/00450/AMND/AS Woodsmoke, Hampton Lane
(not out for consultation because they are a Non-Material Amendment)
The Planning Committee recommended that the following applications be supported:
14/00040/AS Byways, Hampton Lane
14/00292/AS Hampton Bungalow, Hampton Lane
14/00498/AS Little Foord, Bulltown Lane
The Planning Committee recommended that no objection be raised to the following applications:
14/00235/AS The Piggery, Penstock Hall
14/00300/AS Three Ways, Scots Lane
14/00330/AS Bircholt Court, Bircholt Lane
14/00433/AS Martlets, Pilgrims Way
The Planning Committee recommended that the following comments be submitted on
14/00502/AS Missingham Farm:
Is an application for a Lawful Development Certificate the appropriate procedure for removal of an
agricultural tie; will the removal of the tie if permitted extinguish the current business use of the site.
That the Parish Council accepts the recommendations of the Planning Committee.
11.1 Procedure for dealing with planning applications
Difficulty was reported by councillors in handling the many emails received in all their capacities,
and a lack of response to planning application consultations was noted. To facilitate viewing of
applications online, the Clerk will circulate a hyperlink to the Planning Committee with the
application number in the Subject bar; this will be followed by a reminder to any councillor who
does not respond with comments. Councillors will reply to all with their comments.
12. Report from KALC Representative
The main topics discussed at the meeting of 26 th March included Precepts set by member councils,
Highways issues (particularly problems with drainage), and an update on the waste contract –
targets have been comfortably exceeded. The next meeting is on 21st May.
13. Allotments project
The Allotments Society had expressed concerns regarding trees adjacent to the access to the site;
the trees are subject to TPOs and are on the boundary between Pemsey Farm and The Plough Inn
but ownership is unclear. Following a site visit by Linda Cross (Tree Officer, ABC) a survey of the
trees was carried out by Keith Tait (tree surgeon).. A report on recommended remedial work has
been received from Mr Tait.
That the Parish Council accepts Mr Tait’s report and quotation for the recommended works.
It was noted that the Parish Council has a duty of care to allotment holders, there is a public
footpath crossing Pemsey Farm, there is a risk of potential damage to the Plough Inn and to users of
the pub garden. The Clerk is to contact the owners of Pemsey Farm and Shepherd Neame to ask for
a contribution towards the works identified in Mr Tait’s report.
The Allotment Society had identified a slip risk on the site access, Shepherd Neame has agreed to the
Society’s proposal to put down gravel to ameliorate the risk.
An additional plot has been taken.
14. Listing The Plough Inn
The Chairman reported that The Plough Inn is not listed and that a previous application failed.
Enquiries are to be made regarding listing the façade and older parts of the interior; listing of the
whole building may adversely affect future proposals to upgrade the interior.
15. Review of Standing Orders following repeal of s150 of the LGA 1972
The Clerk reported that repeal of this section of the 1972 Local Government Act removed the
requirement that cheques or orders for payment should be signed by at least 2 councillors. This
permits payments to be made electronically, but authorisation must still be by at least 2 councillors.
Difficulties with multiple authorisation were reported by councillors and it was agreed that there
would be no change to Standing Orders.
16. Summer fete
The Clerk reported that sample 2-way radios will shortly be tested by Mr Clayton, following which
suitable sets will be purchased. The Chairman noted that there are no plans to hold the Dog Show
on The Warren at this year’s fete.
17. Open Session
17.1 Mr Marsh raised concerns about concrete blocks on a verge in The Street, East Brabourne,
which he felt posed a safety hazard. These concerns are to be passed to KCC Highways.
17.2 Mr Willis asked if a Risk Assessment had been carried out before hoarding was put up at
Manse Field, given that it was obstructing the footpath. Cllr Howard replied that an
assessment had been carried out by the Fire Officer and the Health and Safety Officer.
17.3 Mr Willis requested that the hoarding be painted green to eliminate glare.
17.4 Remedial works to the trees on The Warren have been carried out.
17.5 Mrs Bartholomew welcomed the reduction in traffic with the closure of The Street, and asked
if quiet surfacing could be put down.
18. Any Other Business
18.1 Cllr Spokes reported success in the Ashford League by teams from the Smeeth and Brabourne
Football Club: the U16s won the Ashford League Cup for their category; the U14s were
runners-up; the U10s won the cup. The teams were congratulated by the Parish Council.
18.2 Cllr Spokes stated that tenders had gone out and a contract awarded for refurbishment of the
playing field, but a decision on the grant application to fund the works has not yet been made.
The works will cost £77,000 and the contractor has estimated that they will take 4 weeks. It
was noted that as well as bringing the Club back to the village, the schools will also benefit
from a full size pitch in the village.
18.3 Cllr Howard reported that no appeal to the Planning Inspectorate had been lodged by The
Alders. Before enforcement the occupier will be given the option to change the extension to
comply with the original permission.
The Traffic Commissioner has granted the application for an extension to the licence at The
Gables, Fiddling Lane. A planning application for change of use (retrospective) will be
18.4 The Chairman and Chairman of Smeeth Parish Council attended the St George’s Day Parade.
18.5 To commemorate the outbreak of the First World War a non-denominational Drumhead
service will be held on 15th June; the venue has yet to be confirmed but is likely to be on The
Warren – the PC has no objection. The service is so-called because drums were set out as an
altar on the battlefield.
18.6 Comments on the DCLG Transparency Code for Councils with a Turnover of less than £25,000
have been submitted by the Clerk.
18.7 The Chairman has submitted a response to the NALC policy questionnaire.
18.8 Cllr Howard confirmed that the ABC Member Community Grant will continue in 2014-2015,
and invited applications from PCs. The REME had marched through the High Street,
exercising its right as a holder of Freedom of the Borough; other regiments with the Freedom
will also march in the coming years to mark the centenary of the First World War. The
Community Covenant has been signed by ABC – this is similar to the govt’s Military Covenant
and supports service families. There will be a link on the ABC website enabling residents to
sign to support the Covenant. Richard Graham was thanked for his efforts with respect to the
19. Dates for meetings in 2015
Monday 19th January, 16th March, 18th May, 20th July, 21st September and 16th November.
20. Date and Time of Next Meeting
Monday 28th July at 7.00pm in Brabourne Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm.
This is the police report for Brabourne Parish Council’s May meeting.
There have been two recorded crimes in the village in the last two months.
The first was in relation to a burglary in Canterbury Road. It appears that offenders have tried to gain
access to the premises by throwing a brick through a rear window. They have then attempted to gain
access to the location, however it appears that the alarm has sounded and offenders have then made off.
No entry appears to have been gained and it appears that nothing has been taken.
The second was in relation to a theft on the Canterbury Road. Here offenders have made off with a trailer
that was left at the location. The trailer was not visible from the road so it appears that the offenders may
have known it was there and have targeted it. To get the trailer from the location the offenders have cut a
fence post to gain an entry point to the location.
We have seen a rise of shed break-ins in rural locations recently so with this in mind I would advise
everyone to consider increasing their security around any outbuildings they may have. This can be done
relatively inexpensively by investing in a shed alarm. These can be purchased from any DIY store and are a
good way of deterring any potential offenders. They are easy to install and use and it is a small price to
pay for peace of mind.
This month I have also been spending time with the community speed watch team in Smeeth and
Brabourne. I have been attending when they have been in the village carrying out speed watches and it
has been very successful. We have been taking registration numbers of people that are speeding in the
village and then the results are sent to our roads department who send letters out to anyone who is
caught speeding. Hopefully this will help to reduce the problem of speeding in the area.
All in all it has been a very good couple of months with very few incidents to report.
Police Contact Points for May:
28 May 2014 12:00 - 13:00 Police Contact Point at Outside the Village Hall, Roman Road, Aldington,
I will also be holding a surgery at the village store on 10 Jun 2014 15:30 - 16:00
PCSO Andrew Huckstepp 58551