America Looks Back

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America Looks Back
hoped to establish a colony and find valuable
materials. They got more than they bargained for.
The colonists experienced hunger, violence, and
hopelessness in the unfamiliar setting, where they
had trouble raising crops and had violent encounters
with Native Americans. Yet even with all these
troubles, Jamestown became a permanent settlement
that left a lasting mark on American history.
The English settlers were not the only key
On May 13, 1607, the Jamestown colonists came ashore of what
would become the first permanent English settlement in North
America. Painting by Sidney E. King, courtesy Colonial National
Historical Park
players in the Jamestown story; there were also
Africans and Native Americans. The Jamestown
settlers brought the first Africans to the New World
JAMESTOWN, Virginia. In 1607,
in 1619; eventually, Africans and African
colonists from England arrived in what is now
Americans were forced into slavery. The settlers
Virginia. There, they established Jamestown, the
also made contact with the Native Americans of
first permanent English colony in America. This
Virginia. At times, relations between these two
year, Americans commemorated the anniversary of
groups were violent, partly because Native
the founding of Jamestown and its influence on the
Americans were concerned that their land was in
nation's culture and values.
jeopardy. In fact, in the decades and centuries after
On May 13 2007 a ceremony honoring the
400th anniversary of Jamestown was the
centerpiece of an elaborate 18-month
Jamestown was established, Native Americans
would lose their land to white settlers.
In a speech given at the ceremony, President
commemoration that officials had been planning for
Bush hailed the nation's humble beginnings as a
a decade. Virginia has thrown major Jamestown
reminder that new democracies require huge
celebrations every 50 years, but this one gave more
sacrifice. In fact, Jamestown was the birthplace of
recognition to three cultures—English, African, and
democracy in America. In 1619, the Virginia
Native American—all of which were present at
Company formed America's first representative
Jamestown in the 17th century.
assembly, which allowed the settlers to elect their
Jamestown was founded in 1607 as a
own representatives in the colony's governing body.
commercial venture. The Virginia Company of
This assembly was an early version of today's
London sold stocks to people in England who hoped
Congress, whose members are elected to represent
to make a profit from the resources of the New
the American people in government.
World. It then sent settlers to America. The settlers
President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush
also explored the site, first by taking a walking tour
recreations of the colonists' fort and a Powhatan
of Historic Jamestowne, where archaeologists are
The Bushes also looked ahead to future
still unearthing remains. The president marveled at
celebrations of Jamestown. They contributed items
a new find—a hilt basket, which was a hand guard
to a time capsule to be opened at the next grand
that went around a sword's handle. President Bush
celebration, in 50 years. The items included a letter
then strolled through the Jamestown Settlement,
from the two of them, a gold coin, and items from
where early 17th-century living is reenacted. The
Queen Elizabeth's recent visit to the White House
settlement features replicas of the three ships that
from Britain.
sailed from England to Virginia, along with
At Jamestown, history continues to be made.
commemorate (verb) to honor the memory of somebody or something
jeopardy (noun) risk; danger
reenact (verb) to act something out that has already happened
replica (noun) an exact copy
anniversary (noun) the day when an important event happened in the past
assembly (noun) a lawmaking body
culture (noun)
the beliefs or customs of a group of people
recognition (noun)
credit, praise, or thanks
Multiple Choice: Circle the letter of the choice the best completes the statement. (2 points each)
1. Which of these had not yet happened when this
article was written?
A. The time capsule for the next grand celebration
had been opened.
B. President Bush delivered a speech during the
celebration of the 400th anniversary of
C. President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush
explored the Jamestown Settlement.
D. The time capsule had been filled with items
from President Bush and Queen Elizabeth.
2. The best alternate headline for this article would be
A. Jamestown History Reenacted During
B. Jamestown Colony Established in 1607
C. Jamestown Settlement Features Ship Replicas
D. Jamestown Celebration Honors Three Cultures
3. Think about the following passage from the article:
The settlers hoped to establish a colony and find
valuable materials. They got more they bargained
for. The colonists experienced hunger, violence, and
hopelessness in the unfamiliar setting, where they
had trouble raising crops and had violent
encounters with Native Americans. The author's
purpose for including this passage was to __________.
A. Provide background history about the settlers
of the Jamestown colony
B. Illustrate the differences between the colonists
and the African Americans
C. Compare the hardships of the Jamestown
colonists to the hardships of Native Americans
D. Describe the first democracy created by the
Virginia Company in 1619
4. Which is the closest synonym for the word
A. Circulated
B. Authorized
C. Memorialized
D. Diminished
5. Based on information in the article, how did the
400th anniversary celebration of Jamestown differ
from celebrations in the past?
A. The 400th anniversary celebration had
archaeologists unearthing remains during the
B. The 400th anniversary celebration had replicas
of the three ships that sailed from England to
C. The 400th anniversary celebration gave more
recognition to the Virginia Company and
D. The 400th anniversary celebration gave more
recognition to English, African, and Native
American cultures.
6. The article says all of the following about the
founding of Jamestown except __________.
A. The settlers tried to return to England after they
had colonized Jamestown.
B. The settlers made contact with the Native
Americans of Virginia.
C. The Virginia Company formed America's first
representative assembly.
D. The Virginia Company of London sent settlers
to America.
7. Complete the following analogy. Genuine: Copy:
Original : __________
A. Colonist
B. Sponsor
C. Debris
D. Replica
8. Which sentence fits best into the second paragraph
of the article?
A. Recognizing how the settlers lived helps people
understand the history of Jamestown.
B. President Bush delivered his speech during the
second day of the celebration.
C. Recognizing the significance of the three
cultures completes the story of Jamestown.
D. President Bush spoke from the place where the
country's roots began centuries ago.
Opinion Question: Now that you have read the article, indicate in the space whether you agree or disagree with this
statement. What do you think was the most important part of Jamestown's 400th anniversary celebration? (5 points)
Thought Question: In the space below write a summary of today's article. (5 points)