Call for 2016-2017 Research Proposals

Call for 2016-2017 Research Proposals
The PTLC is a comprehensive, collaborative program that offers access to supportive expert
educational research programs, financial support from the Office of the President, the campus
Provosts, and a structured plan for completion of a classroom research project. The
Collaborative is committed to establishing the University of Colorado as a leader in research
and scholarship on teaching and learning. The Collaborative will focus on projects emphasizing
student learning and assessing of course learning.
The goals of the collaborative include: fostering inquiry and leadership for the
improvement of student learning, developing and synthesizing knowledge about learning and
teaching through publication in peer-refereed journals in two years’ time, and promoting
institutional change in support of the scholarship of teaching and learning. To read more about
the PTLC, visit:
In addition to individual proposals, the Collaborative wishes to consider proposals from
two Faculty Researchers representing two different disciplines. Because interdisciplinary
research has strong advantages for learners as well as for innovative pedagogies, we invite
them. If accepted, one budget or $1550 will be allowed and it is the case that the two Faculty
Researchers will teach together in each class as opposed to teaching alone.
Contents of this document
Introduction: Page 1
Who is eligible to apply? Page 2
What are the benefits and expected commitments? Page 2-3
How do I apply? Pages 3-5
Collaborative Timeline: Page 5
Contact Information: Page 5
Who is eligible to apply?
All faculty members and teaching professors on any campus of the University of Colorado are
encouraged to apply. We seek faculty with a record of innovation in teaching and/or
assessment of learning as well as those just beginning to examine their teaching and their
student’s learning. Experience in educational research is not a requirement. The aim of the
program is to broaden participation of faculty in effective inquiry in learning and teaching.
Familiarity with the literature on learning and teaching in one’s discipline is an ongoing
necessity, and the goal of the program is that PTLC participants publish their research.
You must be a faculty member who is currently engaged in teaching. We do not accept
proposals to evaluate programs.
Do not apply to the President’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative and to the Teaching
Scholar Program, Anschutz Medical Campus simultaneously.
What are the benefits and expected commitments?
1. Funding from the Office of the President. Faculty Researchers will receive funding from the
Office of the President and campus Provosts totaling $1,550 in support of their research.
Use of funds may include an allocation for a student research assistant, travel to present
one’s research, or purchase of necessary equipment.
2. Meeting with Coach every semester. Each Faculty Researcher accepted into the
Collaborative must meet at least once a semester with her/his Coach to define, clarify, or
revise their research project. The Coach is someone with experience in researching teaching
and learning. This person has submitted proposals to the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
previously and has experience with that process. In the summer of your acceptance, you
will present the literature review to your coach. Thus, the Faculty Researcher and Coach
will meet one-on-one at least once each semester to advance the researcher’s project. We
ask the applicant to name the Coach in their application; if unable to locate a Coach on your
own, please seek the assistance of your Campus Faculty Director (contact info on p 5-6).
3. Meeting with campus-specific group every month. Faculty Researchers will meet monthly
for progress reporting as a cohort group. Attendance at these monthly meetings is
mandatory for membership in the Collaborative. Some of these meetings will include
instruction in different facets of education research. Attendance by your Coach is
encouraged, but not mandatory. Your Campus Faculty Director will contact you regarding
these schedules.
4. Incoming Cohort Training. The incoming 2016-17 cohort of Faculty Researchers and their
coaches are required to attend this training. It will be held on the Anschutz Health Campus
on Thursday, June 23rd, 2016, from 10:00-1:00PM (lunch provided). Attendance is
5. Poster Session and meeting with entire Collaborative twice a year. The celebration of
teaching and learning poster session to launch the cohort will take place on Thursday,
September 14, 2016, from 10:00 to 2:00PM. The meeting and poster session to culminate
the Faculty Researchers’ efforts for the school year will take place on Tuesday, May 17,
2017, from 10:00 to 2:00. These two mandatory meetings will be held at the Anschutz
Health Campus in Denver and lunch will be provided.
6. Approval by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB process should begin the summer
of application acceptance and completed prior to your attendance at the launch meeting on
September 14, 2016. This review may take up to six weeks depending on the proposed
project. Your PTLC Coach, Campus Faculty Directors, and the Campus Librarian Facilitators
should be consulted to assist in this process if needed. You may not begin collecting data for
your research project prior to gaining IRB approval. For information about the IRB process
on your campus see
7. Maximum of two years in the Collaborative. Participation as a Faculty Researcher may
include two years’ time at the most. You are expected to participate for one year (Sept 14,
2015 through May 17, 2017); however, you may extend your time as a Faculty Researcher
by one year if you have not yet completed your work and submission of a research article to
a peer-refereed journal though there is no additional funding for the second year. You must
formally apply for an extension with Mary Ann Shea at no
later than August 1, 2017.
8. Submission of a peer-refereed research article. The goal of the Collaborative is to have
submitted a research article to a peer-refereed journal no later than the PTLC entire-cohort
meeting on May 16, 2016. If you have not submitted an article by that date, you may apply
by written request to extend your time in the Collaborative by one year.
9. Local presentation of PTLC research. During your year(s) of membership as a Faculty
Researcher, the PTLC requires each participant to formally present their work on their
respective campuses. Presentation includes departmental meetings and campus colloquia,
among other venues. This communicates awareness to peers of both your scholarship and
of the PTLC. We also request you submit record of all presentations related to your PTLC
research to your Campus Faculty Director.
10. Future participation as a Coach. Because the growth of the PTLC depends on investigators’
willingness to Coach future PTLC investigators following their term in the program, each
researcher is expected to participate as a Coach in the following year.
How do I apply?
All application materials must be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to between December 14, 2015, and May 18, 2016. Please scan all documents
into one PDF file for ease of review – multiple files or documents will not be accepted.
Applicants will be notified by June 1, 2016 of the Review Committee’s decision.
1. Cover sheet with the following information:
a. Name
b. Job Title and/or Academic Rank
c. Institution
d. College or School
e. Department or program
f. Discipline and/or professional field
g. Campus address
h. City, state, ZIP code
i. Phone numbers (cell and private office line)
j. Email address
k. Title of your proposed project
l. Name, title, department, and email address of your coach
2. Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (no more than one page) 3. Letter of proposal (no more than four pages double-spaced and paginated, with your name in
the header of each page) answering the following questions:
a. What is the central question, issue, or problem you plan to explore in your proposed
b. Why is your central question, issue, or problem important to you and to others who
might benefit from or build on your findings?
c. How do you plan to conduct your investigation? What sources of evidence do you plan
to examine? What methods might you employ to gather and make sense of this
evidence? What literature search have you completed with a PTLC campus librarian
professor and what literature have you reviewed on your topic?
d. How might you make your work available to others in ways that facilitate scholarly
critique and review, and that contribute to thought and practice beyond the local?
(Keep in mind that coaching/mentoring will be available to invite you to develop these
aspects of your proposal, so you need not feel you must present a finished project
design at this time.)
e. Include a literature review of the theory and effective teaching practice of the subject of
your inquiry in order to locate your research in the literature preceding it. (The website,, offers expert advice on how to conduct a relevant
literature review.)
f. What is your record of innovation in teaching and/or the assessment of learning?
4. Agreement to PTLC requirements, with answers to the following questions:
a. Can you attend the required 2016-17 PTLC Cohort Training on June 23, 2016?
b. Can your coach attend the 2016-17 PTLC Cohort Training on June 23, 2016?
c. Are you able to meet with your Coach every semester?
d. What is the name and email of your Coach?
e. Can you meet with the campus-specific group every month?
f. Can you attend the two Collaborative-wide meetings this year on September 14, 2016
and May 17, 2017?
g. If your project is selected, are you willing to serve as a coach/mentor in PTLC in a future
h. Is your literature review on your topic completed?
5. A letter of nomination from department chair or unit head (adapted from the UC Denver
School of Medicine)
a. Chair’s contact information
i. Current academic rank
ii. Mailing address
iii. Department
iv. Phone
b. Please indicate ways in which the candidate’s PTLC participation might benefit the
department, including opportunities to share research results with peers and students.
Collaborative Timeline
Summer 2016
Wednesday, May 18, 2016: Proposals due
Wednesday, June 1, 2016: Notification of acceptance to PTLC
Thursday, June 23, 2016: Required 2016-17 PTLC Cohort Training 10:00-1:00
Complete the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Process, including completing the
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Tutorial
Fall 2016
Spring 2017
Summer 2017
Wednesday, Sept 14, 2016: Required launch meeting and Poster Session, Anschutz
Health Campus 10:00-2:00 p.m.
May 17, 2017: Required cohort meeting and Poster Session, Anschutz Health Campus
10:00 a.m.-2:00 pm
August 1, 2017: Extension requests due to Mary Ann Shea at
Contact Information
PTLC Main Office
Mary Ann Shea, Program Director
(303) 492-1049
UCB Campus, ATLAS Room 235
Graduate Research Assistant
Program Assistant
Campus Faculty Directors
Campus Librarian Facilitators
Professor Suzanne MacAulay
Art History
Professor David Rickels
Music Education
UCD – Downtown campus
Professor Donna Sobel
Center for Faculty Development
Professor Kari Franson
School of Pharmacy
Professor Sue Byerley
Kraemer Family Library
Professor Caroline Sinkinson
University Libraries
UCD – Downtown campus
Professor Orlando Archibeque
Auraria Library
Professor Lisa Traditi
Health Sciences Library
303.724.2141 5