www.mcd.edu.au CRICOS Provider Vic 01037A, SA 03306B Application for Audit Coursework Enrolments 2014 Instructions 1 Provide certified copies of official academic transcripts of all relevant tertiary courses. ‘Certified’ means a signed statement by an authorised person (including Registrars, Deans, Coursework Coordinators and academic records staff in your home College) that they have sighted the original. 2 Provide certified copies of your birth certificate, current passport or other official documents verifying your citizenship status in your current name. If you have changed your name from the name on your proof of citizenship and or academic transcripts, please provide proof of change of name. Students must enrol in the name indicated on their certified ID documentation. 3 Audit units are to be enrolled using this Audit Application form. Please do not use the re-enrolment form. If needing to withdraw from any Audit units, you may use the Coursework Change of Enrolment form (by filling in the ‘units to withdraw’ section). If using the Change of Enrolment form; NO other course details or changes are to be recorded on the same form, i.e. please use a separate form. 4 If you have enrolled in any Audit units with the same College previously, you will not need to supply academic transcripts or citizenship documents, unless they have been updated. 5 Complete this form, except the sections marked Coursework Coordinator to complete, and submit the form to the Coursework Coordinator / Registrar at your College. 6 If your College permits, you may complete and submit this form electronically. If so: type your name in the signature field on the form obtain from your College the email address to which you should send the form send the form to that email address from your email address you have used in the form. 7 Make an appointment with the Coursework Coordinator, who will discuss your course and complete the application with you. 8 You must pay Upfront for tuition fees. Authorization for payment by credit card or payment by cheque/money order is required with re-enrolment. FEE-HELP is not available for audit enrolments. Please complete Method of Payment in the Tuition Fees section. Your application is not complete until fees have been paid. 9 If a third party is paying your tuition fees, include a letter or official confirmation from the third party accepting responsibility for payment of fees. 10 You will be sent an enrolment summary confirming your request. Students, please fill in the box directly below and then continue to: Personal Information Please insert your full name as per Item 2 above: I have included the following: (Please note: documents must be certified) Current ID such as Passport, Citizenship, Birth Certificate Academic Transcript/s Payment details Office use only MCD ID: College ID: Complete, consult, sign & submit to your College Audit2014PGUGCourseworkVer9Oct13 Page 1 of 5 PART A – Personal Information NB: You must advise your College in writing of any changes to contact details. Title: Family name (official): Given names (official): Preferred name: Suffix: Postal address: Town: State: Postcode: Country: Residential address (if different): Town: State: Postcode: Country: Home telephone: Day telephone: Mobile: Email address (compulsory): please PRINT Date of birth: _ _/ _ _/ _ _ _ _ Gender: Male Diocese / Congregation (optional): How did you hear about us? Denomination (optional): Occupation (optional): Emergency contact name: Emergency Contact Relationship: Female (mark one) Emergency Contact Details (Mobile and or Telephone details): PART B – Course of Study (mark one) Note for students regarding Audit units: FEE-HELP is not available. Audit Undergraduate (AudUG) Audit Postgraduate (AudPG) Home College (mark one): Note (abbrev) to be used in units section Further notes for students intending to Audit a Unit: 1. Some colleges of the MCD may require an 'Audit' student to obtain the permission of the unit lecturer by email prior to enrolment, which should be attached to the admission form. Students should check with their Home College Course Coordinator / Registrar at the time of enrolment. 2. Students are not required to undertake assessment and cannot expect to receive feedback on any assessment they choose to complete. 3. Students have borrowing rights at their home College Library only. 4. Students may be required to take part in class activities such as class presentations. 5. Students must repeat the unit, pay full fees and complete assessment should they wish to credit it towards a degree. Australian Lutheran College (ALC) Catherine Booth College (SABC) Catholic Theological College (CTC) St Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Theological College (SACOTC) Stirling Theological College (STC) United Faculty of Theology (UFT) Whitley College (WHT) Yarra Theological Union (YTU) Sentir Graduate College of Spiritual Formation (Sentir) Complete, consult, sign & submit to your College Audit2014PGUGCourseworkVer9Oct13 Page 2 of 5 PART C – Disability Information Do you have any disability? (mark one) Hearing Yes Learning difficulty No Mobility If yes, indicate below what kind – mark any which apply: Seeing Permanent Medical Condition If you have a disability, would you like to receive advice on support services, equipment or facilities? Other: Yes No PART D – Previous Education / Qualifications (List in chronological order) Include certified copies of all official results of units/subjects taken, including grades and percentages. Highest Secondary State (if in Year Transcript Institution (full name) Schooling attained Australia) completed provided? What language? Degree / Diploma / Certificate / Other What language? Institution (full name) Year completed Country Transcript provided? PART E – Proposed Audit unit/s for 2014 Complete this section in collaboration with your Coursework Coordinator. All unit codes must clearly indicate one Level and one Discipline. Course commencement date: Study load (mark one): Expected end date: Full-time Part-time Study mode legend CB Classroom Based IW Intensive/Workshop e.g Pre Sem 1 Intensives S1 OL Attendance Mode (mark one): Classroom Based (not online) Online or Mixed On Line MM Unit code Unit name BS1401L The Bible Today A Semester 1 (S1) units Unit code Unit name Mid-Year Intensives Unit code Unit name Semester 2 (S2) units Unit code Unit name Other Intensives Unit code Unit name Mixed Mode College (Unit provider) ALC (abbrev) Study mode OL College comment Study mode College comment Study mode College comment Study mode College comment Study mode College comment (Office use only) 1 2 College (Unit provider) (Office use only) 3 4 College (Unit provider) (Office use only) 5 6 College (Unit provider) (Office use only) 7 8 College (Unit provider) (Office use only) 9 10 Complete, consult, sign & submit to your College Audit2014PGUGCourseworkVer9Oct13 Page 3 of 5 PART F - Declarations I declare that the above information is true and correct in every particular. I understand that if I have misrepresented my details in any way, then MCD University of Divinity may terminate any candidacy offered to me that arises as a result of this application. I accept responsibility for ensuring that the tuition fees for all MCD University of Divinity units and courses in which I enrol are paid on time. I agree to abide by the Regulation and Determination for the course for which I am applying, as regulated by MCD University of Divinity. Privacy Statement The information on this form is collected for the primary purpose of assessing your application or re-enrolment. Other purposes of collection include the creation of a record on the student database, attending to administrative matters, corresponding with you, and statistical analyses. If you choose not to complete all the questions on this form, it may not be possible for MCD University of Divinity to assess your application or re-enrolment. Personal information may be disclosed to authorised bodies and the permitted purposes for which such personal information may be used, as authorised by the Higher Education Support Act 2003. Information relating to the studies of seminarians and members of religious orders may also be disclosed to your seminary and/or religious superior. You have a right to access personal information that MCD University of Divinity holds about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation. If you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about handling of your personal information, please contact MCD University of Divinity at admindirector@mcd.edu.au . Student’s signature: Date: _ _/ _ _/ _ _ Please submit this application to the Coursework Coordinator/Dean of your College for processing. College office use only Coursework Coordinator Approval (Coursework Coordinator to complete) Please indicate - This applicant: is permitted to Audit the unit/s listed in the Proposed Audit Units section Additional notes if needed: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Application Checklist: interview conducted with student evidence of previous tertiary qualifications is enclosed evidence of citizenship status in current name is enclosed the student has met MCD University of Divinity English requirements unit codes and unit names listed on the form are correct all units are running in the time periods indicated the student has the correct prerequisites for each unit proposed letter or official confirmation from the third party accepting responsibility for payment of fees attached (if applicable) and if so, address of third party is recorded in Billing Address in Edit Details in TAMS student name, id & payment method are indicated in Tuition Fees section. Cheque /Money order is attached if this is the payment method. Coursework Coordinator/Academic Dean: College Office Admin Ensure checklist items are completed and data is entered in TAMS by: Date: Date: Complete, consult, sign & submit to your College Audit2014PGUGCourseworkVer9Oct13 Page 4 of 5 PART G – Tuition Fees Please note that tuition fees will vary from year to year. Audit Fees for auditing units vary between Colleges. Payment for Audit Units is to be made to the College. Audit enrolments are not available to overseas students studying in Australia on student visas. FEES If you are paying your tuition fees, attach cheque or money order or include credit card authorisation. If a third party is paying your fees, include with this application a letter or official confirmation from the third party accepting responsibility for payment of fees. Payment for all current semester units must be included. See below for Upfront payment options. Please note that students with unpaid fees will not be permitted to attend classes and use libraries. STUDENTS - Please insert your official name, MCD ID (if known) & Course name (relating to this paperwork) Family name: MCD ID: Given name/s: Course: PAYMENT OF FEES Please mark and complete relevant sections: Cheque/Money Order enclosed for $ - payable to your Home College , or A third party is paying for my tuition fees. I include with this application a letter or official confirmation from the third party accepting responsibility for payment of my fees. Name of third party/organisation: Address of third party/organisation: Credit Card Authorisation Amount to be debited $ Indicate date to deduct from credit card: _ _/ _ _/ _ _ Visa/MasterCard _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ Card Expiry date: _ _/ _ _ Signature: CVC (last three digits on reverse of credit card) _ _ _ Name on Credit Card: Complete, consult, sign & submit to your College Audit2014PGUGCourseworkVer9Oct13 Page 5 of 5