Use of a Supplemental Curriculum in a GSRP program From the GSRP Implementation Manual chapter on Curriculum updated 10.23.13 The ISD, as the GSRP grant recipient has final responsibility for ensuring the use of an approved comprehensive curriculum in each classroom and for guaranteeing that any supplemental curriculum utilized is also appropriate. Any program using or planning to use a supplemental curriculum should make a request to the ISD. To be considered for approval, the request should include: • Child assessment or program quality data indicating a need for a supplemental curriculum, • Answers to the questions in this section for selecting a curriculum, • How the requested supplemental curriculum aligns with the GSRP philosophy on active learning and play and with the program’s philosophy, and • An explanation, if the supplemental being requested is not related to the comprehensive curriculum used. A supplementary curriculum is defined as any ongoing (may be daily, weekly, monthly etc) adult led activity developed by someone other than the classroom teachers and designed to enhance one or more developmental areas. Oakland Schools’ procedure on use of a supplementary curriculum: A sub-recipient wishing to utilize a supplementary curriculum must receive advance approval from Oakland Schools. The sub-recipient shall submit a request to Oakland Schools that contains the following information. This information will enable us to make a data based decision on whether the program may be used Sub-recipient name, name of person submitting request and contact information, date of submission Name and description of supplementary curriculum wishing to use. Please include web site for the curriculum if available. What data at the program or child level justifies the need for this program? Is the program research based? Briefly describe the supporting research. Describe how the programs fits with the Early Childhood Program Standards that we are mandated to follow. Describe how the published outcomes of the program are aligned with the Early Childhood Expectations for Prekindergarten Programs. Describe how the program is aligned with HighScope principals. What are the credentials of the person who will be coming in to work with the children (if appropriate). How will the program fit within your daily routine? Does you early childhood specialist feel there are classroom materials etc the funds to support this program could be used for that would improve your PQA score and the children’s overall experience? You will receive a response from the Oakland Schools GSRP team within 3 weeks of submission. If a request is denied, you will receive comments as to the reason(s). You may then request a meeting to discuss the proposal and reasons for rejection.