Jackson County Intermediate School District Seeks Early Childhood Specialists The Jackson County Intermediate School District administers an early childhood program for Jackson County, consistent with the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) requirements. Currently, the JCISD oversees GSRP classrooms in various locations throughout Jackson County. The JCISD is interested in receiving proposals to perform the program responsibilities set forth in the GSRP handbook to be performed by an Early Childhood Specialist, including the following essential functions: 1. Complete necessary paperwork, documentation, narrative reports, correspondence and evaluation measures to assure all grant requirements are met in a professional and timely manner 2. Conduct the Program Quality Assessments (PQA’s) in all assigned GSRP Jackson Quality Preschool district and partner preschool classrooms to ensure implementation of quality curriculum and child outcome standards. 3. Visit assigned classrooms to monitor programs 2-3 times per year, in addition to the PQA. 4. In collaboration with preschool teaching teams, design and implement PQA Continuous Improvement plans for all assigned partner classrooms. 5. Assist partner preschool programs in the collection, management, and assessment of child outcome data for all partner preschool programs. 6. Attend monthly JCISD Quality Preschool Meetings, if possible. The Early Childhood Specialist will be an independent contractor. The contractor will transport him/herself to the assigned program locations and furnish all materials and equipment needed to perform the responsibilities. The contractor will maintain appropriate professional liability insurance. The JCISD has budgeted $2,000 per classroom to fulfill the Early Childhood Specialist responsibilities. Minimum qualifications for this work include a master’s degree in early childhood or childhood development, and three years of successful experience working in or overseeing an early childhood program. Proposals to perform this work should be sent to the attention of Susan Townsend, Director of Instruction, JCISD, 6700 Browns Lake Road, Jackson MI 49201 or emailed to susan.townsend@jcisd.org no later than September 26, 2013. Proposals should indicate the individual’s qualifications to perform the GSRP Early Childhood Specialist responsibilities, the number of GSRP classrooms for which the individual is interested in providing services and any other relevant information. The Jackson County ISD, Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, (including sexual orientation or transgender identity), disability, age (except as authorized by law), religion, height, weight, marital or family status, military status, ancestry, genetic information, or any other legally protected category, (collectively, “Protected Classes”), in its programs and activities, including employment opportunities.