SECTION 02840 BOLLARDS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL PRODUCTS Display hidden notes to specifier. (Don't know how? Click Here) Copyright 2015 - 2015 ARCAT, Inc. - All rights reserved PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. 1.2 1.3 Bollards and traffic control products of the following types: 1. Rebounding steel pipe bollards. 2. Handicap parking bollard signs. 3. Horseshoe bollards (U bollard). 4. Polycarbonate guardrails. 5. Pedestrian signage. 6. Signs and markers. 7. Sentinels between car barriers. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02842 - Manufactured Metal Bollards. B. Section 03300 - Cast-In-Place Concrete. C. Section 10260 - Wall and Corner Guards. D. Section 10400 - Signage. E. Section 11300 - Loading Dock Bumpers. F. Section 11150 - Parking Control Equipment. REFERENCES A. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM A36 - Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel. 2. ASTM A53 - Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, ZincCoated, Welded and Seamless. 3. ASTM A312 - Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes. 4. ASTM A536 - Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings. 5. ASTM D1654 - Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environment. 02840-1 1.4 1.5 1.6 B. Federal Highway Administration (FHA): 1. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). C. National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP): 1. NCHRP Report 350, Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features. D. United States Access Board: 1. Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Division 01 Section "Submittal Procedures". B. Product Data: Submit manufacturers current published data including: 1. Materials, thicknesses, dimensions, standard details and recommendations. 2. Storage, handling, and installation methods. 3. Cleaning, touch-up, and maintenance instructions. C. Shop Drawings: Include the following: 1. Show mounted items and coordination required for work by others. 2. Locations, distinguish between interior and exterior installation. 3. Interface details including fasteners, paving systems, mounting conditions, and slopes. D. Verification Samples: For each exposed finish to be installed. E. Warranty: Submit manufacturer's warranties. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: 1. Manufacturer Qualifications: Minimum 10 years experience with the production facilities capable of meeting the project schedule. B. Workmanship: Components shall exhibit good workmanship, free of scratches, discoloration and other objectionable marks or defects, which affect appearance or serviceability. C. Pre-Installation Meeting: Convene on the project site minimum one week before beginning work to: 1. Verify project requirements and site logistics. 2. Coordinate between trades. 3. Assess integrity of the paving systems and adjacent materials. 4. Review manufacturer's installation instructions and warranty requirements. D. Mock-Up: For unusual conditions, or when requested by the Owner: 1. Provide mock-up of each mounting condition including sealants, accessories, and methods of adjoining construction. 2. Accepted mock-up may remain as part of the completed work and will set the standard of acceptance for remaining work. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. 1.7 Store and handle materials in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. WARRANTY A. Manufacturers Warranty: Provide manufacturer's standard warranty for the following: 02840-2 1. 2. Warranty Period, Defects in materials and workmanship: 2 years. Warranty Period, Coatings will not peel, crack or significantly change color: 2 years. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Acceptable Manufacturer: Impact Recovery Systems, which is located at: 4955 Stout Drive; San Antonio, TX 78219; Tel: (800) 736-5256; Fax: (210) 734-6448; Email:request info (;| REBOUNDING STEEL PIPE BOLLARDS A. Impact Recovery Systems SlowStop Bollard System includes the following: 1. Bollard System shall be fabricated and installed to withstand repeated impacts within specified energy levels with minimal damage to the units and impacting vehicles. 2. The system incorporates modular construction allowing bollards to be interconnected using slide-together connectors, with each section anchored independently. 3. The system includes bollards consisting of a base, elastomer, adapter, and post. Bollards are interconnected to form fencing and similar barriers using tee-, elbow-, and cross-connectors or by welding pipe together. 4. Bollards shall give way up to approximately 20 degrees when impacted, utilizing a reactive elastomer device to absorb the impact from vehicles. 5. The system rebounds to upright after impact within the manufacturer's limits. 6. The system shall allow the replacement of post and adapters in no more than 15 minutes through the removal modular components and replacement of damaged parts. B. Provide in the following nominal size, 42 inch (1066 mm) high, capable of withstanding the following kinetic energy at a height of 20 inches (500 mm) above the ground: 1. 3 inch (76 mm) bollards: 1,195 ft-lb (1,620 N), product #SS3Y-42. 2. 4 inch (101 mm) bollards: 1,967 ft-lb (2,666 N), product #SS4Y-42. 3. 5 inch (127 mm) bollards: 5,163 ft-lb (7,000 N), product #SS5Y-42. 4. 6 inch (152 mm) bollards: 9,536 ft-lb (12,929 N), product #SS6Y-42. C. Materials: 1. Posts (Bollards): ANSI schedule 40 steel pipe with seams ground flush and edges deburred to remove sharp edges. 2. Adapter and Base: Ductile cast iron material rated to - 40 degrees F (-40 degrees C), finished with environmentally friendly catephoretic (KTL) black paint. 3. Elastomer: Rubber compound with hollow center to allow for compression. 4. Anchors: 5/8 by 5-1/2 inch (16 by 140 mm) concrete screw anchors of galvanized carbon steel construction with static shear resistance greater than 11,000 pounds (4989 kg) and static tension resistance of greater than 24,000 pounds (10886 kg). D. Finish: Polyester powder coat finish, minimal 150 micrometer thickness. 1. Color: Manufacturer's standard yellow. E. HDPE Plastic Cover Finish: Provide with manufacturer's thermoplastic 1/8 inch (3 mm) thick HDPE cover to fit standard 4 inch (101 mm) or 6 inch (150 mm) bollard, 52 inch tall (1321 mm) tall to create a 60 inch (1524 mm) tall bollard when installed on a SlowStop bollard in the following color: 1. Yellow. 2. White. 3. Tan. 4. Red. 5. Blue. 02840-3 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 2.3 HANDICAP PARKING BOLLARD SIGNS A. 2.4 2.5 Light Gray. Gray. Black. Green. Orange. Brown. Bright Green. Federal Yellow. SlowStop Disabled / Handicap Parking Sign: Resilient handicap parking bollard strong enough to eliminate traditional wheel stops bollard kit complete with rebounding bollard, aluminum signpost and brackets, and four 5/8 by 5-1/2 inch (15.8 by 140 mm) anchors, install with concrete or foam fill provided by the General Contractor. 1. Energy Absorption: 1,967 ft-lb (2,667 joules). 2. Provide product #SS4Y-42-HC with 4 inch (101 mm) diameter, 42 inch (1066 mm) high bollard. 3. HDPE sign on engineer grade sheeting with "Reserved Parking" and handicap symbol, installed sign is 60 inch (1524 mm) high to comply with ADA requirements. Sign face can be changed for alternate uses. 4. Factory Coated with 150 micron polyester outdoor powder coat. 5. Provide with manufacturer's standard 2-year warranty. HORSESHOE BOLLARD (U BOLLARD) A. Two rebounding bollard bases with steel pipe and connectors to create a u-shaped horseshow bollard, ideally suited to protect confined areas. 1. Pipe: ANSI schedule 40 steel pipe with seams ground flush and edges de-burred to remove sharp edges. 2. Bases and Connectors: Ductile cast iron material rated to -40 degrees F (-40 degrees C), finished with environmentally friendly catephoretic (KTL) black paint. 3. Elastomer: Rubber compound with hollow center to allow for compression. 4. Provide with manufacturer's standard 2-year warranty. B. Provide in the following nominal sizes, capable of withstanding the following kinetic energy at an impact height of 20 inches (500 mm) above the ground: 1. 3 inch (76 mm) bollards: 2,390 ft-lb (3,240 N), product #SS3Y-36-HS-36, 36 inches (914 mm) tall x 36 inches (914 mm) wide. 2. 4 inch (101 mm) bollards: 3,934 ft-lb (5,334 N), product #SS4Y-28-HS-36, 28 inches (711 mm) tall x 36 inches (914 mm) wide. 3. 4 inch (101 mm) bollards: 3,934 ft-lb (5,334 N), product #SS4Y-42-HS-36, 42 inches (1067 mm) tall x 36 inches (914 mm) wide. POLYCARBONATE GUARDRAILS A. Polycarbonate guardrails attach to SlowStop bollards to create virtually unbreakable barriers. 1. Withstands 12,500 ft-lb (16,947 N) of force without permanent deflection. Returns to original shape again and again after impact. 2. Provide product #SSRY-4, 13-3/4 inch (350 mm) high by 170 inches (4340 mm) long. 3. Temperature Rating: -135 degrees F (-93 C). 4. Injection molded in one piece and colored manufacturers standard safety yellow throughout to eliminate maintenance painting and resists bending and denting. 5. Provided with hardware to attach to bollards. 6. Provide with manufacturers flexible polycarbonate guard rail end caps when indicated on the Drawings. 7. Provide with manufacturer's standard 2-year warranty. 02840-4 2.6 2.7 PEDESTRIAN PRODUCTS A. In Street Pedestrian Crosswalk Signs: Conspicuous signage for unsignalized intersections to alert motorists to local laws concerning pedestrians in crosswalks. Fluorescent yellow green diamond grade reflective sheeting with white high intensity sheeting insert, white post and panel of flexible polyethylene plastic resistant to ultraviolet light, ozone, and hydrocarbons. 1. Overall height 47 inch (1193 mm), 12 inch (304 mm) wide. 2. Message: State Law, Yield to Pedestrian within Crosswalk. Provide Product #PED20YFQ. 3. Message: State Law, Stop for Pedestrian within Crosswalk. Provide Product #PED20SFQ. 4. Fixed Base: Product #BS-SMFB Surface mount designed for permanent applications, secured to the upright with bolts, installed with anchor kit or epoxy. 5. Portable One Base: Product #BS-P1Q, size 34 by 14 inches (863 by 355 mm), portable design and ergonomic carrying handle for rapid deployment of temporary signage. Base made of 100 percent recycled rubber standard with quick release feature that allows installation and removal in less than 5 seconds. 6. NCHRP-350 approved unit includes anti-twist reactive spring assembly that rebounds upright when struck. B. OmniPed: Conspicuous four-sided, blow molded, pedestrian signage for unsignalized intersections to alert motorists to local laws concerning pedestrians in crosswalks. Fluorescent yellow green diamond grade reflective sheeting with white high intensity sheeting insert, white post and panel of flexible polyethylene plastic resistant to ultraviolet light, ozone, and hydrocarbons. 1. Overall height 48 inch (1219 mm), 14 inch (355 mm) wide, depth 3 inches (76 mm). 2. Front and Back Message: State Law, Yield to Pedestrian within Crosswalk. Provide Product #OMN2-YxF-Q. 3. Front and Back Message: State Law, Stop for Pedestrian within Crosswalk. Provide Product #OMN2-SxF-Q. 4. Side Message: Look Both Ways. 5. Side Message: Walk Bicycles. 6. Side Message: Watch for Traffic. 7. Fixed Base: Product #BS-SMFB Surface mount designed for permanent applications, secured to the upright with bolts, installed with anchor kit or epoxy. 8. Portable One Base: Product #BS-P1Q, size 34 by 14 inches (863 by 355 mm), portable design and ergonomic carrying handle for rapid deployment of temporary signage. Base made of 100 percent recycled rubber standard with quick release feature that allows installation and removal in less than 5 seconds. 9. NCHRP-350 approved unit includes anti-twist reactive spring assembly that rebounds upright when struck. C. Ped-In-A-Bag: Lightweight portable pedestrian sign design for use by school crossing guards or similar temporary applications. Fluorescent yellow green diamond grade reflective sheeting with white high intensity sheeting insert, white post and panel of flexible polyethylene plastic resistant to ultraviolet light, ozone, and hydrocarbons. 1. Overall height 44 inch (1117 mm), 12 inch (304 mm) wide. 2. Sign: State Law, Yield to Pedestrian within Crosswalk. Provide Product #PIB2-0YFQ. 3. Sign: State Law, Stop for Pedestrian within Crosswalk. Provide Product #PIB2-0SFQ. 4. Portable Base: Product #BS-P2Q, size 34 by 14 inches (863 by 355 mm). 5. NCHRP-350 approved unit includes anti-twist reactive spring assembly that rebounds upright when struck. 6. Eligible for "Safe Routes to School" funding and Federal Government Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21). SIGNS AND MARKERS 02840-5 A. Sta-Rite Sign Posts: Lightweight impactable aluminum, white powder coated 2 inch (50 mm) diameter sign posts with reactive spring unit which allows sign to withstand bumper hits and return to original position without damage to the sign or vehicle. Provide complete with brackets, hardware, and post cap. 1. Sign: 12 by 18 inch (304 by 457 mm) Reserved Parking with Wheelchair symbol. 2. Sign: 12 by 18 inch (304 by 457 mm) Reserved Parking with Wheelchair symbol and Van Accessible notation. 3. Sign: 12 by 18 inch (304 by 457 mm) custom, provided by others. 4. Fixed Base: Product #BS-SMFB Surface mount designed for permanent applications, secured to the upright with bolts, installed with anchor kit or epoxy. 5. Drivable Base: Product: BS-DR00, in-ground, 18 by 2 inch (457 by 50 mm). 6. Height: ADA Compliant 78 inches (1981 mm) overall, bottom of sign at 60 inches (1524 mm). 7. Height: MUTCD Compliant 102 inches (2590 mm), bottom of sign at 84 inches (2133 mm) above the surface for pedestrian travel areas. B. Sta-Rite Sign Post with Stop Sign: Lightweight impactable aluminum, white powder coated 2 inch (50 mm) diameter sign posts 60 inch (1524 mm) high, with reactive spring unit which allows sign to withstand bumper hits and return to original position without damage to the sign or vehicle. Provide complete with brackets, hardware, and post cap. 1. Sign: 24 by 24 inch (609 by 609 mm) plastic octagonal sign with white high intensity reflective sheeting and red finish. 2. Fixed Base: Product #BS-SMFB Surface mount designed for permanent applications, secured to the upright with bolts, installed with anchor kit or epoxy. 3. Drivable Base: Product #BS-DR00, in-ground, 18 by 2 inch (457 by 50 mm). 4. Height: ADA Compliant 78 inches (1981 mm) overall, bottom of sign at 60 inches (1524 mm). 5. Height: MUTCD Compliant 102 inches (2590 mm), bottom of sign at 84 inches (2133 mm) above the surface for pedestrian travel areas. C. Tubular Markers: High performance channelizing markers are used to divide traffic, post constructed of flexible plastic resistant to ultraviolet light, ozone, and hydrocarbons. Unit includes anti-twist reactive spring assembly that rebounds to upright when struck. 1. Meets MUTCD Specifications. 2. National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) Tested. 3. Height: 36 inches (914 mm). 4. Height: 42 inches (1066 mm). 5. Height: 48 inches (1219 mm). 6. Tube Color: White. 7. Tube Color: Orange. 8. Tube Color: Yellow. 9. Tube Color: Red. 10. Tube Color: Green. 11. Tube Color: Black. 12. Sheeting Color: White. 13. Sheeting Color: Yellow. 14. Sheeting Color: Orange. 15. Sheeting Color: Green. 16. Sheeting Color: Red. 17. Sheeting Grade: 3M High Intensity. 18. Sheeting Grade: 3M Diamond Grade. 19. Sheeting Grade: Orafol AR1000. 20. Top: Black cap. 21. Top: Short squeeze. 22. Top: Long squeeze delineator style. 23. Fixed Base: Product #BS-SMFB Surface mount designed for permanent applications, 02840-6 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. secured to the upright with bolts, installed with anchor kit or epoxy. Quick Release Base: Product #BS-SMQB Surface mounted base with quick release feature to change out or remove products in less than 5 seconds without the use of tools or special equipment. Quick release base can be installed using anchor kit or epoxy. Drivable Base: Product #BS-DR00, in-ground, 18 by 2 inch (457 by 50 mm). Curb: Tuff Curb. Curb: Tuff Curb XLP. Base Color: Black. Base Color: Yellow. Base Color: White. D. Large Diameter Tuff Posts: High performance channelizer designed to meet harsh demands of traffic delineation while providing high target value. 1. Diameter: 3 inch (76 mm). 2. Diameter: 4 inch (101 mm). 3. Height: 36 inch (914 mm). 4. Height: 42 inch (1066 mm). 5. Height: 48 inch (1219 mm). 6. Post Color: White. 7. Post Color: Yellow. 8. Post Color: Orange. 9. Sheeting Color: White. 10. Sheeting Color: Yellow. 11. Sheeting Color: Orange. 12. Sheeting Color: Green. 13. Sheeting Color: Red. 14. Sheeting Grade: 3M High Intensity. 15. Sheeting Grade: 3M Diamond Grade. 16. Sheeting Grade: Orafol AR1000. 17. Fixed Base: Product #BS-SMFB Surface mount designed for permanent applications, secured to the upright with bolts, installed with anchor kit or epoxy. 18. Quick Release Base: Product #BS-SMQB Surface mounted base with quick release feature to change out or remove products in less than 5 seconds without the use of tools or special equipment. Quick release base can be installed using anchor kit or epoxy. 19. Drivable Base: Product #BS-DR00, in-ground, 18 by 2 inch (457 by 50 mm). 20. Curb: Tuff Curb. 21. Curb: Tuff Curb XLP. 22. Base Color: White. 23. Base Color: Yellow. 24. Base Color: Black. 25. Post Top: Open. 26. Post Top: Black Cap. 27. Post Top: Short squeeze. 28. Post Top: Long squeeze delineator style. E. Tuff Curb: Durable high performance traffic separator curb compatible with Impact Recovery's full line of posts, panels and other traffic safety products. Integral coloration makes tuff curb highly visible and resistant to UV damage and fading. Enhanced profile dimensional properties and 3M reflectors provide maximum visibility and traffic separation day and night. Curbing system does not require water scuppers that clog with debris, section spacing can be customized for local conditions to maintain natural water drainage. Only two connection points are required to the pavement. 1. Dimensions: 40 inch (1016 mm) long, 12 inch (304 mm) deep, 3.5 inch (89 mm) high. 2. Curb Color: White. 02840-7 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. F. Curb Color: Yellow. Reflector Color: White. Reflector Color: Yellow. Reflector Color: Red. Provide with 18 inch (457 mm) long by 2 inch (50 mm) high end caps. Tuff Curb XLP: Injection molded HDPE modular low profile sections designed to withstand the effects of high speed, high impact applications, to separate traffic without penetrating the deck, embedded steel or post-tensioning. Integral coloration makes Tuff Curb XLP highly visible and resistant to UV damage and fading. Each section of curb includes two arched glass element technology reflectors to provide maximum nighttime visibility for motorists. Uprights are recommended on each section to increase conspicuity at night. The channelizing devices shall incorporate either a flexible post or post and panel assembly, with reactive spring device to absorb the stress from impacting vehicles. The system shall allow the replacement of uprights in no more than 5 seconds without the use of tools. Spring assembly shall have an anti-twist feature to assure channelizer is returned to an upright position facing traffic 1. Withstands 20,000 pounds (9071 kg) of static force from a single wheel. 2. Dimensions: 40 inch (1016 mm) long, 8 inch (203 mm) deep, 2 inch (50 mm) high with gently sloping sides to facilitate cross over by emergency or errant vehicles. 3. Mounting: Independent units with two points of connection. 4. Mounting: Interconnnected with manufacturer's standard coupler connector with 2 inch (50 mm spacing). 5. Curb Color: White. 6. Curb Color: Green. 7. Curb Color: Yellow. 8. Reflector Color: White. 9. Reflector Color: Yellow. 10. Reflector Color: Red. 11. Channelizers: Type III Hazard (Object) Marker of flexible high intensity reflective sheeting with black diagonal stripes, 8 by 24 inch (203 by 609 mm) with 36 inch (914 mm) overall height. 12. Channelizers: Type III Hazard (Object) Marker of flexible high intensity reflective sheeting with black diagonal stripes, 12 by 36 inch (304 by 914 mm) with 48 inch (1219 mm) overall height. 13. Channelizers: Delineator Post, with 14 inch (355 mm) squeeze at the top, designed to receive a 3 by 12 inch (76 by 304 mm) section of high intensity reflective sheathing. Provide in the following configuration: a. 36 inch (914 mm) high, yellow color, reflective one side. b. 36 inch (914 mm) high, yellow color, reflective both sides. c. 36 inch (914 mm) high, white color, reflective one side. d. 36 inch (914 mm) high, white color, reflective both sides. e. 36 inch (914 mm) high, orange color, reflective one side. f. 36 inch (914 mm) high, orange color, reflective both sides. g. 42 inch (1066 mm) high, yellow color, reflective one side. h. 42 inch (1066 mm) high, yellow color, reflective both sides. i. 42 inch (1066 mm) high, white color, reflective one side. j. 42 inch (1066 mm) high, white color, reflective both sides. k. 42 inch (1066 mm) high, orange color, reflective one side. l. 42 inch (1066 mm) high, orange color, reflective both sides. m. 48 inch (1219 mm) high, yellow color, reflective one side. n. 48 inch (1219 mm) high, yellow color, reflective both sides. o. 48 inch (1219 mm) high, white color, reflective one side. p. 48 inch (1219 mm) high, white color, reflective both sides. q. 48 inch (1219 mm) high, orange color, reflective one side. r. 48 inch (1219 mm) high, orange color, reflective both sides. 02840-8 14. 15. 16. 17. G. Channelizers: Tubular Markers with 2 inch (50 mm) squeeze at the top designed to receive two or more bands of 3 inch (75 mm) high intensity reflective sheeting. Provide in the following configuration: a. 36 inch (914 mm) high, yellow color. b. 36 inch (914 mm) high, white color. c. 36 inch (914 mm) high, orange color. d. 42 inch (1066 mm) high, yellow color. e. 42 inch (1066 mm) high, white color. f. 42 inch (1066 mm) high, orange color. g. 48 inch (1219 mm) high, yellow color. h. 48 inch (1219 mm) high, white color. i. 48 inch (1219 mm) high, orange color. Channelizers: Vertical Panels 8 by 24 inch (203 by 609 mm) with a 36 inch (914 mm) overall height, with white flexible high intensity reflective sheeting with a 4 inch (101 mm) orange strip. Channelizers: Vertical Panels 12 by 24 inch (304 by 609 mm) with a 36 inch (914 mm) overall height, with white flexible high intensity reflective sheeting with a 4 inch (101 mm) orange strip. Provide with 18 inch (457 mm) long by 2 inch (50 mm) high end caps. Sentinels Between Car Barriers (BCB): For use on rail platforms between cars, barrier system developed to address platform safety issues to visually alert impaired riders that the space between cars is not a door opening, thereby deterring them from entering the areas between cars and falling to the rails below. 1. Rail: 36 inch (914 mm) modules with 9 inch (228 mm) post spacing, 8 inch (203 mm) wide, by 1 inch (25 mm) high. 2. End Caps: Large, 12 inch (304 mm) long. 3. End Caps: Small, 4 inch (101 mm) long. 4. Post Height: 26 inches (660 mm). 5. Post Height: 36 inches (914 mm). 6. Post Height: 42 inches (1066 mm). 7. Post Height: 48 inches (1219 mm). 8. Color: Yellow. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 PREPARATION A. If preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect in writing of deviations from manufacturer's recommended installation tolerances and conditions for placement. B. Do not proceed with installation until substrates have been properly prepared and deviations from manufacturer's recommended tolerances for placement and location of embedded items and condition of substrate are corrected. C. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. Commencement of installation constitutes acceptance of conditions. INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations using mounting screws, anchors, and threaded rods as appropriate to each component and mounting surface. B. Bollard spacing from other fixed objects must allow for a 25 degree tilt upon impact. 02840-9 3.3 3.4 C. Damaged, cracked, chipped, deformed or marred products will not be accepted. Field touchup minor imperfections in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Application on concrete and thin slabs: Surface attached. E. Application on soil, asphalt, poor cement, thick slabs, and pavers: Concrete footings per manufacturers and project civil engineer's recommendations. F. Bollard Sign Posts: Fill cores of bollards with concrete or foam and embed sign post. Apply cap over fill. G. Plastic Cover Installation: Install using manufacturer's neoprene adhesive tape. Bollard cover shall securely fit entirely over the length of the post and butt up against the base. CLEANING A. Immediately prior to Substantial Completion, clean bollards in accordance with manufacturer's instructions to remove dust, dirt, adhesives, and other foreign materials. B. Remove debris from the project site in accordance with the Owner's construction waste management requirements. PROTECTION A. Protect installed work from damage. END OF SECTION 02840-10