Back by popular demand! BEAUTIFUL WREATHS & POINSETTIAS Fresh from…..GHERARDI GREENHOUSES Wreaths with Red or Burgundy Bow Cost each Quantity Bow Color 20 Inch Decorated Wreath $18.00 _________ ___________ 26 Inch Decorated Wreath $22.00 _________ ___________ 30 Inch Candy Cane Wreath $28.00 _________ ___________ Poinsettias Red Poinsettia (6 inch pot with foil cover) $10 each ___________ White Poinsettia (6 inch pot with foil cover) $10 each ___________ Marble Red/ White Poinsettia (6 inch pot with foil cover) $10 each ___________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $________________________________ NAME______________________________________ TELEPHONE _________________________ Make checks payable to St. Augustine’s. Total payment MUST be enclosed with order form. Please return to school or drop in Church Collection Basket ORDERS MUST BE IN NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6TH Orders may be picked up Friday December 6th (5pm to 7pm) or Saturday December 7th (10am to 3pm) In the St. Augustine School Lobby THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!