ANGUILLA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DESCRIPTION: The course is designed to help professionals gain a better understanding of the science of psychology and an appreciation of the wide range of pathological disorders which can affect the way persons relate to each other in the workplace and in their personal life. By the end of the course, the student is expected to have developed greater compassion towards those affected with mental disorders as they gain an understanding of: Abnormality from several perspectives Various psychological disorders Identify or recognize psychological disorders from clinical presentations The interface between physical and psychological disorders The role of cultural, societal and ethical issues in psychopathology The diversity of treatment modalities Themes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Historical and Theoretical Influences The Emotional Disorders The Social Disorders The Psychotic Disorders Developmental Disorders The Organic Disorders The Family, Culture and Illness The Human Face of Mental Illness Facilitator: Dr Oluwakemi M Linda Banks Clinical Psychologist Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon Sessions: 2 per week (Monday & Tuesday) Duration: November 11th to October 3rd Cost $550 EC per participant OUTLINE: 1. Historical and Theoretical Influences (Nov 11) The Definition of Abnormality The Psychodynamic Perspective The Cognitive Behavioural Perspective The Humanistic-Existential Perspective Clinical Assessment of Abnormality 2. The Emotional Disorders (Nov 12) Anxiety, Somatoform & Factitious Disorders And Malingering Cognitive, Personality, Dissociative And Eating Disorders Post Traumatic Stress Disorders Psychosomatic Disorders 3. The Social Disorders (Nov 18) The Antisocial Personality and Other Personality Disorders The Addictive Disorders Sleep Disorders Abnormality in Relationships and Sexual Behaviour 4. The Psychotic Disorders (Nov 20) The Affective Disorders – Mania and Depression Paranoid Disorders Perspectives on Suicide Schizophrenia And Other Psychotic Disorders 5. Developmental Disorders (Nov 25) Psychiatric Disorders In Children and Adolescents The Autistic Spectrum Childhood Disintegrative Disorders Childhood Psychosis 6. The Organic Disorders (Nov 26) Mental Retardation Delirium and Dementia Amnestic Syndrome and Hallucinations Organic Delusional syndrome and Organic Affective Syndrome Organic Personality Syndrome Intoxication and Withdrawal Other Organic Brain Syndrome The Epilepsies 7. The Family, Culture and Illness (Oct 2) Aggression and Abuse Cross Cultural Psychopathology Traditional Approaches to psychological disorders Issues for the Family And Society 8. The Human Face of Mental Illness (Oct 3) The Counsellor as a Person and as a Professional The Diversity of Approaches to Individual Treatment Group Therapy and Community Based Services Multidisciplinary Approaches to Treatment Ethical Issues in Counselling Practice Legal Issues in Abnormal Psychology Principles Guiding Research The role of the Community Redefining the continuum Assessment The course will be conducted over a four week period with two three hour sessions weekly. Assessment will take the form of: Class participation Quizzes 20 points 40 points Reflective journal TOTAL 40 points 100 points For more information please contact Anguilla Community College P.O. Box PW5316, 203 The Rogers Office Building Edwin Wallace Rey Drive, George Hill, Anguilla, AI 2640 Web