CURRICULUM VITAE A. PERSONAL DATA: Name: Date and Place of Birth: State of origin Nationality: Marital Status: No of Children. Name and Address of spouse AKINTOLA, Akinola John. 28th February, 1964 Oyo State Nigerian. Married. Three (15 years, 10years & 4years) Mrs J.O Akintola Ile Alapa Takie. P.O.BOX 235 Ogbomoso Name and Address of next of kin: Same as above Present Position: Reader First appointment and date Dec 1st, 1994 Date of Present Appointment: October, 2007. Date of Confirmation of Appointment: October 1st, 1998. Present salary CONUASS 6 Step 3 Faculty: Pure and Applied Sciences. Department/Unit: Pure and Applied Biology, Zoology Unit. Present Salary: CONUASS 6 Step 3 B. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: i. Higher Educational Institutions Attended with Date: a. University of Ilorin (1987 – 1994,1999-2007) b. DBT-TWAS Postdoc Fellowship at Dr. Ambedkar center for Biomedical Research, India ii Academic and Professional Qualification: (a). Ph.D. Zoology (Entomology) (b). M.Sc. Crop Production – (Entomology) (c). B.Sc. Botany (Botany) C. WORK EXPERIENCE: i. Secondary School Tutor in Niger State (1991 – 1992) ii. Part-time Lecturer LTTS Department, University of Ilorin (1992 – 1993) iii. Lecturer, Biology Department, LAUTECH Ogbomoso (1994 – Date) D. Courses taught within the review year BIO 102 BIO 103 BIO 104 BIO 201 - General Biology 2 - Experimental Biology 1 - Experimental Biology 2 - Systematic Biology BOT 301 ECO 503 ZOO 301 ZOO 302 BIO 201 BIO 202 BIO 601 - Anatomy of plants - Wildlife Conservation and Weed Management - Introductory Parasitology - General Entomology - Introductory Ecology - Biological Techniques -Introductory Statistics and Computer Usage E. Graduate supervision: 1 Ph.D.(in progress);Three M. Tech Environmental Biology 2 completed ( 3 In progress) 7 PGD Environmental Biology theses supervision (Completed) F. Member, Entomological society (ESN Membership NO: 0174) G. PUBLICATIONS: 1a. Dissertation/Thesis I Akintola, A.J. (1991). Characteristics of cultival Variety of Pennisetum americanum (L)Lekee B.Sc. Dissertation, University of Ilorin, Ilorin. ii Akintola, A.J. (1995). Euphorbiaceae plant as storage protectant against Sitophilus zeamais (motsch), M.Sc. Dissertation, University of Ilorin. iii. Akintola, A.J. (2007) Studies on the Biology and Ecology of mealybugs of fruit and ornamental plants in the Southern Guinea Savanna Nigeria .PhD Dissertation, University of Ilorin b. Postdoctoral work. i. Molecular characterization and genomic analysis of Mealybug Icerya aegyptiaca Douglas and Phenacoccus solenopsis Trinsley ii Design of Biomarkers as molecular identification of Icerya aegyptiaca Douglas iii. Immunoflourescence technique for DNA distribution on the nuclei of mealybugs using 5-methyl cytosine. 2. Books/Monographs: (a) Oyegoke,O.O.; Osundina, M.A;Oloke.J.K; Fawole,O.O; Liasu,M.O; Ogunkunle, A.T.J; Akintola ,A.J.;Ajala, O. O.; Yekeen, T. A.; Ayandele, A;Ogundola,A.F and Akinboro,A(2007).New General Biology for Undergraduates.Department of Pure and applied Biology, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso. Rajah Dynamics Printers,Ilorin, Nigeria.p.224 - 34.ISBN 9783719394. (b) Ogunkunle, A.T.J.,Akintola. A.J.,Adewoye, S.O.(2008).Sytematic BiologyIdentification of species. Kaola Printing press.Ogbomoso.ISBN 978-290234-9. 3. Journal Articles (i). Akintola, A.J.(1998). Comparative effects of three members of Euphorbiacae on Sitophilus zeamais (motsch) J. Sc. Eng. And Tech. 5. (1) pp. 959-967. (ii). Akintola, A.J. and Oyegoke, O.O. (2000a). Influence of some maize seed cultivars on Oviposition and Development of S. zeamais. Journal of Applied Science. 3 (1): 752-758. (iii). Oyegoke, O.O. and Akintola, A.J. (2000b). Laboratory Evalution of Actellic dust and Ricinus communis powder as storage protectants against S. zeamais. Journal of Applied Science. 3 (1): 682-689 . (iv). Oyegoke, O.O. and Akintola A.J. (2000c). Assessment of Hyptis suaveolens and karate in the control of Podagrica spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on Okro. Bio. Res. Comm. 12 (3):251-254. . (v). Akintola, A.J. and Akanbi, M.O. (2000d). Bioassay of Dimilin and Dipel for the control of the slug caterpillar Ctnolita anacampa karsh (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae). Annals of Agricultural Sciences: 2 (1) 8084) (vi). Akintola, A.J and Oyegoke ,O.O (2002). Feeding trials of the larvae of the edible insect, Cirina forda (westwood) on African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (geoffery).World Journal of Biotechnology 3 (2) : 487-491 (vii). Adeyeba, O.A; Effedua, H.I. and Akintola, A.J. (2003). Status of Domesticated Cockroaches (Order: Dictyoptera) as carriers of Intestinal Parasites and Bacteria Pathogens in Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences 6(1): 3403 – 3414. (viii). Adebayo, T.A; Olaifa, J.I. Akintola, A.J. and Ojo, A.O. (2004a). Field control of peridomestic mosquitoes of medical importance with extract of Petiveria alliaceae. Ife Journal of science: 6, No.1, 1:6-9. ( ix). Akintola, A.J. and Oyegoke, O.O (2004b). Physiochemical properties of Ten cowpea lines of resistance to Callosobruchus maculatus (Walp). SINET: Ethiop. J.Sci., 27(1):71-74. (x). Akintola, A.J., Oyegoke, O.O. Akanbi, M.O. and Alamu O.L. (2005). Ecological Impact of fire in relation to pest in an old Teak (Tectona grandis) plantation. Africa Journal of Contemporary Issues. 3, No.1:79. (xi). Akintola, A.J. and Akanbi, M.O. (2006a): Biology and description of Laval instar of striped caterpillar, Epicerura pulverulanta Hampson (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae). Science Focus. 11 (20): 13-14. (xii). Oyegoke O.O. Akintola,A.J. and Fashoranti,J.O. (2006b). Dietary potential of the edible larvae of C. forda (westwood) as poultry feed. Afr. Jour of Biotech. 5 (19) 1799-1802 (xiii). Akintola, A.J. and Ande, A.T. (2006c). Aspect of Biology of Rastrococcus sp (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on Acalypha hispida in Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. Africa journal of Agricultural Research (AJAR) Vol.1 (2): 021-023. (xiv). Akintola, A.J. and Ande, A.T. (2008) First record of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on Hibiscus rosasinensis in Nigeria. Medwell Agricultural journals 3(1):1-3. (xv). Akintola .A.J. and Ande, A.T.(2009). Life history and behaviour of Rastrococcus invadens Williams on Ficus thonningii in Nigeria. Australian Journal of Crop Science 3(1):1-5 (xvi). Akintola .A.J. and Ande, A.T.(2009). Pest status and ecology of five mealy bugs (Family: Pseudococcidae) in the Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. J. ent. Res. (India) 33(1):9-13 (xvii). Akintola, A.J. and Lawal, O. (2009).Biochemical Factors involved in The Resistance of some smoked Tropical fish samples to Insect attack in Nigeria. Turkish Journal of Biology 35:89-93 (xviii). (xix). Oyegoke, O.O. ; Akintola, A.J. and Babarinde, S.A (2011). Growth response of Zonocerus variegatus (Linnaeus) (Orthoptera : pyrgomorphidae) nymphs to feeding at different periods of the day . Mun. Ent. Zool. 6(1)246-250. Oyegoke, O.O., Akintola, A.J and Babarinde, S.O (2012). Growth performance of Heterobrancus bidorsalis (Geoffroy) fingerlings to varying level of Cirina forda (west wood) larva diets. Science focus 17(1): 76-81. *(xx) Oyegoke, O.O., Babarinde, S.O.,Akintola, A.J. and Olatunji, Z.B. (2012). Bioactivity of Ocimum sanctum (L) leaf powder and extract against Tribolium castaneum.Herbst.The Afri journal of plant Sci and biotech. (Japan)6(1). 56-59 *(xxi) Pitan, O.O.R; Babarinde, S.A, Adesina, G.O, Akintola, A.J and Olatunji, Z. B. (2012) Host plants and infestation pattern of the cotton mealybugPhenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley. (Homoptera; pseudococcidae in Nigeria. * (xxii) Akintola,A.J.,Marthus,V.and Brahmachari,V.(2012).Genomic sequence analysis of different species of mealybugs from Nigeria: Identification of putative distinguishing maker for Icerya aegyptiaca. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America ABJNA (Accepted) *(xxiii) African Akintola,A.J;Oyegoke,O.O.and Lawal,O.S.(2013).Medical implications of bio-deteriorating agents in stored fish samples in Nigeria. Journal of Microbiology Research. 7(26),3429-3434. *(xxiv) Akintola,A.J.,Oyegoke,O.O.and Ikusebiala, I.M.(2013).Morphometry and preffered feeding site of Egyptian mealybug (Icerya aegyptiaca Doughlas ) on Croton (Codiaeum variegatum ) IJAAAR 9 (1&2):189-195 *(xxv) Akintola, A.J., Oyegoke O.O. and Mojibola, D .G.(2013). Cockroaches as sources of nosocomial infections in some Hospitals in the south-western part of Nigeria .Science Focus (Accepted) *(xxvi) Olabiyi,I.O.,Atungwu,J.J.,Izuogu ,B.,Akintola, A.J. and Abolusoro ,S.(2013).Efficacy of neem compost on root knot nematode pest of Lagos spinach ( Celosia argentea). Archives of Pyhtopathology and Plant Protection . 46 (18):2253-2258 *(xxvii) Oyegoke, O.O.,Ayandiran, T.A.,and Akintola, A.J.(2013). Cost effectiveness of replacing fish meal with Cirina forda (Westwood) larva in the diet of broilers .Agric.Biol.J.N.AM 3(4):55-59 b. Conference proceeding Pitan, O.O.R; Babarinde, S. A, Adesina, G.O; Akintola, A.J. Status of the Cotton Mealybug, Phenacoccus Solenopsis Tinsley (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), In Nigeria. 41st Annual Conference of the Entomological Society of Nigeria, Ondo 2010; Book of Abracts pg 18. H. TECHNICAL REPORT:- NIL I. CREATIVE WORK / INVENTORY/PATENT NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCES SUBMITTED TO GENE BANK Identification of Eight unique sequence from the genomic DNA of Icerya aegyptiaca (Accession Number: F1569198, F1569244F1569250) and GSS from 3(Phenacoccus solenopsis Trinsley(accession No FI779358FI779360) J. PROFESSIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT 1. Design of Taxonomic key for the identification mealybug in Southern Guinea Savanna, Nigeria 2. Design of Biomarkers as molecular identification of Icerya aegyptiaca 3. Studies on the Biology & Ecology of some mealybugs in Nigeria. K. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: (i) Chairman, ASUU, LAUTECH Branch 1999-2003 (ii) Director, LAUTECH Production and Consultancy Services 2006-2007 (iii) Director, LAUTECH Production Services 2007-2008 (iv) Member, University Development Committee 2006-2008 (v) Departmental Examination Officer 2008-2010 (vi) Member Departmental Board of Examiners 2008-2010 (vii) Member, Faculty Board of Examiners 2008-2010 (viii) Acting Head of Department, Dept, of P/A Biology 1st Aug. 2010-2012 (ix) Ag. Dean, Student Affairs. LAUTECH 2010-2012 (x) Senate member of the University 2010-2012 (xi) Chairman, University Handbook Review Committee 2010-2012 (xii) External Examiner to HND Biology Programme, The Polytechnic Ibadan (xiii) Chairman of Six Ph.D. and 12 M.Tech oral examinations (ix) Postgraduate school representative on various M.Tech and Ph.D. examination in the faculties of Agriculture and science Signature……………. ……….. * Published after the last promotion. 2010-Date 2010-2012 2010-Date DATE…………………..