Rock Cycle Learning

Earth Science
9 - 10
The Rock Cycle, Properties of rocks
How do rocks undergo change?
Students will Understand:
The processes by which rocks are formed define three major groups of rocks.
The rock cycle is the process by which all rocks are formed.
Students will Know:
Igneous rocks, which are formed from cooled molten rock can either be intrusive or extrusive.
Metamorphic rocks are formed through changes in temperature, pressure, or chemical action and can
either be foliated or unfoliated.
Sedimentary rocks are clastic or non-clastic, and are formed by rock fragments or organic material
being bound together, or by chemical precipitation.
Students will Be Able To:
Differentiate between igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks based on their characteristics.
Compare and contrast how the three different groups of rocks are formed.
Directions: Pick one question to answer from appetizer, soup and salad, side dish, and dessert. You
may only choose #1 once, #2 once, and #3 once. (Example: Answer #2 from level 1, #3 from level 2,
and #1 from level 3. What you can’t do: Answer #1 from each level.) Additionally, you must complete
all of the main course.
Appetizer: (To be done in class)
1) Classify the numbered rock samples in bin A as foliated or unfoliated. What criteria did you use in
your classification?
2) Classify the numbered rock samples in bin B as clastic or non-clastic. What information helped you
in your identification?
3) Identify the numbered rock samples in bin C as intrusive and extrusive rock. How did you make
your determination?
Soup and Salad:
1) Explain the difference between foliated and unfoliated metamorphic rocks. Give an example of
2) How are clastic sedimentary rocks different from non-clastic sedimentary rocks? Give an example
of each.
3) Compare and contrast the properties of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. Give an example of
Side Dish:
1) Come up with 2 creative metaphors that describe how foliated and unfoliated metamorphic rocks
2) Draw a cartoon depiction of the formation of the two types of sedimentary rocks.
3) Create a visual to illustrate how both types of igneous rocks are formed.
Main Course:
1) Create a diagram that shows the similarities and differences between the three major categories of
rocks in terms of their formation and distinguishing characteristics.
1) Write a “rock and roll” song or rap that describes the different changes that rocks can undergo
within the rock cycle.
2) Write a short story tracing a rock’s transformation as it goes through the rock cycle. What changes
does it undergo? What processes cause these changes to occur?
3) Create and illustrate your own rock cycle using pictures you take, find on the Internet, or draw.
Include the transformative processes and all of the possible routes of transformation that can occur. Be
sure to include or attach a description of each of these processes.