
Advance Organizer Template
Authors: Katina Gamleah, Elizabeth
Woodward, and Eduardo Pena Jr.
Standards APS:
NM Standards:
Advance organizer: Plate Tectonics (this
lesson(s) is particularly poignant due to the
recent Japan Earthquake and subsequent
Lesson :Convergent boundaries
Unit : Plate tectonics
Topic: Japan 3/10/11
Objectives: Students will be able to…
Grade Level/subject: 7-12 grades
Any (applicable) to any science class, but
particularly Geology but this lesson can be
shortened and simplified for earlier grades.
Is this model:
New idea: Convergent zone
Modification of a previous Lesson: This
lesson will fall after transform boundaries.
Analyze data and draw reasonable conclusions.
Create and explain flow chart of sequencing events.
Identify other convergent zones.
Explain the importance of “moving plates”?
Demonstrate knowledge of the advantages of a “living planet”
Phase 1: Presentation of Advance Organizer
Clarify aims of the lesson
Aim of the lesson is to introduce convergent plate
boundaries during the unit of plate tectonic theory
Present organizer:
 Using PowerPoint to introduce the graphic organizer
Identify defining attributes
that puts convergent plate boundaries (zones) into
give examples
context with the rest of the plate tectonic unit.
provide context
 Because the Japan earthquake is so recent, the
information will remain fresh in the mind. Also,
because there is so much visual media the interest
level will be high.
 The subduction zone is key to why the earthquake
happened, the pressure of rock is the explanation for
earthquakes in general, and a tsunami is sometimes a
result from earthquakes in the ocean that displaces a
large amount of water (mega thrust).
Prompt awareness of learner’s
relevant knowledge and
Advance Organizer Template
Plate tectonic theory had already been discussed in
class in a previous lesson, as has transform
boundaries .
Student will build on prior knowledge of Japan from
Power Point and previous lessons on plate zones.
adapted from Dr. Torrez , 2011
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Advance Organizer Template
Phase 2: Presentation of Learning Task or Material
Present material (what is the task with Differentiated options are at the bottom of this
which the students will be involved— template.
to “fill in” the advance organizer?)
Explain how you will maintain the
Using information that is also current events will keep
learner’s attention
learners attention. Video, graphic visuals, and talking
(discussion) will keep the learner in tune with the
Discussion topics may include:
 Past examples of these events, for instance 2004
Sumatra tsunami that hit many areas and killed
approximately 230,000.
 Atlantis is believed to have been wiped out by a
tsunami and massive earthquake – archeologists
believe they may have found the ruminants of
Atlantis on the Doñana mudflats in Spain.
 Why most of the convergent zone in the
Himalayas are above ground as continental rock
instead falling into the magma as seen in this
ocean subduction zone (reason is continental
rock is much more buoyant than oceanic rock).
Explain how you will make the
Using a graphic organizer
organization explicit
Pictures and video
Subduction zone (largest earthquakes) which is where
the recent Japan earthquake happened that resulted in a
Make logical order of learning
1. Plate tectonics and pressure of rock
materials (Indicate on the organizer
a. Transform boundaries (previous lesson)
the sequence you will follow)
b. Convergent zone
1. Ocean to ocean zone
2. Ocean to continent  this lesson
a. Japan quake
1. Tsunami
2. Shifting of the rest of the plate
3. Continent to continent
c. Divergent zone
Advance Organizer Template
adapted from Dr. Torrez , 2011
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Advance Organizer Template
Phase 3: Strengthening Cognitive Organization
How will you use principles of
The big idea is plate tectonics and subduction zones are
integrative reconciliation?
only a small part in the bigger role of the living planet.
Through discussion, the power point presentation,
video and research done by the students will secure this
theory into students cognitive structure to build upon in
later lessons.
How will you promote active
The assignment options have several active reception
reception learning?
learning strategies laced through them. Building upon
these for the next lesson will also strengthen that
cognitive structure for plate tectonics. A teacher can
also design an alternative assessment in place of a test.
How will you elicit critical approach
Remembering the need to foster knowledge during
to subject matter and clarify?
discussions and assignments, the teacher , must
remember to ask higher level thinking questions and as
students inferring type questions to insure that the
students are ‘getting it.’
How will you evaluate:
Completion of assignments and discussion feedback.
Students learning?
On-going discussion and ties of knowledge to current
events will make this lesson more meaningful.
However, these things will happen again, as we are a
living planet. This information will be discussed on the
news and students in later life should be able to
remember vividly the Japan example.
The success of the strategy?
The success of the strategy will be shown by the
students own products. However, long lasting cognitive
ability on this subject should remain due to the
significance of a current event.
Possible applied assignments: Students will demonstrate their understanding of current
events by choosing one of the following to execute. (With a partner, or alone)
1. Research another earthquake/tsunami event from history and write a 2 page comparative
2. Create a power point slide presentation illustrating the events over the last two weeks in
sequential order. Include: the event, the subsequent secondary fallout from the event, the
Japanese government’s response and World response to the event.
3. Build a model that explains what happens when tectonic plates move.
4. Identify 3 other active subduction zone areas. Compare their geographic location with
Japan’s and analyze how each location would be affected by an 8.9 magnitude
earthquake. (To include one location from the Northern Hemisphere). Create a poster or
posters to illustrate information.
5. Gather and create a statistical data chart about the earthquakes from 2005-2010. Make
predictions about potential earthquakes in the next 2 years based on data collected. Write
at least 2 paragraphs supporting your predictions.
Advance Organizer Template
adapted from Dr. Torrez , 2011
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