[Insert Accredited Org Logo] For Immediate Release Org Media


[Insert Accredited Org Logo]

For Immediate Release Org Media Contact CPPA: Lynnae Mahaney

Date Phone number; email 608.444.7847; lmahaneycppa@gmail.com

[Name of Organization] Earns CPPA Accreditation

[City, State] – [Accredited Organization] has earned recognition from the Center for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation

(CPPA) for demonstrating compliance with the Center’s community pharmacy practice standards by delivering highquality, safe and efficient pharmacy care.

The accreditation recognizes (organization) for

raising the level of pharmacy-delivered patient care services.

(Organization) applied for the voluntary accreditation program and completed a rigorous examination process. The evaluation included a complete review of services and site practice history. Then a team of surveyors met onsite with

(organization) to evaluate the practice’s onsite facility for compliance with standards and the practice’s process for meeting patients’ needs in a timely and efficient manner.

US health care models indicate an increasing focus on providers and practice sites that can deliver quality health care, improve patient outcomes, and use resources effectively. CPPA accreditation aligns with the national health care trends, enabling a pharmacy to adapt its practice to the following:

CPPA-accredited pharmacy practices offer high-quality, safe, and efficient patient care services to improve the

 health outcomes of the public and contribute to overall lower health care costs.

CPPA accreditation signifies to patients, payers, and providers an advanced and consistent level of patient care services, quality, and safety for a superior health care value.

CPPA accreditation enables reporting of outcomes measures and provision of safe and effective patient care,  which differentiate the CPPA-accredited pharmacy practice from others in the marketplace.

“The breadth and complexity of the medication-use process calls for a detailed level of care and focus to ensure consistent quality outcomes,” stated Lynnae Mahaney, BSPharm, MBA, FASHP, CPPA Executive Director. “CPPA-accredited pharmacy practices are providing an advanced level of patient care, services, quality and safety—which distinguishes that practice and its value within the health care system. I commend (organization) for this achievement and their dedication to improved patient care.

[Insert Quote from Organization]

CPPA’s voluntary, community pharmacy practice accreditation process is offered to pharmacy practices with an interest in improving patient care. This formal recognition program differentiates these practices as exemplary.

[About Accredited Organization]

About the Center for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation

The Center for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation (CPPA), a 501 (c)(6) nonprofit organization, is a partnership between the

American Pharmacists Association (APhA), the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) and the American

Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) to develop and implement comprehensive programs of pharmacy practice site accreditation. This includes the promotion, development and maintenance of principles, policies and standards. CPPA offers the general public and users of pharmacy services a means of identifying pharmacy practices that satisfy the accreditation criteria and are focused on advancing patient care, safety and quality. For more information, visit www.pharmacypracticeaccredit.org



Center for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation ● www.Pharmacypracticeaccredit.com ● 608-444-7847
