File - Aziz. Ahmad, SMT


Medico legal Report

Prepared by

Aziz Ahmad, RMT

786 young St, Toronto Ontario, M3r 4t7

State Farm Insurance

678 Cabbage St. Toronto, Ontario, M7d 3e6

(Tel) 416-792-4575 (fax) 416-656-5645

October, 30 th , 2012


I am a qualified massaged therapist who has 10+ years of rehabilitative clinic experience. I will take my expertise to treat Mr. Tom Drake for his piriformis syndrome (gluteal pain). The client has been referred by his physician for massage therapy treatment. Massage therapy can be helpful and effective to treat and reduce the nerve impingement of the sciatic nerve and the possible trigger points on the piriformis muscle X-rays were not provided


Patient: Tom Drake

Chief Complaint: piriformis syndrome

Type of treatment: Rehabilitation

Date: October, 10 th , 2012

Short term treatment Plan: 2x 45min tx/wk. for 2 wks. = 4 treatments

Second Plan: 1x 1hr tx/wk. for 4wks= 4 treatments

Consent obtained: Yes

Impairment levels

Suspected left sciatic nerve compression by the piriformis muscle causing pain and altered sensations down R gluteal and post lower leg into foot

Point tenderness in gluteals and TP’s in piriformis, hypertonicity in iliopsoas, quads and QL

Decreased lumbar AROM 75% in flexion, Pain when returning from flexion, decreased internal rotation

Decreased hip AROM internal rotation, PROM, decreased internal rotation, decreased flexion

(right hamstrings) mild pain in flexion(no hamstrings involvement), RROM, pain and weakness internal rotation

Postural malalignment- external rotation of foot , excessive L-spine lordosis, forward head posture

Ataxic gat, Restricted right SI joint

Outcomes of Care

Decrease TP’s in piriformis muscle

Decrease hypertonicity in iliopsoas, quads, and QL’s

Decrease tenderness in gluteals

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Medico legal Report

Prepared by

Aziz Ahmad, RMT

786 young St, Toronto Ontario, M3r 4t7

Mobilize restricted Left SI joint

Improve gait

Increase restricted ROM in in Left side

Restore muscle balance to improve postural malalignment

Notes: postural malalignment will be addressed throughout the treatment plan. If after the short term reassessment the pain pattern has not changed, a referral to a physician or osteopath will be made.

Long term Treatment Plan: 8 treatments over 6wks. (4treatmetns over 2wks, reassess, then 4tx over


**Reassess after short term treatment plan, refer client or continue with care**

Functional Limitations

Cannot drive more than 20 mins without experiencing sharp pain in the lower back and right leg

Outcomes of Care

To enable Mr. Drake to drive for 1hr without pain

To provide remedial exercises that can alleviate pain felt in certain positions

To educate client on posture and ergonomics, to decrease aggravating factors

NOTES: reassess after 8 weeks, discharge or change and continue with treatment plan if necessary

Techniques to be used

Thermaphore to gluteal region

Effleurage, specific compression, broad contact compression, stripping, passive stretching, gentle PNF, fascial spreading, petrissage and joint mobilizations

AROM and strengthening exercises for hip and piriformis

Passive stretching and resistance exercises

Intended effect

Decreased hypertonicity, decreased muscles, pliability in gluteal region

Decreased TP’s, restore normal muscle resting tension, decreased sciatic nerve compression

Restore normal ROM, strengthening exercises to improve piriformis function and core strength to support L-spine and pelvis

Normalize agonist/antagonist relationship to improve muscle endurance and structural support

NOTES: Contraindication: no deep vigorous work due to blood thinning and anticoagulant medications.

No resistance exercises before full ROM has returned. Cautions: passive stretch to be done very slowly to decrease chances of tissue damage. Guarding may be stabilizing the area; release of piriformis may cause the area to loose support.

Remex: hydrotherapy to gluteal region and passive stretch of piriformis, PROM for lumbar area to increase ROM and muscle length. Stability ball exercises to increase core strength and decrease lordotic curvature, quad and iliopsoas stretches. Strengthening exercises for piriformis

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Medico legal Report

Prepared by

Aziz Ahmad, RMT

786 young St, Toronto Ontario, M3r 4t7

**Upon research massage therapy is well documented in successfully treating piriformis syndrome

(human anatomy. P. 83) it involves using massage techniques and modalities which enable to take compression off the sciatic nerve by treating TP’s and hypertonic tissue in the surrounding area.

Furthermore, peer review journals have stated massage therapy is the best suited to treating piriformis syndrome. It allows the therapist to emulate various techniques such as: muscle stripping, stretching techniques, specific compression and hydrotherapy modalities to treat piriformis syndrome (Peer review journal: Relieving sciatic nerve pain, John P. 4) **

Conclusions and Recommendations

In conclusion, I strongly believe massage therapy will be the best candidate for treating piriformis syndrome. It involves soft tissue manipulation, treating TP’s, decreasing hypertonic tissue and alleviating pain from muscle and nerve compression and much more all in which are the expertise of a massage therapist.

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