CENTRAL PARK MEDICAL CENTRE PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP MEETING TUESDAY 24th JUNE 2014 PRESENT Kay Hitchmough, Jo Quinn, Ken Harrison, Joyce Roberts, Peter Fogg, Raza Moula Dennis Knowles, Jean Cromwell, Norma McGinty, Jane Langsdale PRACTICE REPRESENTATIVE Joan Rogers APOLOGIES Ann Dermody . The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed by Kay Hitchmough MATTERS ARISING The sale of books will be looked at again in September although the display has been improved. The point was made that libraries have the same potential for health risks. Other matters were addressed during the meeting. Dr S Mukherjee has asked if the meetings could be moved to Wednesday. The majority of members could not attend on a Wednesday and Tuesday is a difficult day for doctors to come to our meetings. Although Joan provides an excellent link between the doctors and the PPG, the members felt that a month goes by before any feedback is received from comments or suggestions raised at the previous meeting. The members appreciate that doctors have little free time to give up to attend our meetings. However, we would very much appreciate it if just one of the doctors could spare a few minutes at some time during the meeting to address any points they feel need clarification. We are all volunteers and it is apparent from our meetings that some, if not all members, feel that we are not given any feedback on our discussions or proposals. Kay asked Joan to speak to Dr SKM regarding possible solutions. Action: Joan Rogers The members were unanimous in a vote of thanks for the professional support given to the PPG by Joan Rogers. We are conscious of her extremely busy schedule and we are very grateful for her support. Patient Call System Patients have constantly to watch the screen for their name to come up. Doctors or practice nurses have to walk up to reception to call the patients name if the patient has not noticed the screen. This results in a loss of time and inconvenience to everyone concerned. Unwanted medicines This subject was raised again, as members are aware of the financial implications of unwanted medicines being ordered and not required. Kay produced a photograph showing a huge store of medicines that had been found belonging to a patient, all of which had had to be destroyed. How can we increase patients awareness of of this? There is a charity called InterCare which sends unused medicines to Africa. 12,000 surgeries in UK are signed up to this. A leaflet with some information was produced by Peter. Raza is aware of this also and we gave the leaflet to Joan in case it may be of interest. Can our practice become involved in this? Is it something the doctors could support? Is it practical? Any comments, positive or negative, from the doctors would be appreciated for discussion at the next meeting. ACTION REQUIRED PLEASE Travel and other external services Information and vaccines are available from Claughton Medical Centre and Liverpool school of tropical medicine. Telephone numbers and addresses should be available at reception. Joan reported on the amount of work required by external agencies. The practice has limited staff resources. AOB Regular health check reminders are automatically sent as required. How far in advance can appointments be made for services like routine B12 injections which are needed at regular intervals? A member was concerned that an appointment made 2 weeks previously had been cancelled and rearranged with another doctor. No patient notes were available as the computer system was down. Joan will investigate and report back to the next meeting. We feel that appointments for potentially serious issues should only be cancelled in exception circumstances. Action: Joan Rogers DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 1pm on Tuesday 29th July 2014 Following dates are: August 26, September 30, October 28, November 25. Meeting closed at 2.30