Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION As the culmination of a four-year competitive process, NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) has selected the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), the successor to the venerable DES (Data Encryption Standard). The competition was an open one, with public participation and comment solicited at each step of the process. The AES, formerly known as Rijndael, was chosen from a field of five finalists. AES is suitable for any application that requires strong encryption technology. This new encryption standard may replace the previously used triple-DES where the superior efficiency of Rijndael algorithm can be used to gain much increased data throughput for less logic real–estate. Typical applications might include secure communications, program content protection for digital media applications, storage area, networks, VPN, secure VoIP, wireless LAN, electronic banking etc.. AES is a 128-bit symmetric cryptographic algorithm. It is symmetric since same key is used for encryption and decryption.The general Rijndael algorithm is a block cipher with multiple options for its block and key size. The NIST approved AES is a subset of these options with a fixed block size of 128-bits, but the key may be 128, 192 or 256-bits in length. This means, that a basic AES engine is capable of encrypting plain text data in blocks of 128-bits using any of the specified key sizes. Higher levels of security can be achieved by using bigger key sizes. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 1 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 1.1 OUTLINE OF REPORT This standard specifies the Rijndael algorithm, a symmetric block cipher that can process data blocks of 128 bits, using cipher keys with lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bits. Rijndael was designed to handle additional block sizes and key lengths; however they are not adopted in this standard. Throughout the remainder of this standard, the algorithm specified herein will be referred to as “The AES Algorithm.” This specification includes the following sections: Chapter 2. Evolution of Cryptography which briefs emergence of thoughts about cryptography. Chapter 3. Basics of Cryptography describing its principles. Chapter 4. Security, Cryptography and Privacy depicts security and privacy aspects in cryptography. Chapter 5. Symmetric Key Cryptography describes the key standard used in AES. Chapter 6. Implementation Tool – MatLab 7.6 briefs the details of project platform. Chapter 7. AES with CBC algorithm which specifies idea of algorithm and steps involved in it. Chapter 8. High-level description of algorithm which explains the steps: SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns and AddRoundKey in detail. Chapter 9. Flow diagram which describes flow of algorithm in both encryption and decryption. Chapter 10. Block diagrams which describes Standard core encryption, decryption and encryption/decryption standards in detail. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 2 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC Chapter 11. Inputs & Outputs given to and taken from the function. Chapter 12. Key Expansion Algorithm & Flowchart which describes the key expansion scheme used in AES Chapter 13. Substiution Boxes which involves construction details of SBox, ISBox and MixColumn matrices Chapter 14. AES Encryption Procedure illustrates full encryption algorithm in a 4X4 matrix Chapter 15. AES Decryption Procedure illustrates full decryption algorithm in a 4X4 matrix Chapter 16. Algorithms illustrate full AES program in simple steps Chapter 17. Block Cipher: Modes of Operation which describes and compares different block modes Chapter 18. Comparison with previous standard involves comparison between DES and AES. Chapter 19. Attacks and Security which point outs the possible attacks on AES and the security in AES against it Chapter 20. Advantages of AES over other encryption techniques. Chapter 21. Applications of AES Algorithm Chapter 22. Limitations of the Algorithm Chapter 23. Conclusion of the project Chapter 24. References comprising of paper and web references. Chapter 25. Appendix used for the implementation of project. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 3 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 2 EVOLUTION OF CRYPTOGRAPHY The secure transport of messages was the concern of many early civilizations. Since then, different methods have been developed to assure that only the sender and the addressee would be able to read a message, while it would be illegible or without significant meaning to a third party. Today, this practice continues with more fervor. Wireless, wired, and optical communication networks are able to transport unimaginable amounts of data and thus privacy of information and security of the network are of the utmost concern because a good part of the transported information may be very sensitive and/or confidential. Confidentiality of information has been particularly popularized with the explosive growth of the Internet, which has touched most people’s lives. However, from the outset, the Internet was based on an open network architecture with computer-based nodes and without network security, and thus was vulnerable to attackers and hackers. The development of unbreakable cipher keys, cipher key distribution, identification of malicious actors, source authentication, physical-link signature identification, countermeasures, and so forth has been the major thrust of research efforts with regard to cyber-security. This article focuses on cryptography, and is the first of a series of three articles on cryptography and security in communications. Subsequent articles will cover wireless and IP network security, as well as optical network security, quantum cryptography, and quantum-key distribution processes specific to optical networks. In antiquity, sending a secret message with a messenger through a hostile territory was as dangerous as it has been to date. The messenger was subject to interception, and the message was subject to the integrity of the messenger. As such, methods were developed to assure that the message would arrive at its destination safe and untampered with. Although this article does not attempt to provide a historical treatise on the subject, it is worth mentioning some sound and proven examples. The ancient Mesopotamians would write a message in cuneiform script on a clay tablet that was exposed to sun to dry. This tablet was then enclosed in a clay envelope, which was also dried. Breaking the clay envelope to read the message would forfeit the message, particularly during Dept. of Electronics & Communication 4 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC times of war, and thus the message was useless. Similarly, in ancient China, people would hide a message in a cake (known as a moon cake) in order to get a message past the emperor’s guards; today’s fortune cookie is an American concoction of the Chinese moon cake. Moreover, secret messages have been found in hieroglyphs. Until the 1980s and prior to the advent of the Internet, the communications circuit-switched network was in general inaccessible. Moreover, this network was not challenged with virus attacks and the like; in fact, cyber-security is a modern term that did not exist until the spread of the Internet several years ago. Thus, for many years, network security had not been a priority and had been underemphasized or overlooked. However, the circuit-switched network was not flexible and cost-effective to newly emerging data services and was losing its edge to computer networking that met the low-cost but not the reliability and security requirements. The first Internet protocol did not include security features; however, its deployment expanded rapidly. n fact, information on the Internet network takes a complex route, which is not under the control of the network itself, as compared with information on the circuit-switched network. Thus, being a connectionless network with distributed control, and operated by many small and medium-size network providers, information was easily accessible and vulnerable to eavesdropping, data harvesting, and attacks. The possibility that a third party may be able to harvest credit card information and health and other personal records or misrepresenting data injected in the network has generated increasing concern within industry and government alike. Similar to the Internet, the initial cellular wireless network was very vulnerable to eavesdropping and calling-number mimicking. In fact, accessing calling numbers and pin codes from the airwaves was extremely easy by an actor on the highway using a properly converted receiver and a laptop. Since then, cellular wireless technology has evolved, and new coding methods and protocol versions with enhanced security Dept. of Electronics & Communication 5 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 3 BASICS OF CRYPTOGRAPHY When Julius Caesar sent messages to his generals, he didn’t trust his messengers. So he replaced every A in his messages with a D, every B with an E, and so on through the alphabet. Only someone who knew the “shift by 3” rule could decipher his messages. And so we begin. Data that can be read and understood without any special measures is called plaintext or cleartext. The method of disguising plaintext in such a way as to hide its substance is called encryption. Encrypting plaintext results in unreadable gibberish called ciphertext. You use encryption to ensure that information is hidden from anyone for whom it is not intended, even those who can see the encrypted data. The process of reverting ciphertext to its original plaintext is called decryption. Cryptography is the science of using mathematics to encrypt and decrypt data. Cryptography enables you to store sensitive information or transmit it across insecure networks (like the Internet) so that it cannot be read by anyone except the intended recipient. While cryptography is the science of securing data, cryptanalysis is the science of analyzing and breaking secure communication. Classical cryptanalysis involves an interesting combination of analytical reasoning, application of mathematical tools, pattern finding, patience, determination, and luck. Cryptanalysts are also called attackers. Cryptology embraces both cryptography and cryptanalysis. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 6 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 4 SECURITY, CRYPTOGRAPHY AND PRIVACY Until the 1980s and prior to the advent of the Internet, the communications circuit-switched network was in general inaccessible; specialized networking know-how was required to tap a twowire pair and eavesdrop (as shown in “spy” movies such as “James Bond” and “Mission Impossible”) or to mimic signaling codes using the so-called “blue box” and bypass-calling billing. Moreover, this network was not challenged with virus attacks and the like; in fact, cyber-security is a modern term that did not exist until the spread of the Internet several years ago. Thus, for many years, network security had not been a priority and had been underemphasized or overlooked. However, the circuit-switched network was not flexible and cost-effective to newly emerging data services and was losing its edge to computer networking that met the low-cost but not the reliability and security requirements. The first Internet protocol did not include security features; however, its deployment expanded rapidly. In fact, information on the Internet network takes a complex route, which is not under the control of the network itself, as compared with information on the circuit-switched network. Thus, being a connectionless network with distributed control, and operated by many small land medium-size network providers, information was easily accessible and vulnerable to eavesdropping, data harvesting, and attacks. The possibility that a third party may be able to harvest credit card information and health and other personal records or misrepresenting data injected in the network has generated increasing concern within industry and government alike. Similar to the Internet, the initial cellular wireless network was very vulnerable to eavesdropping and callingnumber mimicking. In fact, accessing calling numbers and pin codes from the airwaves was extremely easy by an actor on the highway using a properly converted receiver and a laptop. Since then, cellular wireless technology has evolved, and new coding methods and protocol versions with enhanced security and authentication procedures have been added. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 7 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC The rapid spread of the Internet, and the lack of robust security features has unleashed the appetite of bad actors for invading the network and its computers with destructive results. Destructive programs that hide within other programs sneak into computers where they execute instructions that harvest personal data, open classified files, destroy files, allow them to clone themselves and propagate to other computers, flood the network and cause denial of service, enlist personal computers to execute programs secretly, and so on. Current incidents have placed network security on high national priority and at the forefront of research. For instance, cyber-attacks, “stealth” attacks (attacks that do not modify data or leave Website traces), and silent data extraction have been on the rise, as was reported to the “Internet Security Alliance Briefing to White House Staff and Members of Congress” (M. K. Daly, September 16, 2004). The post-September-11th cyber-attack known as “Code Red” infected 150,000 computers in just fourteen hours and two months later the attack “NIMDA” infected 86,000 computers. The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) of Carnegie Melon University reported that by 2002, attacks would increase to 110,000 from 3,700 in 1998. Similarly, the Congressional Research Service Report to Congress (April 2004) reported that, “Estimates of total worldwide losses attributable to attacks in 2003 range from $13 billion due to viruses and worms only to $226 billion for all forms of overt attacks.” And a report filed with the Federal Trade Commission (see USA Today, April 1, 2005, p. D1), stated that electronic heists of credit card numbers and other personal data account for one third of all complaints over the last three years. These reports and others have raised serious concerns with government and industry. In response to this, an Internet Security Alliance was formed between Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and its CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) and Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA), a federation of trade associations with more than 2,500 members. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 8 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 5 SYMMETRIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY Symmetric-key algorithms are a class of algorithms for cryptography that use trivially related, often identical, cryptographic keys for both decryption and encryption etc. The encryption key is trivially related to the decryption key, in that they may be identical or there is a simple transformation to go between the two keys. The keys, in practice, represent a shared secret between two or more parties that can be used to maintain a private information link. Other terms for symmetric-key encryption are secret-key, single-key, shared-key, one-key, and private-key encryption. Use of the last and first terms can create ambiguity with similar terminology used in public-key cryptography. Symmetric-key algorithms can be divided into stream ciphers and block ciphers. Stream ciphers encrypt the bits of the message one at a time, and block ciphers take a number of bits and encrypt them as a single unit. Blocks of 64 bits have been commonly used. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm approved by NIST in December 2001 uses 128bit blocks.Symmetric ciphers are often used to achieve other cryptographic primitives than just encryption. Encrypting a message does not guarantee that this message is not changed while encrypted. Hence often a message authentication code is added to a ciphertext to ensure that changes to the ciphertext will be noted by the receiver. Message authentication codes can be constructed from symmetric ciphers (e.g. CBC-MAC). However, symmetric ciphers also can be used for non-repudiation purposes by ISO 13888-2 standard. Another application is to build hash functions from block ciphers. See one-way compression function for descriptions of several such methods. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 9 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 6 IMPLEMENTATION TOOL – MATLAB 7.6 Fig. 1. MATLAB Symbol MATLAB Is a program for doing numerical computation. It was originally designed for solving linear algebra type problem using matrices. It’s name is derived from MATrix LABort ary. MATLAB is also a programming language that currently is widely used as a platform for developing tools for machine Learning. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 10 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC MATLAB is a commercial “Matrix Laboratory” package which operates as an interactive programming environment. It is a mainstay of the Mathematics Department software lineup and is also available for PC’s and Macintoshes and may be found on the CIRCA VAXes. MATLAB is well adapted to numerical experiments since the underlying algorithms for Matlab’s built in functions and supplied m-files on the standard libraries LINPACK and EISPACK. Matlab program and script files always have filenames ending with “.m” ;the programming language is exceptionally straightforward since almost every data object is assumed to be in an array. Graphical output is available to supplement numerical results. BUILDING MATRICES Matlab has many types of matrices which are built into the system. You can generate random matrices of other sizes and get help on the ‘rand’ command within matlab. Another special matrix called a Hilbert matrix, is a standard example in numerical linear algebra. A magic square is a matrix whoch has equal sum along rows and columns. You can build matrices of your own with any entries that you may want. BASIC FEATURES MATLAB is case sensitive,that is “a” is not the same as “A.” if this proves to be an annoyance, the command ‘casesen’ will toggle the case sensitivity off and on. The MATLAB display only shows 5 digits in the default mode. The fact is that MATLAB always keeps and computes in a double precision 16 decimal places and rounds the display to 4 digits. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 11 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 7 AES WITH CBC ALGORITHM The AES algorithm consists of a complex non-linear core function, which is iterated multiple times starting from the incoming plain text data block. Each iteration is called a “round”. The round function is slightly modified for the final round and there is an additional pre-processing round at the start of every encryption. The number of “rounds” required depends on the selected key size. For a key size of 128-bit there are 10 rounds, for a 192-bit key there are 12 rounds, and for a 256-bit key there are 14 rounds. The consequence of this is that the longer key sizes do take slightly more time to process. Each round of AES requires a unique 128-bit round key schedule that is generated from the supplied 128-bit, 192-bit or 256-bit AES key using a key expansion algorithm. For 128-bit keys one needs 11 key schedules, for 192-bit keys one needs 13 key schedules and for 256-bit keys one needs 15 key schedules. The key expansion process can be accomplished in one of two ways. For the encryption the round key schedules can be generated “on the fly” in real-time when they are required by the encryption algorithm. This is especially useful if the AES keys need to change on a regular basis. If the AES keys do not get changed too often then the round key schedules may be generated off-line and stored in internal RAM for subsequent use. Each iteration in the AES with CBC algorithm mainly consists of only four cryptographic algorithm steps. They are as follows : (i) Sub Bytes (ii) Shift Rows (iii) Mix Columns (iv) Add Round Key Dept. of Electronics & Communication 12 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 HIGH LEVEL DESCRIPTION OF THE ALGORITHM 8.1 The SubBytes step In the SubBytes step, each byte in the array is updated using an 8-bit substitution box, the Rijndael S-box. This operation provides the non-linearity in the cipher. To avoid attacks based on simple algebraic properties, the S-box is chosen as a 16x16 look up table with hexadecimal values. The S-box is also chosen to avoid any fixed points. Fig. 2. SubBytes Dept. of Electronics & Communication 13 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 8.2 The ShiftRows step The ShiftRows step operates on the rows of the state; it cyclically shifts the bytes in each row by a certain offset. For AES, the first row is left unchanged. Each byte of the second row is shifted one to the left. Similarly, the third and fourth rows are shifted by offsets of two and three respectively. Fig. 3. ShiftRows Dept. of Electronics & Communication 14 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 8.3 The MixColumns step In the MixColumns step, each column is multiplied by the known matrix that for the 128 bit key. The multiplication operation is defined as: multiplication by 1 means leaving unchanged, multiplication by 2 means shifting byte to the left and multiplication by 3 means shifting to the left and then performing xor with the initial unshifted value. In more general sense, each column is treated as a polynomial and is then multiplied modulo x4+1 with a fixed polynomial c(x) = 0x03 · x3 + x2 + x + 0x02. The coefficients are displayed in their hexadecimal equivalent of the binary representation of bit polynomials. Fig. 4. MixColumns Dept. of Electronics & Communication 15 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 8.4 The AddRoundKey step In the AddRoundKey step, the subkey is combined with the state. For each round, a subkey is derived from the main key using Rijndael's key schedule; each subkey is the same size as the state. The subkey is added by combining each byte of the state with the corresponding byte of the subkey using bitwise XOR. Fig. 5. AddRoundKey Dept. of Electronics & Communication 16 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 9 FLOW DIAGRAM Fig. 6. Flowchart Dept. of Electronics & Communication 17 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 10 BLOCK DIAGRAMS WITH DESCRIPTIONS 10.1 Standard Encryption Core AES This entity is an AES encryption component that uses an external key expander. The component processes each round in a single clock cycle. Plain text input, round key schedule input and cipher text output ports are 128 bits wide. Fig. 7. Standard Encryption Core AES When the start signal is asserted, input data is loaded and a new encryption operation is started. After a latency of 11, 13 or 15 master clock cycles (depending on the key size of 128, 192 or 256 bits) the ready signal is asserted and the cipher text output is valid. The round key index cycles through all needed values and is valid one clock cycle before the round key schedule data is required. This allows the use of external synchronous RAM to store the round key schedules. A new encryption operation can be started whenever the round key index is zero. One clock cycle later the output of a previous operation becomes available. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 18 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 10.2 Standard Decryption Core AES This entity is an AES decryption component that uses an external key expander. The component processes each round in a single clock cycle. Cipher text input, round key schedule input and plain text output ports are 128 bits wide. Fig. 8. Standard Decryption Core AES When the start signal is asserted, input data is loaded and a new decryption operation is started. After a latency of 11, 13 or 15 master clock cycles (depending on the key size of 128, 192 or 256 bits) the ready signal is asserted and the plain text output is valid. The round key index cycles through all needed values and is valid one clock cycle before the round key schedule data is required. This allows the use of external synchronous RAM to store the round key schedules. A new decryption operation can be started whenever the round key index is zero. One clock cycle later the output of a previous operation becomes available. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 19 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 10.3 Standard Encryption/Decryption Core AES This entity is a combined encryption/decryption component with external key expander. The component processes each round in a single clock cycle. Plain/cipher text input, round key schedule input and cipher/plain text output ports are 128 bits wide. When the start signal is asserted, input data is loaded and a new operation is started. Depending on the state of a select signal the operation is either encryption or decryption. After a latency of 11, 13 or 15 master clock cycles (depending on the key size of 128, 192 or 256 bits) the ready signal is asserted and the plain text output is valid. The round key index cycles through all needed values and is valid one clock cycle before the round key schedule data is required. This allows the use of external synchronous RAM to store the round key schedules. A new operation can be started whenever the round key index is zero. One clock cycle later the output of a previous operation becomes available. Fig. 9. Standard Encryption/Decryption Core AES Dept. of Electronics & Communication 20 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 11 INPUTS & OUTPUTS INPUTS Data to be encrypted such as text, image, file etc. of any size. Data is treated as matrix and is encrypted block by block. User defined Key of any length can be used to encrypt the data matrix. INTERNALLY GENERATED A Predefined Key is used to encrypt the User defined Key. Substitution Box & Inverse Substitution Box for Sub Bytes algorithm. Polymat & Inverse Polymat matrices for Mix Column algorithm. OUTPUTS The result of AES encryption is an encrypted data matrix of size 128 bit larger than the input data matrix. The result of AES decryption is a decrypted data matrix of size same as input data matrix. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 21 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 12 KEY EXPANSION ALGORITHM With AES encryption, the secret key is known to both the sender and the receiver. The AES algorithm remains secure, the key cannot be determined by any known means, even if an eavesdropper knows the plaintext and the cipher text. The AES algorithm is designed to use one of three key sizes (Nk). AES-128, AES-196 and AES-256 use 128 bit (16 bytes, 4 words), 196 bit (24 bytes, 6 words) and 256 bit (32 bytes, 8 words) key sizes respectively. These keys, unlike DES, have no known weaknesses. All key values are equally secure thus no value will render one encryption more vulnerable than another. The keys are then expanded via a key expansion routine for use in the AES cipher algorithm.This key expansion routine can be performed all at once or ‘on the fly’ calculating words as they are needed. The key expansion algorithm is shown below : void KeyExpansion(byte[] key, word[] w, int Nw) { int Nr = Nk + 6; w = new byte[4*Nb*(Nr+1)]; int temp; int i = 0; while ( i < Nk) { w[i] = word(key[4*i], key[4*i+1], key[4*i+2], key[4*i+3]); i++; } i = Nk; while(i < Nb*(Nr+1)) { temp = w[i-1]; if (i % Nk == 0) temp = SubWord(RotWord(temp)) ˆ Rcon[i/Nk]; else if (Nk > 6 && (i%Nk) == 4) temp = SubWord(temp);} w[i] = w[i-Nk] ˆ temp; i++; } Table 1. Key Expansion Dept. of Electronics & Communication 22 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 12.1 KEY EXPANSION – FLOW DIAGRAM Fig. 10 Key Expansion -Flow Diagram The predefined key is expanded into 11 key matrices using a key expansion algorithm. The generated 11 key matrices are used to perform AES encryption of user defined key. The encrypted user defined key is again expanded into 11 key matrices using the same key expansion algorithm. The final 11 key matrices are used to perform AES encryption of input data. The same 11 key matrices are used to perform AES decryption of encrypted data in the reverse order. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 23 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 13 SUBSTITUTION BOX (SBox) Table 2 SBox The numbers 0 to 255 are arranged in random in SBox. Eg: A number 12 is replaced with 13th element of SBox, ie. 254. This avoids linearity. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 24 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 13.1 INVERSE SUBSTITUTION BOX (iSBox) Table 3 iSBox Inverse SBox is generated by replacing 0 to 255 numbers by one position greater than the corresponding position in SBox. Eg : 254 is replaced by 255th element in iSBox which is 12. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 25 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 13.2 MIXCOLUMN MATRICES Table 4 MixColumn matrices Matrix multiplication is done between data matrix and polymat in encryption and with inverse polymath in decryption. Bitshift and bitxor are used for matrix multiplication and output values are limited within 255 (GF(2^8) – Galois Field). Dept. of Electronics & Communication 26 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 14 AES ENCRYPTION PROCEDURE Length of Plain Data is made to a multiple of 16 and divided into 4X4 matrices. Each 4X4 matrix is encrypted separately. In first round, add round key is performed between first state matrix and first key matrix. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 27 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC In rounds 2 to 10, Sub bytes is performed to state matrix. It is followed by shift rows to left. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 28 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC Then mixcolumn algorithm is performed followed by add round key. Keys 2 to 10 are used in add round key for corresponding rounds. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 29 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC In the last round sub bytes algorithm is performed in state matrix. It is followed by shift rows to left. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 30 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC At last, add round key is performed to state matrix with key 11 in last round to obtain the encrypted data. Same procedure is repeated in remaining 4X4 blocks. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 31 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 15 AES DECRYPTION PROCEDURE Each 4X4 encrypted data matrix is decrypted separately. In first round, add round key is performed between state matrix and last key matrix. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 32 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC In rounds 2 to 10, shift rows to right is performed to state matrix. It is followed by inverse sub bytes. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 33 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC Then add round key is performed followed by inverse mixcolumn algorithm. Keys 2 to 10 are used in add round key for corresponding rounds in reverse order. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 34 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC In the last round shift rows to right is performed to state matrix. It is followed by inverse sub bytes algorithm. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 35 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC At last, add round key is performed to state matrix with key 1 in last round to obtain the decrypted data. Same procedure is repeated in remaining 4X4 blocks. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 36 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 16 ALGORITHMS MAIN FUNCTION – CryptAES Step 1: Start Step 2: Find length of input data Step 3: Reshape input data and use integers if possible Step 4: Encode if the Command starts with 'e' or 'E', decode otherwise Step 5: Initialize AES parameters, create CBC initial vector for encoding Step 6: Process the data – encode or decode. Step 7: Clear secrets Step 8: Stop ENCRYPT FUNCTION – EncodeI Step 1: Start Step 2: Initialization of parameters to local variables (SBox & Key) Step 3: Allocate output as an array of zero with length greater than input data length Step 4: Initialize substitution for cyclical shift to the left Step 5: Set CBC IV as first block Step 6: Open wait bar Step 7: Iterate steps 8 to 18 until DataLen/16 reached. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 37 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC Step 8: Copy 4x4 block from input data to the state matrix and apply the CBC mask Step 9: Perform first round - Add RoundKey. Step 10: Iterate steps 11 to 15 nine times (Rounds 2 to 10) Step 11: Perform SubBytes and Shift Rows to left algorithms Step 12: Perform Mix Columns algorithm Step 13: Create polynomial matrix for Mix columns Step 14: Divide msb with irreducible decimal 283 to limit upto 255 Step 15: Perform Add Roundkey. Step 16: Encrypted data is new CBC mask Step 17: Perform Round 11 - subbyte, shiftrows, addroundkey Step 18: Process the wait bar Step 19: Close the wait bar. Step 20: Clear secrets Step 21: Stop DECRYPT FUNCTION – DecodeI Step 1: Start Step 2: Initialization of parameters to local variables (SBox & Key) Step 3: Allocate output as an array of zero with length less than encrypted data length Step 4: Initialize substitution for cyclical shift to the right Step 5: Set first block as initial CBC IV Dept. of Electronics & Communication 38 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC Step 6: Open wait bar Step 7: Iterate steps 8 to 18 until DataLen/16 reached. Step 8: Use encrypted data block as CBC value for the block Step 9: Perform last round - Add RoundKey. Step 10: Iterate steps 11 to 15 nine times (Rounds 10 down 2) Step 11: Perform Inverse SubBytes and Shift Rows to right algorithms Step 12: Perform Add Roundkey. Step 13: Perform Inverse Mix Columns algorithm Step 14: Create polynomial matrix for inverse Mix columns Step 15: Divide msb with irreducible decimal 283 to limit upto 255 Step 16: Apply old CBC mask to decrypted data Step 17: Perform Round 1 – inverse subbyte, shiftrows to right, addroundkey Step 18: Process the wait bar Step 19: Close the wait bar. Step 20: Clear secrets Step 21: Stop INITIALISATION OF AES PARAMETERS Function - Init Step 1: Start Step 2: Initialize parameters, create CBC IV Step 3: Create the S-box and the inverse S-box Dept. of Electronics & Communication 39 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC Step 4: Call function ExpandCipher for expansion of pre defined key Step 5: Limit the range of values to 0:255 Step 6: Limit or expand key to 16 bytes Step 7: Encrypt user defined key with expanded pre defined key Step 8: Call function ExpandCipher for expansion of encrypted key Step 9: Stop ROUND KEY EXPANSION Function – ExpandCipher Step 1: Start Step 2: Expand the 16-byte cipher to the 4x4x11 array Step 3: Copy 16 bytes column-wise Step 4: Perform RounKey Expansion algorithm Step 5: Stop CALLING PROGRAMS (Calls CryptAES in AES GUI) TEXT DATA ENCRYPTION Function Step 1: Start Step 2: Get the input text from Edit Text Box Step 3: Find the input Data length Step 4: If it is not a multiple of 16, append it with ‘#’ to make it a multiple of 16 Step 5: Get the key from Edit Text Box Dept. of Electronics & Communication 40 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC Step 6: Perform CryptAES speed test Step 7: Call CryptAES Step 8: Set encrypted data in the Edit Text Box Step 9: Stop TEXT DATA DECRYPTION Function Step 1: Start Step 2: Get the key from Edit Text Box Step 3: Perform CryptAES speed test Step 4: Call CryptAES. Step 5: Set encrypted data in the Edit Text Box Step 6: Stop IMAGE DATA READ Function Step 1: Start Step 2: Read the image by browsing it Step 3: Show the image on the respective axis Step 4: Find the size of image in 3 dimensions Step 5: Make all dimensions multiple of 16 by appending with ‘0’ Step 6: Stop Dept. of Electronics & Communication 41 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC IMAGE DATA ENCRYPTION Function Step 1: Start Step 2: Get the key from Edit Text Box Step 3: Perform CryptAES speed test Step 4: Call CryptAES. Step 5: Show the encrypted image on respective axis Step 6: Stop IMAGE DATA DECRYPTION Function Step 1: Start Step 2: Get the key from Edit Text Box Step 3: Perform CryptAES spee test Step 4: Call CryptAES Step 5: Show the decrypted image on respective axis Step 6: Stop FILE ENCRYPTION Function Step 1: Start Step 2: Open the clear file Step 3: Set the pathname and filename in the Edit Text Box. Step 4: If File ID less than ‘0’, Cannot read the file Step 5: Read the file in binary Step 6: Close the file Dept. of Electronics & Communication 42 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC Step 7: Find data length and if data length is not a multiple of 16, append it with ‘0’ to make it multiple of 16. Step 8: Append dummy data to check correct key. Step 9: Get the key from Edit Text Box Step 10: Call CryptAES Step 11: Save the cipher file by writing in binary. Step 12: Close the file Step 13: Stop. FILE DECRYPTION Function Step 1: Start Step 2: Open the cipher file Step 3: Set the pathname and filename in the Edit Text Box. Step 4: If File ID less than ‘0’, Cannot read the file Step 5: Read the file in binary Step 6: Close the file Step 7: Get the key from Edit Text Box Step 8: Call CryptAES Step 9: Find data length Step 10: Check correct key by comparing with dummy key appended. Step 11: Save the clear file by writing in binary. Step 12: Close the file Step 13: Stop. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 43 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 17 BLOCK CIPHER: MODES OF OPERATION In cryptography, modes of operation enable the repeated and secure use of a block cipher under a single key. A block cipher by itself allows encryption only of a single data block of the cipher's block length. When targeting a variable-length message, the data must first be partitioned into separate cipher blocks. Typically, the last block must also be extended to match the cipher's block length using a suitable padding scheme. A mode of operation describes the process of encrypting each of these blocks, and generally uses randomization based on an additional input value, often called an initialization vector, to allow doing so safely. Modes of operation have primarily been defined for encryption and authentication. Historically, encryption modes have been studied extensively in regard to their error propagation properties under various scenarios of data modification. Later development regarded integrity protection as an entirely separate cryptographic goal from encryption. Some modern modes of operation combine encryption and authentication in an efficient way, and are known as authenticated encryption modes. While modes of operation are commonly associated with symmetric encryption, they may also be applied to public-key encryption primitives such as RSA in principle (though in practice public-key encryption of longer messages is generally realized using hybrid encryption). 17.1 INITIALIZATION VECTOR (IV) An initialization vector (IV) is a block of bits that is used by several modes to randomize the encryption and hence to produce distinct cipher texts even if the same plaintext is encrypted multiple times, without the need for a slower re-keying process. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 44 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC An initialization vector has different security requirements than a key, so the IV usually does not need to be secret. However, in most cases, it is important that an initialization vector is never reused under the same key. For CBC (Cipher Block Chaining), reusing an IV leaks some information about the first block of plaintext, and about any common prefix shared by the two messages. In CBC mode, the IV must, in addition, be unpredictable at encryption time; in particular, the (previously) common practice of re-using the last cipher text block of a message as the IV for the next message is insecure (for example, this method was used by SSL 2.0). If an attacker knows the IV (or the previous block of cipher text) before he specifies the next plaintext, he can check his guess about plaintext of some block that was encrypted with the same key before (this is known as the TLS CBC IV attack). 17.2 PADDING A block cipher works on units of a fixed size (known as a block size), but messages come in a variety of lengths. So some modes (namely ECB and CBC) require that the final block be padded before encryption. Several padding schemes exist. The simplest is to add null bytes to the plaintext to bring its length up to a multiple of the block size, but care must be taken that the original length of the plaintext can be recovered; this is so, for example, if the plaintext is a C style string which contains no null bytes except at the end. Slightly more complex is the original AES method, which is to add a single one bit, followed by enough zero bits to fill out the block; if the message ends on a block boundary, a whole padding block will be added. Most sophisticated are CBC-specific schemes such as cipher text stealing or residual block termination, which do not cause any extra cipher text, at the expense of some additional complexity. Schneier and Ferguson suggest two possibilities, both simple: append a byte with value 128 (hex 80), followed by as many zero bytes as needed to fill the last block, or pad the last block with n bytes all with value n. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 45 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 17.3 ELECTRONIC CODE BOOK The simplest of the encryption modes is the electronic codebook (ECB) mode. The message is divided into blocks and each block is encrypted separately. Fig. 11 Electronic Code Book Dept. of Electronics & Communication 46 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 17.4 CIPHER BLOCK CHAINING CBC mode of operation was invented by IBM in 1976. In the cipher-block chaining (CBC) mode, each block of plaintext is XORed with the previous ciphertext block before being encrypted. This way, each ciphertext block is dependent on all plaintext blocks processed up to that point. Also, to make each message unique, an initialization vector must be used in the first block. Fig. 12 Cipher Block Chaining Dept. of Electronics & Communication 47 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC If the first block has index 1, the mathematical formula for CBC encryption is while the mathematical formula for CBC decryption is CBC has been the most commonly used mode of operation. Its main drawbacks are that encryption is sequential (i.e., it cannot be parallelized), and that the message must be padded to a multiple of the cipher block size. One way to handle this last issue is through the method known as ciphertext stealing. Note that a one-bit change in a plaintext affects all following ciphertext blocks. A plaintext can be recovered from just two adjacent blocks of ciphertext. As a consequence, decryption can be parallelized, and a one-bit change to the ciphertext causes complete corruption of the corresponding block of plaintext, and inverts the corresponding bit in the following block of plaintext. The disadvantage of this method is that identical plaintext blocks are encrypted into identical ciphertext blocks; thus, it does not hide data patterns well. In some senses, it doesn't provide serious message confidentiality, and it is not recommended for use in cryptographic protocols at all. A striking example of the degree to which ECB can leave plaintext data patterns in the ciphertext is shown below; a pixel-map version of the image on the left was encrypted with ECB mode to create the center image, versus a non-ECB mode for the right image. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 48 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 Fig 13. Original Image AES WITH CBC Fig. 14 Encrypted using ECB mode Fig. 15 Encrypted using CBC results in pseudo-randomness The image on the right is how the image might appear encrypted with CBC, — indistinguishable from random noise. Note that the random appearance of the image on the right does not ensure that the image has been securely encrypted; many kinds of insecure encryption have been developed which would produce output just as 'random-looking'. ECB mode can also make protocols without integrity protection even more susceptible to replay attacks, since each block gets decrypted in exactly the same way. For example, the Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst online video game uses Blowfish in ECB mode. Before the key exchange system was cracked leading to even easier methods, cheaters repeated encrypted "monster killed" message packets, each an encrypted Blowfish block, to illegitimately gain experience points quickly. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 49 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 18 COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS STANDARDS This is impressive and is true because the size of the AES key is exponentially larger than the DES key. However, DES was broken earlier than expected in part because CPU processing speeds have also been increasing exponentially. If we assume that CPU’s will continue to increase exponentially, per Moore’s Law which states CPU processor speed will double every 18 months, AES-128 will still remain secure for 109.5 years, AES-196 will remain secure for 211.5 years and AES-256 will remain secure for 301.5 years. While the demise of Moore’s Law has been considered imminent for the past 20 years or so, and there is no true end in sight, it seems unlikely Moore’s Law will continue for another 300 years. Also the assumption in these statements is attacks more efficient than brute force will not be found. Key Length (Nk words) 4 6 8 AES-128 AES-192 AES-256 Rijndael - 128 Rijndael - 192 Rijndael - 256 DES * Expanded Key Length (words) Block Size Number of (Nb words) Rounds Nr 44 4 10 52 4 12 60 4 14 4 10 4 44 6 12 8 14 4 12 6 52 6 12 8 14 4 14 8 60 6 14 8 14 * 256 2 16 2 of 64 bits, only 56 are used Table 5 AES, DES, Rijndael Comparisons Dept. of Electronics & Communication 50 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC 18.1 AES vs DES AT A GLANCE Table 6. AES vs DES Dept. of Electronics & Communication 51 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 19 ATTACKS AND SECURITY There are several known methods for attacking block ciphers. The Rijndael algorithm was designed to be resistant to all the known methods. The four most common are linear, differential, XSL and Side Channel Attacks. 19.1 DIFFERENTIAL CRYPTANALYSIS Differential Cryptanalysis is the study of how differences in input affect differences in output. Certain values for keys in DES made the encryption algorithm vulnerable to linear analysis. Increasing the number of rounds greatly reduces the success of differential attacks. The authors estimated that 5 rounds would make the difficulty of differential analysis about as hard as a brute force attack on the key. They then added a more rounds as a buffer for added security. 19.2 LINEAR CRYPTANALYSIS Linear Crytanalysis is the study of correlations between input and output. SubBytes & MixColumns are designed to frustrate Linear Analysis. 19.3 XSL CRYPTANALYSIS Linear Cryptanalysis is an attack method developed in 2002. There is a lot of debate over how successful XSL can be. The developers claim it will be able to break AES. But Dept. of Electronics & Communication 52 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC many mathematicians and cryptography experts have their doubts. Their feeling is that even if XSL can break AES, it cannot do so well, instead of taking 149 trillion years to brute force an attack on the key, XSL might be able to find the key in just 140 trillion years, not much of a benefit. XSL is a detailed study of the mathematics behind an encryption algorithm. Its run time is hard to calculate as it uses complex heuristics. Essentially it tries to reduce the cipher to a series of mathematical equations and then solves those equations. Right now XSL has reduced AES to a series of 8000 non-linear equations and 1600 unknowns. If a method can be found to solve these equations AES can be broken. 19.4 SIDE CHANNEL ATTACKS Side channel Attacks are attacks on the implementation of AES, not on the input or the AES cipher text. It attempts to correlate various measurements of the encrypting tool with time in an attempt to guess the key. A professor at MIT,9 encoded an AES algorithm on his computer, an 850MHz, Pentium III running FreeBSD 4.8 and by measuring time delays between the CPU and memory was able to successfully guess the key in under 100 minutes. There is a correlation between the index of an array and the time it takes to get the results back. This is due to the physical location of the data in the memory device. Data closer to the output lead will not take as much time to be retrieved as data further away, because it will not take as long for the signal to propagate its way out of the chip. He feels he can improve on this time. After running a few thousand encryptions he spent about an hour studying the results of his measurements. After studying the data, there were many repetitions to avoid noise, he concluded the key was one of several possibilities. By trying each one, he was able to find the key. He believes this analysis process can be programmed, cutting the time down to just a few minutes. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 53 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC The method of measuring time delays in memory requests are called timing attacks. Power attacks attempt to measure power consumption by the CPU. It takes more power to switch 8 bits than it takes to switch 1 bit. Some are also now measuring radiation levels from CPU’s and gaining knowledge of its inner workings. There are several techniques which can greatly frustrate side channel attacks. 1) Avoid use of arrays. Compute values of SBOX and rCon to avoid timing attacks. 2) Design algorithms and devices to work with constant time intervals. (independent of key and plaintext.) Study your device spec sheets, and insist on accurate data. For example you should know which takes longer, XOR or shift operations. 3) Use same memory throughout, remember, cache is faster than DRAM. 4) Compute Key Expansion on the fly. Don’t compute the Key Expansion and then reference it from memory. 5) Utilize pipelining to stabilize CPU power consumption. 6) Use specialized chips whenever possible, right now they are significantly faster than CPU’s and require extremely expensive equipment for side channel attack measurements. NIST was aware of side channel attacks when evaluating all the finalists. Comparing the Rijndael algorithm security against side channel attacks to the other four finalists considered by NIST they concluded: Rijndael and Serpent use only Boolean operations, table lookups, and fixed shifts/rotations. These operations are the easiest to defend against attacks. Twofish uses addition, which is somewhat more difficult to defend against attacks. MARS and RC6 use multiplication/division/squaring and/or variable shift/rotation. These operations are the most difficult to defend. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 54 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 20 ADVANTAGES High data security. Unclassified. Publicly disclosed. Available royalty-free, worldwide. Capable of handling a block size of at least 128 bits. At a minimum, capable of handling key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits. Computational efficiency and memory requirements on a variety of software and hardware including smart cards. Flexibility, simplicity and ease of implementation. AES is extremely fast compared to other block ciphers. (though there are tradeoff between size and speed) The round transformation is parallel by design. This is important in dedicated hardware as it allows even faster execution. AES was designed to be amenable to pipelining. The cipher does not use arithmetic operations so has no bias towards big or little endian architectures. AES is fully self-supporting. Does not use SBoxes of other ciphers, bits from Rand tables, digits of or any other such jokes. (Their quote, not mine) AES is not based on obscure or not well understood processes. The tight cipher and simple design does not leave enough room to hide a trap door. The AES will be the government's designated encryption cipher. The expectation is that the AES will suffice to protect sensitive (unclassified) government information until at least the next century. It is also expected to be widely adopted by businesses and financial institutions. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 55 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 21 APPLICATIONS AES (256-bit) is used to encrypt 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz data communications on MaxStream Radio Modems. AES is used to encrypt video games on the Sony PSP. AES is an encryption algorithm used by the IEEE 802.11i (WPA2) standard. AES in CBC mode is the default cipher used in OpenSSH protocol 2 connections. AES is employed in WinRAR when encryption is used. AES is used by Apple's(TM) later OS's using 128-bit encryption AES is used by Winzip 9.0. and Winrar . CHAPTER 22 LIMITATIONS The inverse cipher is less suited to smart cards, as it takes more codes and cycles. The cipher and inverse cipher make use of different codes and/or tables. In hardware, The inverse cipher can only partially re-use circuitry which implements the cipher. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 56 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 23 CONCLUSION The security of communications networks is of extreme importance, as it impacts the privacy of client data as well as national security. Unlike DES, which has no parameterization and hence no flexibility, AES permits upgrades as necessary. As technology improves, and as the true strength of AES algorithms becomes better understood through analysis, the most appropriate parameter values can be chosen. The new AES will certainly become the de facto standard for encrypting all forms of electronic information, replacing DES. AES-encrypted data is unbreakable in the sense that no known cryptanalysis attack can decrypt the AES cipher text without using a bruteforce search through all possible 256-bit keys. The major obstacle we found when implementing an AES was that the official specification document was written from a mathematician's point of view rather than from a software developer's point of view. In particular, the specification assumes that the reader is fairly familiar with the GF(28) field and it leaves out a few key facts regarding GF(28) multiplication that are necessary to correctly implement AES. We have tried here to remove the mystery from AES, especially surrounding GF(28) field multiplication. However, having this code in your skill set will remain valuable for a number of reasons. This implementation is particularly simple and will have low resource overhead. In addition, access to and an understanding of the source code will enable you to customize the AES class and use any implementation of it more effectively. Security is no longer an afterthought in anyone's software design and development process. AES is an important advance and using and understanding it will greatly increase the reliability and safety of your software systems. Dept. of Electronics & Communication 57 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 24 REFERENCES 1. AES page available via 2. Computer Security Objects Register (CSOR): 3. J. Daemen and V. Rijmen, AES Proposal: Rijndael, AES Algorithm Submission, September 3, 1999, available at 4. J. Daemen and V. Rijmen, The block cipher Rijndael, Smart Card research and Applications, LNCS 1820, Springer-Verlag, pp. 288-296. 5. B. Gladman’s AES related home page 6. A. Lee, NIST Special Publication 800-21, Guideline for Implementing Cryptography in the Federal Government, National Institute of Standards and Technology, November 1999. 7. A. Menezes, P. van Oorschot, and S. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, New York, 1997, p. 81-83. 8. J. Nechvatal, et. al., Report on the Development of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), National Institute of Standards and Technology, October 2, 2000, available at Dept. of Electronics & Communication 58 College of Engineering Munnar Major Project ’11 AES WITH CBC CHAPTER 25 APPENDIX Dept. of Electronics & Communication 59 College of Engineering Munnar