Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units Institution Operating Name Institution Number Name of Contact Person Contact Person Title Contact Person Email Address Contact Person Telephone YYYY-MM-DD Date of the Report (YYYY-MM-DD) References to PCTIA Bylaws are made in parenthesis throughout this report. PCTIA Bylaws are available on the Agency’s website at PCTIA USE ONLY Audit Type: New Accreditation Review of Accreditation Date of Last Review: YYYY-MM-DD (YYYY-MM-DD) Accreditation Team Chair Agency Representative On-site Evaluation Date(s) Date of this Report (YYYY-MM-DD) Important Note: This template is for use by institutions who offer ONLY flight training. Institutions who offer other types of career training must complete the full Institutional Accreditation Report. INS.120.012 Page 1 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units Institutional Accreditation Report (the “IAR”) (includes Basic Education Standards) Institutional Accreditation Submission by Institution This form is designed for use by institutions applying for new accreditation or undergoing review of accreditation. Seeking accreditation is voluntary. Should you choose to seek accreditation, you will need to satisfy the PCTIA Registrar that your institution meets the requirements for accreditation under the PCTIA’s Bylaws. An Accreditation Team (the “Team”) will visit your institution and prepare a report assessing your institution against the Standards of Quality established under the Bylaws. The onus is on the institution to demonstrate it meets the Standards of Quality. Your IAR and Tabs can be provided either electronically or in hard copy. Electronic versions provided on a memory stick/thumbdrive are preferred. Accreditation Team Review In preparation for this review, the Accreditation Team will review: This Institutional Accreditation Report The institution’s listing on the PCTIA website The institution’s website Previous accreditation and compliance reports Any information related to the institution available from its regulatory body The Accreditation Team will inspect the institution’s facilities, meet with staff, instructors and students and may take photographs or photocopies of records to document their visit. IMPORTANT: Shaded areas of the report are for Team use only. INS.120.012 Page 2 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units Brief History and Description of the Institution Provide a brief introduction to your institution. Include general information about your institution’s history, future plans, locations and programs offered. You must also complete the Institutional Accreditation Report Program Information Table and append it to your report. Locations Provide a list of location(s) including the type of location and the programs offered. Location Name and Address INS.120.012 Type Main Branch Satellite Learning Site Main Branch Satellite Learning Site Main Branch Satellite Learning Site Main Branch Satellite Learning Site Main Branch Satellite Learning Site Page 3 of 15 Programs Offered 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units The Accreditation Team visited the following locations: Location Number of Students Attending [location operating address] Number of Students Interviewed (approximate) [location operating address] [location operating address] [location operating address] [location operating address] At the time of the accreditation review the institution offered the following program(s): Program Name # of full-time students enrolled # of part-time students enrolled The institution receives student enrolment intake [i.e. three times a year; January, May and September] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The Accreditation Team extends its thanks to [institution name], its staff and students for the cooperation, courtesy and hospitality extended to them. INS.120.012 Page 4 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units 1. Mission Statement – Bylaw 24 Institution Information: Team Findings Provide the institution’s mission statement in the space below. 1.1 The mission statement is posted in a location visible to the public (24.2) Yes No Issues, if any: Recommendation(s)(if any): The Team recommends that the institution consider: Institution Response to Team Findings: PCTIA Staff Recommendation to Registrar: 2. Organization – Bylaw 26 Institution Information: Team Findings: Provide a copy of the institution’s organizational chart - Tab 1. Provide copies of job descriptions for all positions identified in the organizational chart - Tab 2. Provide a resume for each on-site administrator - Tab 3. Provide a copy of the Senior Educational Administrator’s (SEA) credentials and, if applicable, PCTIA equivalency recognition - Tab 4. Provide a copy of the institution’s policies and procedures: (Dispute Resolution/Grade Appeal Policy; Withdrawal Policy; Dismissal Policy; Admissions Policy; Work Experience Policy (if applicable); Prior Learning Assessment Policy (if applicable); Language 2.1 The organization chart and job descriptions demonstrate the appropriate assignment of authority and responsibility for instructional delivery (26.2) Yes No INS.120.012 Issues, if any: 2.2 The institution has all required policies ( Dispute Resolution/Grade Appeal Policy; Withdrawal Policy, Dismissal Policy; Admissions Policy; Work Experience Policy (if applicable); Attendance Policy and. The policies are fair, reasonable and effective and supported by procedures (26.5) Page 5 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units Proficiency Assessment Policy (if applicable); Credit Transfer Policy (if applicable); Attendance Policy and Safety Policy) - Tab 5. If the policies are included in instructor/staff/student manuals, provide copies of those manuals - Tab 5. Provide a copy of any tools used to assess prior learning - Tab 6. Provide copies of agreements with other institutions with regard to transfer credit or other forms of program recognition - Tab 7. Yes No Issues, if any: 2.3 Admission representatives use titles that accurately reflect their actual duties and responsibilities (28.1.4) Yes No Issues, if any: Additional Information: Recommendation(s)(if any): The Team recommends that the institution consider: In the space below, provide answers for the following: 1. If the institution’s on-site administrator supports more than one location, explain how this is done. Answer: 2. If the institution’s Senior Educational Administrator (SEA) supports more than one location and/or delegates some/all of his/her duties to another individual, explain how this works. Answer: 3. When do students get copies of the required policies? Answer: Institution Response to Team Findings: PCTIA Staff Comments: 3. Records – Bylaws 27 and 34.7 INS.120.012 Page 6 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units Team Findings: 3.1 Students have reasonable access to their records (27.8) Yes No Issues, if any: 3.2 The institution keeps a file of all student complaints, including documentation of their resolution (27.1.3) Yes No Issues, if any: Recommendation(s)(if any): The Team recommends that the institution consider: Institution Response to Accreditation Team Findings: PCTIA Staff Comments: 4. Academic Policies and Student Services – Bylaw 28 Institution Information: Team Findings Provide samples of evaluation tools, feedback forms and any other tools used to evaluate and document student progress - Tab 8. Provide copies of admissions evaluation tools, including language assessments and scoring criteria (if applicable) - Tab 9. 4.1 Prospective and continuing students receive guidance and assistance allowing them to make informed decisions about their program of study (28.1.1) (28.3.1) Yes No Issues, if any: INS.120.012 Page 7 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units 4.2 Additional Information: Admission requirements are consistently applied (28.1.2) Yes No In the space below, provide answers for the following: Issues, if any: 1. Provide evidence demonstrating the entry assessment tools and admission requirements ensure students have the required language competencies, basic knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve program outcomes (for example, low attrition rates, high third party exam results)? 4.3 The admissions staff communicates current and accurate information regarding courses and programs, services, terms, and operating policies (28.1.3) Yes No Answer: Issues, if any: Answer: 4.4 2. What resources are in place to support student retention and success (examples: counsellors, one-onone support, tutorials). Provide evidence of their effectiveness. Entry assessment tools and admission requirements ensure that students have required language competencies (if applicable) and can achieve the program outcomes (28.3.2) Yes No Issues, if any: Answer: 4.5 Meaningful tools are used to assess prior learning (28.3.2) Yes No Issues, if any: 4.6 The grading system is easily understandable (28.1.6) Yes No Issues, if any: 4.7 Appropriate resources are in place to support student retention and success (28.3.4) Yes No Issues, if any: INS.120.012 Page 8 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units Recommendation(s)(if any): The Team recommends that the institution consider: Institution Response to Accreditation Team Findings: PCTIA Staff Comments: 5. Instructors – Bylaw 29 Institution Information: Team Findings: Provide a completed Course-by-course Instructor Qualifications Worksheet for each program offered – Tab 10. Provide a copy of the policy and/or procedure for evaluating instructors (including distance instructors – if applicable) - Tab 11. Provide a copy of the evaluation tool/form you use to evaluate instructors (including distance education instructors, if applicable) - Tab 12. Provide copies of current resumes for all instructors Tab 13. 5.1 Issues, if any: 5.2 Where necessary, development plans are implemented for instructors (29.6) Yes No Issues, if any: Additional information: In the space below, provide answers for the following: 1. What is the institution’s maximum student/instructor ratio for each program and differentiate, if necessary between theory and lab classes. INS.120.012 There are enough instructors to provide appropriate instructional services to each student (29.1) Yes No Recommendation(s)(if any): The Team recommends that the institution consider: Page 9 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units Answer: 2. Describe how the Institution evaluates instructors and how/when development plans are used. Answer: Institution Response to Accreditation Team Findings: PCTIA Staff Comments: 6. Educational Programs, Objectives, Curricula and Materials – Bylaw 30 All programs must meet Standards of Quality, including programs delivered in partnership with third party providers. Team Findings: 6.1 All curricula are up-to-date (30.1) Yes No Institution Information: Provide a copy of your most recent Transport Canada Program Validation Inspection and all related followup documents – Tab 14. Provide copies of all program and course outlines Tab 15. Provide sample class schedules for each program at each location - Tab 16. If applicable, provide copies of credentials and/or letters confirming good standing from all licensing, accrediting or approval agencies - Tab 17. If you provide programs in partnership with another institution or organization, provide a copy of the agreement(s) - Tab 18. Issues, if any: 6.2 Instructional material and technology are appropriate for the program(s) (30.1, 30.2.3) Yes No Issues, if any: 6.3 There is a detailed syllabus for each course in the program(s) (30.2.1) Yes No Issues, if any: Additional Information: INS.120.012 6.4 Page 10 of 15 Mode(s) of delivery are appropriate for the program(s) (30.2.4) 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units In the space below, provide answers for the following: Yes 1. How do you ensure that the curricula for your programs are up to date? No Issues, if any: Answer: 2. What materials and technology are available for instructional use? How are these selected? 6.5 The institution demonstrated it has ownership/usage rights of its curricula for the duration of the program(s) (30.5) Yes No Answer: Issues, if any: 3. If any of your programs are offered by distance education or combined delivery, explain how you monitor and assess the delivery and quality of the program. Distance Education (if applicable) 6.6 Distance delivery is appropriate for this program (30.8.3) Yes No N/A Answer: 4. If you offer the same program in class and by distance education, explain how you ensure consistent delivery and outcomes. Answer: Issues, if any: 6.7 The quality of the program(s)/course(s) achieves the expected and acceptable outcomes via distance education (30.8.1) Yes No N/A Issues, if any: 6.8 Students are aware of the technology requirements necessary to undertake the program(s) prior to enrolment (30.8.4) Yes No N/A Issues, if any: 6.9 The institution provides appropriate services and resources to support distance students (30.8.5) Yes No N/A Issues, if any: 6.10 The institution provides an appropriate orientation INS.120.012 Page 11 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units of the distance education environment to students at the beginning of the program (30.8.9) Yes No N/A Issues, if any: 6.11 Distance education instructors have timely and meaningful interaction with students (30.8.6) Yes No N/A Issues, if any: Recommendation(s)(if any): The Team recommends that the institution consider: Institution Response to Accreditation Team Findings: PCTIA Staff Comments: 7. Facilities and Institutional Resources – Section 32 of the PCTIA Bylaws Institution Information: Team Findings: Provide a floor plan and labelled photographs of classrooms, lab facilities, specialized equipment and student common areas for each of your locations - Tab 19. Provide a list of specialized equipment (lab equipment, simulator, equipment for students to apply practical skills, etc.), broken down by location Tab 20. Provide a list of instructional devices and teaching aides, by location, (projectors, smart boards, etc.) available to your instructors - Tab 21. 7.1 Students have adequate access to specialized equipment (32.3) Yes No Issues, if any: 7.2 There is sufficient equipment and learning stations to allow each student adequate time to practice (32.3, 32.5) Yes No Issues, if any: INS.120.012 Page 12 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units Additional information: In the space below, provide answers for the following: 1. Do multiple classes/intakes need to have access to the same equipment? How do you schedule to ensure adequate access? Answer: 7.3 There is a process to identify and allocate resources (physical resources, equipment, laboratories, etc.) to achieve program outcomes (32.8.1) Yes No Issues, if any: Recommendation(s)(if any): The Team recommends that the institution consider: Institution Response to Accreditation Team Findings: PCTIA Staff Comments: 8. Continuous Improvement Framework – Section 33 of the PCTIA Bylaws Institution Information: Team Findings: Provide samples of student/graduate satisfaction surveys used – Tab 22. If applicable, provide a summary of third-party and/or licensing exam pass rates for your students/graduates – Tab 23. Provide a table showing enrolment/attrition/ graduation/employment rates (career training programs only) for the past 36 months - Tab 24. Provide a description of any improvements the institution has made over the last 36 months - Tab 25. Provide a list of improvements to programs and/or facilities the institution plans to undertake in the next 12 months - Tab 26. 8.1 The institution provides stakeholders (such as students, graduates, and employers) opportunities to give feedback on the development and review of programs (30.12.2) Yes No Issues, if any: 8.2 There is an effective process to review the quality of all programs that results in continuous improvement (30.12.1, 33.1) Yes No Issues, if any: Additional Information: INS.120.012 Page 13 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units 8.3 In the space below, provide answers for the following: 1. How does the Institution evaluate the quality of its programs? The institution collects student attrition rates, student graduation or completion rates, student satisfaction surveys, third party/licensing exam results (if applicable) and graduate employment outcomes ( for career training programs only) (33.2) Yes No Answer: Issues, if any: 2. What does the institution do with the information and data it collects? Answer: 8.4 There is a process to create, document, implement and monitor action plans for improvement of the program(s) (33.4) Yes No Issues, if any: Recommendation(s)(if any): The Team recommends that the institution consider: Institution Response to Accreditation Team Findings: PCTIA Staff Comments: 9. Additional Team Findings Use this Section to report any additional findings not covered by the standards being assessed above: INS.120.012 Page 14 of 15 2015.07.31 Institutional Accreditation Report For Flight Training Units Institution Response to Accreditation Team Findings: PCTIA Staff Comments: INS.120.012 Page 15 of 15 2015.07.31