
Pursuant to Articles 121. and 22. in Law on Professional Associations (Official Gazette of
Republic of Serbia no. 51/09), the General Assembly of the Association of pharmaceutical
technicians of Serbia in the meeting held on 16th of March 2013 adopted amendments of the
Association of pharmaceutical technicians of
General provisions
Article 1
By this Statute we determined name, tasks, goals and activities of the Association of
pharmaceutical technicians, methods of achieving tasks and goals, venue of the head office of the
Association of pharmaceutical technicians, conditions of membership, rights and responsibilities of
the members, organization and structure, representation and advocacy of the Association of
pharmaceutical technicians, acquisition and disposal of material assets, public action, methods of
decision making and associating into international organizations, updating and changing the Statute
and public mark of the Association of pharmaceutical technicians.
NAME: Association of pharmaceutical technicians of Serbia “Sveti Sava”
HEAD OFFICE: Rumenicka Street no.106, Novi Sad, Serbia
Association of pharmaceutical technicians realizes its activities on the territory of the
Republic of Serbia.
Article 2
Association of pharmaceutical technicians of Serbia (hereinafter referred to as an
Association) is voluntary, professional, nonpartisan, nongovernmental and nonprofit organization,
founded for an indefinite period of time to work in achieving tasks and goals in area of healthcare on
the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
The overall work of the Association is public, and in its work the Association complies with
the Constitution and Laws of the Republic of Serbia.
Article 3
Tasks of the Associations:
1) Professional development of members of the Association.
2) Organization of professional meetings, congresses and seminars, conferences and
study tours in area of pharmaceutical profession.
3) Organization of lectures and visits of experts from area of pharmaceutical
4) Consideration of class and organizational problems in area of pharmaceutical
5) Scholarship for outstanding members of the Association in order to improve the
6) Proposing the initiative to competent institutions regarding the enactment of
legislation in area of pharmaceutical profession.
7) All of the following tasks and method of their fulfillment are realized in cooperation
with the competent authorities.
Tasks of the Association are accomplished through bodies of the Association and overall
activity of the members of the Association.
Article 4
In order to achieve its tasks, the Association:
1) Independently and in cooperation with other associations organizes:
professional meetings, consultations, seminars and other forms of education
in area of healthcare.
2) Engages for participation in education of health workers and hire experts
from variety of areas.
3) Cooperates with Ministries, Universities, schools, associations and many
other organizations in country and abroad which are related to healthcare.
4) Represents the interests in the name of the members in front of the
competent authorities.
5) Cooperates with the Chamber of nurses and health medical technicians in
accordance with the Law on Chambers.
6) Participate in public debates in area of pharmaceutical profession and in the
name of the members presents proposal regarding drafts of regulations.
Form of Association
Article 5
The Association is organized as civil Association, with all legal rights and commitments which civil
associations posses.
Article 6
The Association is a legal entity with rights and commitments derived from the Law and legal acts
which Association brings.
The Association can join the international organizations whose interest area is healthcare, and the
decision is made by the General Assembly of the Association.
Membership in Association
Article 7
Membership in Association is voluntary and it is gained upon fulfillment of the certain criteria
stipulated by the Statute, and written statement on joining the Association.
Article 8
There are two forms of membership:
Honored member
Article 9
Member of the Association could be a health worker who graduated from secondary vocational
medical school (department pharmaceutical technician) who accept all listed aims and Statute of the
Association. The member must fill in the membership form to executive board of the Association.
Honored member could be a health worker who accept all listed aims and Statute of the Association,
but do not necessarily have to be secondary vocational school graduate. The honored member also
must fill in the membership form to executive board of the Association.
Article 10
Member of the Association has legal rights to participate in all activities of the Association, to choose
bodies of the Association or to be elected into some of them.
Honored members do not have the right to choose bodies or to be elected for any mandatory
Article 11
Each and every one of the members is obligated to comply with provisions of the Statute and other
legal acts of the Association.
Article 12
Members of the Association pay the membership fee which is determined by separate decision.
Membership fee is paid annually.
Article 13
Membership in the Association is terminated by resignation, clearing from the evidence or exclusion.
Article 14
Each of the members may come out of the Association when he or she does no longer want to be a
member. He or she brings the written report to the executive board, and the date of submission is
considered to be the date of resignation.
Article 15
Membership could be terminated by clearing from the evidence in case the member did not pay the
membership fee in given period of time, prescribed by the Statute. In that case, the separate
decision is needed by the executive board.
Article 16
Member could also be excluded if he or she is not complying with the Statute and other legal acts of
the Association.
Article 17
Membership in the Association stops:
1) By exclusion of the member, the decree of Court of Honor or General Assembly on the
proposal of the executive board.
2) In case of irregular payment of membership fee (longer than 12 months).
3) In case of longer inactivity of the member, or in case of damaging the reputation of the
Article 18
Member and honored member posses legal right to:
1) Equally participate in realization of the tasks of the Association.
2) Be timely and fully informed about activities and work of the Association.
Article 19
A member is required to:
Contribute actively in realization of the tasks.
Participate in activities of the Association.
Pay the membership fee regularly.
Performs other duties given by the General Assembly or the executive board.
Bodies of the Association
Article 20
Bodies of the Association are:
General Assembly
Executive Board
President of the Association
Supervisory Board
Court of Honor
Mandate for members of the various bodies lasts for 4 years.
The highest body of the Association is General Assembly.
General Assembly consists of delegates, which are chosen from administrative districts of the
Republic of Serbia. On each 10 members of the Association, 1 delegate is chosen.
Candidate for potential delegate position could be a member who fully paid the membership fee.
General Assembly consists of 2 vice-presidents and 1 president.
General Assembly is scheduled to meet once a year.
Extraordinary session of the General Assembly could be scheduled by president of the Assembly on
request of Supervisory Board or on initiative with signatures of minimum 1/3 of members of the
The initiative is submitted in written form and should contain main purposes and question which
should be discussed on session of the General Assembly.
Session of the General Assembly is convened by the president of the General Assembly, or in case of
absence by vice-president, delivering the venue, time and agenda of the upcoming session of the
Written notification – convocation of the General Assembly is delivered to delegates at least 15 days
before the scheduled meeting.
Mandate for the delegate of the General Assembly lasts for 4 years.
Every fourth year, elective Assembly is held.
Article 22
General Assembly of the Association:
1) Adopts the plan and program of work on annual level, on the determined motion of the
Executive board.
2) Adopts the Statute of the Association as well as its amendments.
3) Adopts Rules of Procedure, Rulebook on the method of General Assembly delegate election
and bodies of Association, and other legal acts of the Association.
4) Chooses and dismisses person authorized for representation the Association and other
bodies of the Association.
5) Adopts annual work reports of: Executive board, Supervisory board and Court of Honor.
6) Adopts financial plan of the Association.
7) Adopts annual financial report regarding financial operations of the Association.
8) Decides about membership fee.
9) Decides on complaints to decisions of the Court of Honor.
10) Decides on status changes and termination of work of the Association.
11) Decides on joining alliances.
Total number of delegates is determined by the president of the General Assembly on each
beginning of the session, based on the reports of the coordinators of the administrative districts
(report no. UFTS – O – 2).
General Assembly has a quorum (legal right to work) if more than half the members of the
Association is present on the scheduled session.
General Assembly makes its decisions by the majority of the present number of the members
General Assembly makes its decisions about: amendments of the Statute, adoption of the Statute,
status changes and termination of work of the Association, by a majority of 2/3 of the present
number of delegates.
Article 23
Executive board is a body of the Association which ensures that tasks listed in the Statute are
Executive board has 9 members, which are elected by the General Assembly from their delegates for
a period of time of 4 years.
Among 9 elected members of the executive board, the General Assembly elects the president of the
Executive board, who is at the same time the president of the Association – person authorized to
represent the Association in legal transactions.
Executive board works in sessions on which the quorum is established by more than ½ of delegates
(at least 5).
Executive board makes its decisions by the majority of the present number of the delegates.
Executive board for its work reports to the General Assembly.
The General Assembly could dismiss a member of the Executive board if:
1) Violates the Provisions of the Statute.
2) Absent from the session of the Executive board more than 3 times in a row (unjustifiably).
3) Performs the tasks given by the Executive board in negligent manner.
Article 24
Executive Board:
Executes the decisions and other legal acts of the General Assembly.
Manage the work of the Association between sessions of the General Assembly.
Organizes regular activities of the Association.
Entrusts members of the Association with specific tasks.
Determines amendments of the Statute.
Prepares proposals of general acts which are given to the General Assembly.
Makes decisions in the sense of achieving general and specific tasks.
Determines the annual membership fee.
Determines proposal of the annual work plan and proposal of financial plan.
Decides about suggestions, motions and requests of the members.
Makes decisions from current business of the Association: decides about reimbursement of
costs related to activities of the Association - and in accordance with the Rulebook which is
adopted by the General Assembly (travel expenses, per diems, costs of overnight stay);
contractual obligations, salaries, costs of accounting, piecework contracts, etc…
Takes care about fulfillment of conditions in order to gain funds from the budget of the
Republic of Serbia and through the budget of local government for programs of public
Decides about initiation of procedure for damage compensation in cases from Article 25.
Paragraph 2 Law on Professional Association, and if necessary determines the specific
member of the Association in charge.
Managing of book keeping, financial reports, annual calculations and reports about activities
of the Association which are submitted to the members as prescribed by the Statute.
Provides conditions to keep records of all members and honored members.
16) Represent the Association in the media.
17) Adopt special decision of employment a secretary, in accordance with Labor Law and
Rulebook on jobs systematization.
18) Adopts special decision of appointment a coordinators to each administrative district in
Republic of Serbia, in order to maintain good contact with members and to organize
delegate elections and the General Assembly.
19) Adopts Rules of Procedures on the work of coordinators, in each administrative district in
Republic of Serbia.
Article 25
The president of Executive board is the president of the Association, person authorized to represent
the Association in legal and financial transactions.
President of the Executive board convenes the meeting of the executive board and at the same time
chairs the meeting.
President of the Association for its work is accountable to the General Assembly.
Article 26
Supervisory board has 5 members which are elected from the delegates by the General Assembly.
President and 4 members of the Supervisory board are elected for a period of 4 years.
Supervisory board work in sessions on which the quorum is established by more than ½ of delegates
(at least 3).
President of the Supervisory board convenes the meeting and at the same time chairs the meeting.
Supervisory board makes its decisions by the majority of the present number of the delegates.
Article 27
Supervisory board:
1) Controls financial businesses of the Association, and in case of some omissions and
irregularities notifies the General Assembly.
2) Submit a work report on each session of the General Assembly.
3) In case of violation of the Statute or some other legal acts, the Supervisory board takes
initiative in order to convene an extraordinary General Assembly.
Article 28
Court of Honor has 3 members which are elected from the delegates by the General Assembly.
President of the Court of Honor and other 2 members are elected for a period of 4 years.
Court of Honor works in accordance with the Rules of Procedures on work of Court of Honor which is
adopted by the General Assembly.
Court of Honor:
1) Takes care of implementation of the moral code in the work of members of the Association.
2) Takes into consideration appeals and complaints of the members of the Association when
addressed. In case when reputation and honor of the member is violated, he or she calls for
preview the moral code of the Association.
Court of Honor make decisions by own discretion after hearing all interested parties.
Appeals to the decisions of the Court of Honor are forwarded to the General Assembly.
Article 29
Overall work of the Association is public.
Executive board takes care of informing the members regularly about the work and activities of the
Association, immediately or through internal publications and through press releases.
Article 30
The Association obtains funds from: membership fee, voluntary donations, donations and presents,
financial subventions or any other Law abiding method.
The Association could obtain funds from participation fee from educational seminars and other
methods of education in area of health care.
Obtained funds must be strictly used for fulfilling the tasks of the Association, as well as to cover
regular expenses of work and to finance projects from domain of the tasks of the Association.
Article 31
The Association ceases to work if the General Assembly makes the decision that conditions for goal
and task achieving no longer exist, or in any other cases foreseen by the Law on Professional
Article 32
In case of cessation of work of the Association, the entire property is transferred to Association of
patients suffering from multiple sclerosis in Belgrade, Jurija Gagarina Street no. 81.
Article 33
The Association has the roundish stamp written in Cyrillic letter. On the edge of the stamp is written
- Удружење фармацеутских техничара Србије „Свети Сава“– and in the middle - „Нови Сад,
Руменичка бр. 106“.
Transitional and Final Provisions
Article 34
On all issues not regulated by this Statute, provisions of the Law on Professional Associations will be
Article 35
This Statute enters into force at the day that General Assembly adopts it, and it will be applied from
the date of enrollment into the Agency for Business Registers.
The previous version of the Statute ceases to be valid from the date of recognition of this Statute.
Amendments of this Statute enters into force on 16th of March 2013 (date of the General Assembly
session, where author note was adopted), and it will be applied from the date of enrollment into the
Agency for Business Registers.
In Belgrade, 16th of March 2013
President of the General Assembly
Gordana Grujin