A Survey of Asian History

A Survey of Asian History HIST 2263
Course Philosophy and Instructor Requirements
Philosophy: This “Asian History” course is a survey of Asian societies and cultures from ancient times up
to the present. Economic, political, social, military, and cultural developments will be examined in
considerable detail.
Learning Outcomes: Assessment should measure communication, critical thinking, and appropriate
social science research skills, as well as student awareness of self and society and knowledge of factual
Instructor Objective:
1. Examination of the economic, political, social, military, and cultural developments in “Western
and Southwestern Asia” from ancient times up to the present time.
2. Examination of the economic, political, social, military, and cultural developments in “Northern
Asia” from ancient times up to the present time.
3. Examination of the economic, political, social, military, and cultural developments in “Central
Asia” from ancient times up to the present time.
4. Examination of the economic, political, social, military, and cultural developments in “Eastern
and Southeastern Asia” from ancient times up to the present time.
5. Examination of the economic, political, social, military, and cultural developments in “ The Island
Groups of Eastern Asia” from ancient times up to the present time.
Course Teaching Requirements: The following principles should be followed by all instructors teaching
this course…….to include full-time, adjuncts, online, and concurrent instructors:
1. This is not a traditional Asian History course…..in that it does not focus only on China, Japan,
and India.
2. All of the topics listed about must be thoroughly covered by all instructors teaching this course
in the ASU-Beebe system.
3. Teachers must choose their primary textbook and any additional materials with all Asia in
mind…to include the “Middle East”…….”Siberia”……and the offshore island groups such as
“Indonesia” and “ The Philippine Islands”.
4. At least two written and proctored examinations are required
4a. A midterm exam……which would cover the first half of the course materials
4b. A comprehensive final examination……which must cover material from the entire
5. Instructors are strongly urged to utilize more than two graded items……four exams….or three
exams and a research project of some sort are preferable here.
Assessment Responsibilities: All instructors teaching this course…..classroom and online…..will be
expected to participate in assessment activities as dictated by the Division. Further information in this
area will be provided by “Lead instructors” for this course.
Education and Social Science Division Contact Information:
Division Chair: Teddy Davis, 501-882-8873, tldavis@asub.edu
Lead Instructor: Tom Reilly, 501-882-8885, tjreilly@asub.edu
Online Course Monitor: Rhonda Durham, 501-882-4442, rsdurham@asub.edu