Board Meeting Minutes 10 May 2013 Location: Basso Restaurant Order of Business 1. Call to Order: 12:05 PM a. Present: i. Molly Barrett, Jim Barrett, Megan Richter, Dan Schoenekase, John Holmes, Jon Bopp, Frank Tucker, Rick Seiler, Emily Brennan, Jaime Torres, Ken Liescheidt, Keith Guller, Peter Mason, Doug Stuart, Jack Stapleton, Bob Pfiel, David Beal, Scott Ross and James Sperry. b. Excused: i. Bill Hammerschmidt, Joseph Thompson, Brett Cox, Miesha Wallace, Tracy Beckette, Gus Winkler and Stephanie Bass. 2. Welcome: Doug thanked Patrick, Basso’s manager, for hosting the meeting and welcomed guests to include James Sperry of The Fight Continues, Scott Ross of SDDC, and Captain David Beal of the US Corps of Engineers. 3. Minutes Report: Minutes of the March meeting were reviewed and approved. 4. Treasurer’s Report: Since Tracy was not present, Doug provided a quick report of the chapter finances indicating that all bills had been paid except the Four Seasons Hotel for the recent Leadership Awards and that the Chapter’s account indicates funding of $31,146. Funds necessary to support the Leadership Awards remaining bill were available. The treasurer’s report was approved. 5. Membership Report: Megan informed that current membership was under the expected goal and that we required to push to ensure our levels are reach. Goal is to reach 550 and National has initiated a $500 prize incentive for those reaching their goals. Furthermore, the Chapter needs to recruit corporate members since some have dropped out. Current level is 20. Board members were encouraged to make contact with companies/corporations. A good source will be the list published by the St. Louis Commerce Journal. 6. Leadership Awards: Doug thanked all for the successful event and particularly thanked Jaime for his leadership and Deanna Sichra, her husband and Marilyn Sorden for their outstanding job in managing registration and setting up the seating chart. Rick indicated that all applicants received some funds from $200 up to $3000. The budget was exceeded. He recommended that the Board consider a discussion to create a new category for JROTC applicants and that other categories be re-evaluated to focus more on the soldiers. He also recommended to reconsider the role of the invited MC with respect to those awards. Overall the Soldier of the Year session was excellent; speaker was on point, and all other aspects of the event went well. Overall, the Chapter spent more than on previous events. In general, the Chapter gave $35000 in awards to 24 students and 17 soldiers. Other expenses included the meals, cost for the VIP reception, programs, invitations, mailing, and videographer for a total of $11332. Funds raised total $32500. We ask Tracy to provide a report on that event on our next board meeting. 7. Military Appreciation Day: Doug indicated that Scott AFB and in particular SDDC were discussing a potential MAD event on June 2013 in conjunction with the Army Anniversary. Scott Ross indicated that current plans will include events at Scott AFB starting with a run, cutting an Anniversary Cake, inviting local mayors around Scott and recognizing their support for the troops, inviting Gold Star family members, creating TShirts, participating in the scheduled Change of Command Ceremony, contacting Mike Shannon’s Cards and using one of their patios to host soldiers. Doug and SDDC will be coordinating details and will provide information via email. Most likely the AUSA June Board Meeting will be in conjunction with these plans. In general, AUSA needs to increase Army Brand Awareness throughout St. Louis by developing/creating newsworthy events that attract media attention. More to come. 8. Golf Tournament: John indicated that all necessary reservations and signing of the contract have been completed. He passed out the Flyer for that event and indicated that more are available for further distribution. Tournament is scheduled Monday, 9 September 2013 at Bear Creek. He relayed the need to find volunteers and golfers for the event, and he encouraged that auction items were needed and to be inventive in what can be auctioned. 9. PAO Report: Frank indicated that the deadline for CARs was approaching and he needed to have them documented. He encouraged everyone to evaluate their participation and their representation of AUSA. 10. The Fight Continues: James Sperry took the opportunity to brief our board on that organization, their mission and their goals. He was seeking volunteers, fund raisings and spreading the word. AUSA promised to help as much as possible since their mission is quite similar to the Wounded Warrior Program. 11. Members Annual Meeting: Ken reminded us that the event is still scheduled for 13 November at Scott AFB and we are providing that information to all to ensure we have good attendance, particularly from personnel at Scott AFB. 12. Partner’s Appreciation Reception: Doug informed the board that he is recommending that this event be held quarterly to keep potential partners and those in the Chapter more in touch with our mission. He is currently seeking a venue and will advise our members. 13. Around the Room: There is a WWII Veterans Program (“Honor Flight”) that sponsored candidates to visit the Memorial in DC, provides transportation to/from and memorialized the event. 14. Adjournment: Meeting was ended at 1:15 PM.