NAME: __________________________ Period _________Date: _________ Directions: Use the terms below to complete the review sheet, if there is a (2) next to word it means it is used more than one. Metallic (2) Solids Crystal Compounds Properties (2) Arranged Symbols Low (2) Covalent (2) Number Molecule Poor Atoms Different Ratios Polar High (2) Nonpolar Ionic (2) Valence Elements Subscript Shared Transferred 1. The properties of ___________________ depend on the elements that make when up and how they are combined (bonded together) 2. A chemical formula shows __________________ and _________________ that tell the type and ration of atoms in a compounds 3. The subscript tells the number of _______________ of each element in a compound. 4. The same elements can form different compound with different ______________________, for example CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CO (carbon monoxide) have very different _________________. 5. A ____________________ bond is a chemical bond between metal atoms. 6. Most _________________ compounds do not conduct electricity in solid form; however _________________ compounds do conduct electricity when dissolved in solution (liquid). 7. Most ionic compounds have _________ boiling points, and ________ melting points. 8. Most covalent compounds have ________ boiling points, and _______ melting points. 9. Most metallic compounds have ________ melting points. 10.___________________ bonds form when 2 non-metals are sharing electrons. 11.__________________ bonds form when a metal atom transfers an electrons to a non-metal atom, creating a bond between a positive and negative ion. 12.Metallic compounds with the exception of mercury, are ____________ at room temperature. 13.________________ compounds will stay together when the dissolve. 14.________________ compounds ionize when dissolve. 15.Covalent compounds are ___________ conductors of heat and electricity even when dissolved. 16. Different compounds can be composed of the same elements in different _________________. 17.Chemical bonds are formed by the ___________________ electrons. 18._____________________________ covalent bonds form when atoms share valence electrons equally. 19._____________________________ covalent bonds form when atoms share valence electrons unequally. 20.When elements form covalent bonds electrons are ____________________. 21.When elements from ionic bonds electrons are _______________________. 22.A _____________________ is always composed of atoms joined by covalent bonds. 23.______________________ bonds allow aluminum and gold to be pounded into different shapes. 24.The properties of a compound are determine by the _______________ in the compound and how those elements are ___________________. 25.The properties of chemical compounds are often __________________ from the properties of the elements that make up the compounds. 26.Ionic bonds for ____________________ structures. 27.What is the ratio of hydrogen atoms to sulfur atoms to oxygen atom in H2SO4 ? 28.The chemical formula for glucose is C6H12O6. What elements make up this compound? 29.The chemical formula for potassium bromide is KBr. What elements make up this compound? 30. Extended Response: a. Explain in detail the difference between an ionic compound, covalent compound and metallic compound. Use the following terms: bond, electrons, share, transfer, sea, polar, non polar, crystal, molecule, conduct, boiling point, melting point.