The Biomes Presentation Project

Name(s): _____________________________Period: _____ Due Date: Sept 22 (B)/23 (G)
The Biomes Presentation Project
Modified from R. Young by M. Oliphant and now K.
Frank and J. Reed
Using the information from Chapters 34 (and maybe 36) in your textbook and other
resources, construct and present information about one of Earth’s biomes. The main
idea of this project is to convey the main characteristics of your biome and climate to
your peers – and receive information from them about their biomes.
The following is the minimum that needs to be included in your presentation, but
please don’t just settle for the minimum – go beyond! Mr. Frank and Mr. Pfaff are
looking forward to seeing you teach the class what you discover!
1. A typical climatogram for your biome (this only applies to terrestrial biomes). Use
it to refer to the precipitation, temperature, and climatic patterns of your biome
2. A complete description of your biome’s unique characteristics. What exactly
defines your biome and makes it unique? For aquatic biomes, information
related to the appropriate life zones
3. A map/illustration of the world that highlights your biome only. Other groups
will present their biomes – this is all about you, so show only your biome!
Include the names of some countries where people could go to visit your biome
4. A description of the geographic location of your biome (latitude, longitude,
elevation, etc.). Information about political boundaries, physical features, etc.
would be a good idea
5. Information about the type and amount of animals native to your biome Include
at least five different examples
6. Information about the type and amount of plants native to your biome Include at
least five different examples
7. A food chain or food web using animals native to your biome. This one is trickier,
but information can be found... “Google is your friend.”
8. At least two adaptations organisms possesses that allows them to thrive or survive.
What traits do they possess that are advantageous?
9. Explain how and why your biome is important to humans. List and identify any
ways in which humans are affected – directly or indirectly
10. Identify and explain the main causes of environmental damage to your biome.
The causes could be anthropogenic in origin or from other sources.
All sources used must be cited in proper bibliographic format and should be included
on the same slide the source is used on. With the websites such as
and, there is no reason to not cite the sources you use.
Your group will be expected to deliver a presentation to the rest of the class. The
presentation itself should be at least five minutes long – especially if you go beyond the
minimum and include good information. All members of the group must present
Technical issues are not an acceptable excuse for not being able to present on time.
**** Consider making a Prezi together or using Google’s Presentation app so you can work with
group members remotely. You may bring your presentation in to class BEFORE the
presentation day to make sure everything works correctly!
Terrestrial Biomes:
Desert, Temperate Grassland (Prairie), Chaparral, Tropical Rain Forest Temperate
Deciduous Forest, Tropical Grassland, (Tundra) Taiga/Coniferous Forest, Temperate
Rain Forest
Saltwater Aquatic Biomes:
Open Ocean, Coral Reefs, Estuaries/Coastal Wetlands
Freshwater Aquatic Biomes:
Streams/Rivers Wetlands/Bogs/Marshes/Swamps
Presentation Date:_______________