8 to Great, Spearfish Middle School, Curriculum Alignment Project – 2014~2015 for Spearfish School District. Spearfish School District Curriculum/ Pacing Guide 2015-16 Instructional Focus Suggested Time Frame: approximately 7 school days Suggested Time Frame: approximately 7 school days Focus Summary Power Pyramid: The Key to Personal Power: Joy, Gratitude, Love, Hope, Enthusiasm, Power = 95’n! Get the Picture: “Think it ‘til you feel it.” Big Dreams; Believe It; Imagine Results Before They Happen; Write Your Dreams Down Risk: Run To, Not From – Risk is running to. Fear is running from. Road to Success; 8 to Great Formula for making every decision and knowing it’s the right one for you is: “If you had no fear, what would you do?” Suggested Time Frame: approximately 7 school days Full Responsibility: The Key to Freedom – Based on the premise that we get back what we send out. Who is in charge of your life? BC (Blame and Complain) vs. AD (Act and Dream) “People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln Suggested Time Frame: approximately 7 school days Feel All Your Feelings: Allow Emotional Freedom – To feel is to heal. The Energy of Emotion; Preventing Rage and Depression; Dealing with Anger; The underlying cause of addiction is the suppression of feelings. Handling anger, frustration, depression, and sadness. Suggested Time Frame: approximately 7 school days Suggested Time Frame: approximately 7 school days Honest Communication: Speaking and Listening with Integrity – Listening to Feelings; Sharing Feelings; How to Avoid the XYZ Game; Assertiveness vs. Aggression. Honest communication aimed at what we need. Forgiveness of the Past: The Power of Release – Forgiveness is releasing regret, resentment, and the desire for revenge. Three steps of forgiveness: Face it; Feel it; Forgive it. Forgiveness is something you do for you, not for the other person. 1 8 to Great, Spearfish Middle School, Curriculum Alignment Project – 2014~2015 for Spearfish School District. Suggested Time Frame: Gratitude for the Present: The Power of Appreciation – The Gratitude Guarantee: When you get grateful, you feel good. When you feel good, good things happen. approximately 7 school days Suggested Time Frame: approximately 7 school days Hope for the Future: The Power of Optimism – FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real; The weight of worry; Studies of Optimism and effects on physical health, life success. Fear always pulls you down to a 5 on the Power Pyramid; The Power of Persistence. 2 8 to Great, Spearfish Middle School, Curriculum Alignment Project – 2014~2015 for Spearfish School District. Spearfish School District Curriculum/ Pacing Guide 2015-16 HE = Health Education Standards The actual HE standard is written verbatim in the gold box of each High-Way. The targeted standards are then adapted to fit the 8 to Great Curriculum and are not always verbatim with the state standards. Instructional Strand Targeted StandardsLearning Goals / Essential Essential Resources Focus based Essential Skills Questions For Instructional Vocabulary HE 1 Get the Picture Suggested Time Frame: 7 school days 1.8.1 1.8.4 1.8.7 Risk Suggested Time Frame: 7 school days Focus HE 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health 1.8.2 Instructional Focus & Concepts Strand Recognize/analyze relationship between positive choices/behaviors and personal health/choices Discuss/describe the interrelationships of emotional, mental, physical & social health/choices Discuss/describe connection between family history and personal health/choices Discuss/describe benefits of and barriers to practicing positive choices Targeted Standardsbased Essential Skills & Concepts I recognize that by changing the attitudes of my mind, I can change the outer aspects of my life. When I feel good, good things happen. When I feel good, I have more …… energy, time, fun, friends, smiles, success, joy, gratitude, love, hope, enthusiasm…… I can express the difference between ‘goals’ and ‘dreams’. If I can dream it, I can do it. I know what “believe it ‘til you feel it” means. Learning Goals / Essential Questions For Instructional Focus HE 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors. 2.8.2 Describe/discuss the influence of culture on choices, practices and behaviors. I understand the Helen Keller quote, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” 3 Personal power; grateful; gratitude; powerless; attitudes; depressed; hopeless; helpless; belief; dispiritedness; cataclysmic doomsday; measurable; attainable; dreams; dreamers; aspirations; innovative Essential Vocabulary Risk; daring; regret; assume; brainstorm; “out-of-the- 8 to Great curriculum guide including activities and student handbook Resources 8 to Great curriculum guide including activities and student handbook 8 to Great, Spearfish Middle School, Curriculum Alignment Project – 2014~2015 for Spearfish School District. 2.8.3 2.8.7 2.8.8 Discuss how peers may influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors/choices. Discuss/explain how the perceptions of norms may influence healthy and unhealthy choices. Know personal values and beliefs and how they affect choices/behaviors. I understand the 8 to Great statement, “Risk is Running To. Fear is Running From.” I can explain in my own words who has more fear, cowards or heroes and understand the significance of that belief. box”; idling vs. “idoling”; security; initial b bb funding; fear I can draw and explain the “road to success” and understand why it looks the way it does. Assessments: How do my students demonstrate their understanding and how do I measure their learning? Formative: group discussions; completion of student handbook (periodic book check for grade); participation in discussions and activities; questions asked Summative: end of High-Way (chapter) quiz Instructional Focus Full Responsibility Suggested Time Frame: 7 school days Strand Targeted Standardsbased Essential Skills & Concepts Learning Goals / Essential Questions For Instructional Focus HE4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 Apply effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance positive healthy choices. Demonstrate refusal and negotiation skills that avoid or reduce unhealthy choices. Demonstrate effective conflict management or resolution strategies. I have learned to accept responsibility for my choices. I realized that life will treat me as I believe I deserve to be treated. I believe the only thing I need to change in order to be happier is me. Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance health of self and make healthy choices. By learning to not blame and complain, I can express my needs more clearly and accept responsibility of my choices. I have a choice to make each day: to make it a positive, successful day or not. 4 Essential Vocabulary Resources Responsibility; blame; complain; dream; anger; assessment; consequences; weakness; criticism; apologize; solution; balanced healthy choices; 8 to Great curriculum guide including activities and student handbook 8 to Great, Spearfish Middle School, Curriculum Alignment Project – 2014~2015 for Spearfish School District. Assessments: How do my students demonstrate their understanding and how do I measure their learning? Formative: group discussions; completion of student handbook (periodic book check for grade); participation in discussions and activities; questions asked Summative: end of High-Way (chapter) quiz Instructional Focus Feel All Your Feelings Suggested Time Frame: 7 school days Strand Targeted Standardsbased Essential Skills & Concepts Learning Goals / Essential Questions For Instructional Focus Essential Vocabulary Resources HE 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication Emotions; energy in motion; extent; fire energy; water energy; anger; effects of negative emotions; underlying; addiction; suppression; repressed anger 8 to Great curriculum guide including activities and student handbook skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 Apply effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance positive healthy choices. Demonstrate refusal and negotiation skills that avoid or reduce unhealthy choices. Demonstrate effective conflict management or resolution strategies. Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance health of self and make healthy choices. I understand that when I deny emotions (how I’m feeling) I am suppressing by feelings and that is not healthy. I understand that I have the right to feel my feelings. I understand that positive health is dependent on balanced emotions. I can deal with my anger and appropriately ask for the things I need. Assessments: How do my students demonstrate their understanding and how do I measure their learning? Formative: group discussions; completion of student handbook (periodic book check for grade); participation in discussions and activities; questions asked Summative: end of High-Way (chapter) quiz 5 8 to Great, Spearfish Middle School, Curriculum Alignment Project – 2014~2015 for Spearfish School District. Instructional Focus Honest Communication Suggested Time Frame: 7 school days Strand Targeted Standardsbased Essential Skills & Concepts Learning Goals / Essential Questions For Instructional Focus HE 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health. 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.4 5.8.6 Identify circumstances that can help or hinder healthy and positive outcome decision making. Determine when health-related situations require the application of a thoughtful decision-making process. Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy alternatives to issues or problems. Choose positive/healthy alternatives when making a decision I understand that researchers have found that my emotional quotient includes my awareness and ability to handle feelings and this leads to a happy life. I can list 5 ways that are personal to me that I can allow my emotional feelings to process. (walk it out; talk it out; write it out; music it out; etc.) I understand and can explain the Chinese proverb: “when you fall down 7 times, get up 8” and how it applies to my life. I understand I am not alone in life’s struggles. As a human, we are never isolated or alone in our experiences. I understand and can successfully stop XYZ communication which is the foundation for gossip and bullying. Essential Vocabulary Resources Happiness; honesty; intelligence quotient; emotional quotient; communication; speaking and listening with integrity; intelligence quotient; emotional quotient; respect; respectful; disrespected; XYZ communication; bullying; wrath; foe; tenets; assertiveness. .8 to Great curriculum guide including activities and student handbook Assessments: How do my students demonstrate their understanding and how do I measure their learning? Formative: group discussions; completion of student handbook (periodic book check for grade); participation in discussions and activities; questions asked Summative: end of High-Way (chapter) quiz Instructional Focus Forgiveness of the Past Strand Targeted Standardsbased Essential Skills & Concepts Learning Goals / Essential Questions For Instructional Focus HE 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health. 6 Essential Vocabulary Positive attitude; Resources 8 to Great, Spearfish Middle School, Curriculum Alignment Project – 2014~2015 for Spearfish School District. 6.8.3 Suggested Time Frame: 7 school days Apply strategies and skills needed to attain a personal attitude goal. I understand and can express how Forgiveness of the Past is the first step to heal past wounds and the first step to a healthy future. I can articulate and implement the Forgiveness Formula: Face It; Feel It; Forgive It. I know that forgiveness is releasing regret, resentment, and the desire for revenge. I know that forgiveness is something I do for me, not for the other person. I can articulate the benefits of forgiveness and positive thinking. forgiveness; gratitude; grateful; release; regret; resentment; revenge; Stanford University; Forgiveness Letter; grudges; Forgiveness Formula 8 to Great curriculum guide including activities and student handbook Assessments: How do my students demonstrate their understanding and how do I measure their learning? Formative: group discussions; completion of student handbook (periodic book check for grade); participation in discussions and activities; questions asked Summative: end of High-Way (chapter) quiz Instructional Focus Gratitude for the Present Suggested Time Frame: 7 school days Strand Targeted Standardsbased Essential Skills & Concepts Learning Goals / Essential Questions For Instructional Focus HE 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. 7.8.1 7.8.2 7.8.3 Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal choices. Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve a positive self. Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce negative risks to self. I can list the benefits of facing my fears and accepting responsibility. I can demonstrate how I can maintain a positive attitude and steer away from negativity. I can explain how a daily gratitude journal affects my life and my attitude. I can easily list 3 things I’m grateful for each day. 7 Essential Vocabulary Gratitude; grateful; appreciation; ungrateful; success Resources 8 to Great curriculum guide including activities and student handbook 8 to Great, Spearfish Middle School, Curriculum Alignment Project – 2014~2015 for Spearfish School District. Assessments: How do my students demonstrate their understanding and how do I measure their learning? Formative: group discussions; completion of student handbook (periodic book check for grade); participation in discussions and activities; questions asked Summative: end of High-Way (chapter) quiz Instructional Focus Strand Hope for the Future HE 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health. Suggested Time Frame: 7 school days 8.8.1 8.8.2 8.8.3 8.8.4 Targeted Standardsbased Essential Skills & Concepts State an adopted positive position in life and support it with information. Demonstrate how to influence others with positive choices. Work cooperatively to advocate healthy and positive attitudes in individuals and families. Identify positive messages and communication techniques. Learning Goals / Essential Questions For Instructional Focus I can talk about a positive influence 8 to Great has had on my daily life and support it with learned information. I can demonstrate how having a positive outlook and attitude has influenced my relationships in and out of class. I can demonstrate how honest communication enhances cooperative work projects and builds positive relationships. I can demonstrate how this curriculum has made a positive changes in my life. Essential Vocabulary Resources Optimism; grateful; worry; evidence; finite; infinite; success; healthy; wealth; accumulation; persistence; optimist; pessimist; obstacles 8 to Great curriculum guide including activities and student handbook Assessments: How do my students demonstrate their understanding and how do I measure their learning? Formative: group discussions; completion of student handbook (periodic book check for grade); participation in discussions and activities; questions asked Summative: end of High-Way (chapter) quiz 8