Latent Segmentation Based Count Models: Analysis of Bicycle Safety in Montreal and Toronto Shamsunnahar Yasmin Doctoral Student Department of Civil Engineering & Applied Mechanics McGill University Suite 483, 817 Sherbrooke St. W. Montréal, Québec, H3A 2K6 Canada Ph: 514 398 6823, Fax: 514 398 7361 Email: Naveen Eluru* Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering & Applied Mechanics McGill University Suite 483, 817 Sherbrooke St. W. Montréal, Québec, H3A 2K6 Canada Ph: 514 398 6823, Fax: 514 398 7361 Email: Abstract The study contributes to literature on bicycle safety by exploring the influence of various built environment measures at the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level on bicycle collision. In conventional count models, the impact of exogenous factors is restricted to be the same across the entire region. However, it is possible that the influence of exogenous factors might vary across different TAZs. To accommodate for the potential variation in the impact of exogenous factors we formulate latent segmentation based count models. Specifically, we formulate and estimate a whole suite of latent segmentation based count models from single state (Poisson, Negative Binomial) and dual state systems (Zero Inflated and Hurdle). The study investigates to what extent it is possible to combine the features of latent segmentation and dual-state models in the context of crash frequency analysis. The formulated models are estimated using bicycle-motor vehicle crash data from the Island of Montreal and City of Toronto for the years 2006 through 2010. The TAZ level variables considered in our analysis include accessibility measures, exposure measures, socio-demographic characteristics, socio-economic characteristics, road network & traffic characteristics and built environment. This macro-level research would assist decision makers, transportation officials and community planners to make informed decisions to proactively improve bicycle safety – a prerequisite to promoting a culture of active transportation. INTRODUCTION Background Active forms of transportation such as walking and bicycling have the lowest carbon footprint on the environment and improve the physical health of pedestrians and bicyclists. With growing concern of worsening global climate change and increasing obesity among adults in developed countries, it is hardly surprising that transportation decision makers are proactively encouraging the adoption of active forms of transportation for short distance trips. For instance, bicycling, as a transport mode, is experiencing increased patronage and support in most Canadian cities where personal vehicles are an indispensable household commodity. In fact, between 1996 and 2006, a 42% increase in the number of daily bike commuters were observed in Canada (Pucher et al., 2011) and Canadian bike share of work trips is almost three times higher than the corresponding number in American metropolitan areas (Pucher et al., 2006). However, transportation safety concerns related to active transportation users form one of the biggest impediments to their adoption as a preferred alternative to private vehicle use for shorter trips. Earlier research reveals that the likelihood of being involved in a collision increases as the number of cyclists on the road increases (Wei and Lovegrove, 2013), and the risk of being injured in a collision while cycling could be about seven times higher than a motorist (Reynolds et al., 2009). Thus, traffic crashes and the consequent injury and fatality remains a detriment for cycling, leading to low bicycle mode share, specifically in North American communities (Wei and Lovegrove, 2013). Any effort to reduce the social burden of these crashes and encourage people to use bicycling for their daily short trips would necessitate the implementation of policies that enhance safety for bicyclists. An important tool to identify the critical factors affecting occurrence of bicycle crashes is the application of planning level crash prediction models. The current research effort contributes to literature on promoting active forms of transportation bicycling in particular - by identifying the important determinants of bicycle crash risk by exploring the influence of various built environment measures on bicycle collisions at the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level for the cities of Montreal and Toronto. This macro-level research would assist decision makers, transportation officials and community planners to make informed decisions to proactively improve bicycle safety – a prerequisite to promoting a culture of active transportation. Statistical Methods Traffic crashes aggregated at a certain spatial scale are non-negative integer valued random events occurring for any given time interval. Naturally, these integer counts are examined employing count regression approaches. In statistics and transportation safety literature, several count modeling techniques have been proposed and applied. We discuss the most commonly employed approaches in transportation safety literature while highlighting the inherent assumptions that affect the model development process. The most often employed count regression model is the traditional Poisson regression model as it can accommodate for the integer properties of count data directly (Hausman et al., 1984). The Poisson model is easy to estimate and interpret thus becoming the workhorse for count model applications. However, Poisson count regression is associated with the implicit assumption that the mean and variance of the distribution under investigation is the same. In crash frequency data, the variance of the crash count variable usually exceeds the mean of the crash count variable (Hauer et al., 2001). In applied econometrics, the situation is described as over-dispersion (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989), and may arise from unobserved heterogeneity and/or temporal dependency (Chin and Quddus, 2003). Estimating a Poisson count model in the presence of such over-dispersion, may result in incorrect and biased parameter estimates (Agresti, 1996; Cameron and Trivedi, 1998). Several approaches have been suggested to accommodate for the presence of over-dispersion such as Poisson-Lognormal regression, Poisson-Weibull, Negative Binomial and Gneralized Waring models (Aguero-Valverde and Jovanis, 2008; Lord and Miranda-Moreno, 2008; Miaou et al., 2003; Maher and Mountain, 2009; Cheng et al., 2012; Irwin, 1968; Peng et al., 2014; Moeinaddini et al., 2014). Of these approaches, the negative binomial (NB) model that has a built-in dispersion parameter is widely employed in safety literature. The NB model provides a natural enhancement over the Poisson model and is easy to estimate with a closed form structure to accommodate for unobserved heterogeneity. Another methodological challenge often faced in analyzing count variables is the presence of a large number of zeroes. The classical count models (such as Poisson and NB) allocate a probability to observe zero counts, which is often insufficient to account for the preponderance of zeroes in a count data distribution. The condition of excess zeroes, also referred to as zeroinflation, arises in a setting of excess zero than would be expected under the Poisson and NB distribution. In crash count variable models, the presence of excess zeroes may result from two underlying processes or states of crash frequency likelihoods: crash-free state (or zero crash state) and crash state (see Shankar et al., 1997 for more explanation). The zero crash state can be a mixture of true zeroes (where the zones are inherently safe (Shankar et al., 1997)) and sampling zeroes (where excess zeroes are results of potential underreporting of crash data (Miaou, 1994)). In presence of such dual-state, application of single-state model (Poisson and NB) may result in biased and inconsistent parameter estimates (Jang, 2005). In econometric literature, two potential relaxations of the single-state count models are proposed for addressing the issue of excess zeroes. The first approach – the Zero Inflated (ZI) model - is typically used for accommodating the effect of both true and sampling zeroes, and has been employed in several transportation safety studies (Shankar et al., 1997; Chin and Quddus, 2003). The second approach - the Hurdle model - is typically used in the presence of sampling zeroes and has seldom been used in transportation safety literature. The two approaches differ in the approach employed to address the excess zeroes. The appropriate framework for analysis might depend on the actual empirical dataset under consideration. The aforementioned count models (single or dual-state) typically restrict the impact of exogenous variables to be the same across the entire population of crash events – homogeneity assumption. But, the impact of control variables on bicycle crash frequency might vary across TAZ based on different attributes. To account for systematic heterogeneity, researchers have employed a clustering technique (Karlaftis et al., 1998). In this approach, target groups are divided in different clusters based on a multivariate set of factors and separate models are estimated for each cluster. However, the approach requires allocating data records exclusively to a particular cluster, and does not consider the possible effects of unobserved factors that may moderate the impact of observed exogenous variables. Additionally, this approach might result in very few records in some clusters resulting in loss of estimation efficiency. An alternative approach to accommodate for population heterogeneity is to employ random parameter count models (Ukkusuri et al., 2011). However, in this approach the focus is on incorporating unobserved heterogeneity through the error term which necessitates extensive amount of simulation for model estimation. A possible work around to accommodate for population heterogeneity is the application of latent segmentation based approach (or sometimes also referred to as finite mixture model) (Eluru et al., 2012, Yasmin et al., 2014). In this approach TAZs are allocated probabilistically to different segments and a segment specific model is estimated for each segment. Such an endogenous segmentation scheme is appealing for many reasons: First, each segment is allowed to be identified with a multivariate set of exogenous variables, while also limiting the total number of segments to a number that is much lower than what would be implied by a full combinatorial scheme of the multivariate set of exogenous variables, Second, the probabilistic assignment of TAZ to segments explicitly acknowledges the role played by unobserved factors in moderating the impact of observed exogenous variables. Finally, this approach is semi-parametric and hence, there is no need to specify a distributional assumption for the coefficients as is required in random parameter models (Greene and Hensher, 2003). To that extent, the current research effort contributes to the safety literature methodologically and empirically by building count regression based latent segmentation based models. Specifically, we formulate and estimate a whole suite of latent segmentation based count models from single-state (Poisson, NB) and dual-state systems (ZI and Hurdle). Moreover, drawing on the latent segmentation based model, we investigate to what extent it is possible to combine the features of latent segmentation and dual-state models in the context of crash frequency analysis. The entire set of models considered in our analysis include: Poisson, Negative Binomial (NB), Hurdle Poisson (HP), Hurdle Negative Binomial (HNB), Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP), Zero-inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB), Latent Segmentation based Poisson (LP), Latent Segmentation based Negative Binomial (LNB), Latent Segmentation based Hurdle Poisson (LHP), Latent Segmentation based Hurdle Negative Binomial (LHNB), Latent Segmentation based Zero-inflated Poisson (LZIP) and Latent Segmentation based Zero-inflated Negative Binomial (LZINB) model. The proposed model frameworks are empirically estimated using bicycle crash count data for the city of Montreal and Toronto at the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level employing a comprehensive set of exogenous variables. To the best of our knowledge, the modeling frameworks considered here represent the first time some of these frameworks are employed in safety literature (HP, HNB, LHP, LHNB, LZIP, LZINB) and the first time such an extensive set of count models have been estimated on the same datasets. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a discussion of earlier research on bicycle crash frequency modeling while positioning the current study. Section 3 provides details of the various econometric model frameworks used in the analysis. In Section 4, the data are described. The model estimation results measures are presented in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper. EARLIER RESEARCH AND CURRENT STUDY IN CONTEXT A number of research efforts have examined bicycle crash frequency at the micro- and the macrolevel to gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors that affect bicycle crash risk. Considerable research has been done to develop micro-level bicycle crash frequency model (Brude and Larsson, 1993; Turner and Francis, 2003; Loo and Sui, 2010; Carter and Council, 2007). However, in the current study context, we focus on studies examining crashes at the planning/macro level ο the focus of our current study ο for our review of earlier research. A summary of earlier studies from the perspective of the various spatial levels considered in macrolevel studies is presented in Table 1. The information provided in the table includes methodological approach employed, spatial aggregation level considered and variable categories considered in the analysis from the six variable categories - accessibility measures, exposure measures, socio-demographic characteristics, socio-economic characteristics, road network and traffic characteristics and built environment. The following observations may be made from the table. First, the most prevalent spatial unit considered at the macro-level analysis is Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ). Second, negative binomial model is the most frequently used statistical technique1 for examining crashes at the aggregate level. Third, very few studies (5 out of 33) explored bicycle crash frequency at the planning level. Fourth, none of the studies have either explored dual-state of crash count events or employed latent segmentation based approach in examining crash frequency at macro-level. The overall findings from earlier research efforts are usually consistent. The most common factors that increase crash frequency with the increase in the explanatory variables include: population density, employment density, total dwelling units, number of intersections, road mileage, unemployment rate, proportion of uneducated population, degree of urbanization, public transit commuters, walking commuters and number of signalized intersections. On the other hand, factors that reduce the crash frequency with the increase in the explanatory variable include: mean household income, average commuter time, older population, full time worker and volume to capacity ratio. The overview of earlier literature indicates that, in recent years, examining crash frequency at the macro-level has seen a revival of interest among the safety researchers. However, there is a paucity of research focusing on macro-level bicycle crashes. Therefore, it is important to examine bicycle crash at the macro-level to evaluate the safety level and forecast safety of cyclists at the zonal planning level, which would facilitate proactive safety-conscious planning. A critical component in the process of identifying the contributing risk factors is the application of appropriate econometric model. As indicated in the earlier section, the most prevalent formulation to study crash frequency is the NB model. However, NB model does not account for the issue of zero inflation as well as population homogeneity assumptions discussed above. Hence, in our analysis, we focus on developing modeling approaches that address these challenges. The latent segmentation based approach accommodates for population heterogeneity and allows for improved accuracy in quantifying the impact of exogenous variables on bicycle crash counts. The approach has been employed recently in the safety literature for examining traffic crash count events at micro-level (Park et al., 2010; Park et al., 2009; Zou et al., 2014). However, the role of such population homogeneity in the context of macro-level crash count model has not been investigated in the existing literature. It is also important to note that in earlier micro-level studies only two segment models with a very small number of parameters (in the segmentation and segment specific models) were estimated citing model estimation complexity challenges. In our analysis, we enhance the existing latent segmentation approaches (such as latent Poison and NB) by estimating a very rich parameter specification while at the same time proposing and estimating newer latent segmentation models (LHP, LHNB, LZIP, LZINB). In summary, the current study contributes to literature on crash frequency in general and bicycle safety in particular in multiple ways. First, the study formulates and estimates an exhaustive set of latent segmentation based count models that accommodates both observed and unobserved heterogeneity. The modeling approaches encompass both the single-state models and 1 Lord and Mannering, (2010) present the extensive review of statistical techniques used in transportation safety for crash frequency analysis dual-state models such as Poisson, NB, HP, HNB, ZIP, ZINB, LP, LNB, LHP, LHNB, LZIP and LZINB model. Second, we investigate the advantages of drawing on the features of latent segmentation and dual-state models (Hurdle and ZI) in the context of crash frequency analysis. Third, the whole suite of count models are estimated using bicycle crash data from Montreal and Toronto at the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level employing a comprehensive set of exogenous variables. We assess the fit of the estimated bicycle crash frequency models by employing data fit metrics. Finally, based on the model results we identify important exogenous variables that influence bicycle crash counts. ECONOMETRIC FRAMEWORK In the latent segmentation based approach, bicycle crash count records for TAZs are probabilistically assigned to π relatively homogenous (but latent to the analyst) segments based on different explanatory variables. Within each segment, the effects of exogenous variables on the number of crashes occurring across the TAZ over a given period of time are fixed in the segment. Hence, the latent segmentation based model consists of two components: (1) assignment component and (2) segment specific count model component. The general structure for all latent segmentation count models involves specifying these two components. For the ease of presentation, we describe the general mathematical structure first and then identify the different modeling structures for various models in the subsequent discussion. Let us assume that π be the index for segments (π = 1, 2,3, … , π), π be the index for TAZ (π = 1,2,3, … , π) and π¦π be the index for crashes occurring over a period of time in a TAZ π. The assignments of TAZ to different segments are modeled as a function of a column vector of exogenous variable by using the random utility based multinomial logit model (see Wedel et al., 1993; Bago d'Uva, 2006, Eluru et al., 2012, Yasmin et al., 2014, for similar formulation) as: πππ = ππ₯π[π½π ππ ] π ∑π =1 ππ₯π[π½π ππ ] (1) where, ππ is a vector of attributes and π½π is a conformable parameter vector to be estimated. The assignment process is the same for all latent class models. Within any latent segmentation approach, the unconditional probability of π¦π can be given as: π ππ (π¦π ) = ∑(ππ (π¦π )|π ) × (πππ ) (2) π =1 where ππ (π¦π )|π corresponds to the probability of count π¦π in segment s. The exact probability function for ππ (π¦π ) depends on the count model chosen for the segment specific model. The exact mathematical details for all the count model frameworks considered in our analysis are presented. The probability distribution for Poisson is given by: π −πππ (πππ )π¦π πππ (π¦π |πππ , π ) = , πππ > 0 π¦π ! (3) where πππ is the expected number of crashes occurring in TAZ π over a given period of time in segment π . We can express πππ as a function of explanatory variable (ππ ) by using a log-link function as: πππ = πΈ(π¦π |ππ ) = ππ₯π(πΏπ ππ ), where πΏπ is a vector of parameters to be estimated specific to segment π . However, one of the most restrictive assumptions of Poisson regression, often being violated, is that the conditional mean is equal to the conditional variance of the dependent variable. The variance assumption of Poisson regression is relaxed in NB by adding a Gamma distributed disturbance term to Poisson distributed count data (Jang, 2005). Given the above setup, the NB probability expression for π¦π conditional on belonging to segment π can be written as: 1 π¦π πΌπ Γ(π¦π +πΌπ −1 ) 1 1 πππ (π¦π |, πππ , πΌπ , π ) = ( ) (1 − ) Γ(π¦π + 1)Γ(πΌπ −1 ) 1 + πΌπ πππ 1 + πΌπ πππ (4) where, Γ(β) is the Gamma function and πΌπ is the NB dispersion parameter specific to segment π . The Poisson and NB models do not account for the over-representation of zero observations in the data. Hurdle and Zero Inflated (ZI) models are typically used in the presence of such excess zeroes. Cameron and Trivedi (1998) presented these models as finite mixture models with a degenerate distribution and probability mass concentrated at zeroes. Between these two approaches, Hurdle approach is generally used for modeling excess sampling zeroes. It is usually interpreted as a two part model (Heilbron, 1994): the first part is a binary response structure modeling the probability of crossing the hurdle of zeroes for the response and the second part is a zero-truncated formulation modeled in the form of standard count models (Poisson or NB). Thus the probability expression for Hurdle model, conditional on belonging to segment π , can be expressed as: πππ π¬ππ [π¦π |π ] = { (1−πππ ) ππ (1−π −π ) π¦π = 0 πππ (π¦π |π ) π¦π > 0 (5) where, πππ is the probability of count zero specific to segment π and is modeled as a binary logit model as follows: ππ = ππ₯π(πΎπ πΌππ ) 1 + ππ₯π(πΎπ πΌππ ) (6) where, πΌππ is a vector of attributes and πΎπ is a conformable parameter vector to be estimated. Substitution of πππ (π¦π |π ) of equations 3 and 4 in equation 6 will result in Hurdle Poisson (HP) and Hurdle NB (HNB) models, respectively. Unlike the Hurdle model, zero-inflated (ZI) model is argued to account for both the structural and sampling zeroes (Min and Agresti, 2005). The probability of observing a zero is modeled in the ZI model by using a mixing distribution, and, therefore, this model is often referred to as mixture model (Welsh et al., 1996). The first part of this mixture specification addresses the zero-inflation and the second part addresses the unobserved heterogeneity of events including zero (Jang, 2005). Therefore, ZI model assigns more weight on the probability of observing a zero than Hurdle model by using the mixing distribution. Given the above setting, the probability expression of ZI model for π¦π conditional on belonging to π can be expressed as: πππ + (1 − πππ )ππ₯π(−πππ ) π¬ππ [π¦π |π ] = { π¦π = 0 (7) (1 − πππ )πππ (π¦π |π ) π¦π > 0 where, πππ can also be modeled as a binary logit model as in equation 6. Substitution of πππ (π¦π |π ) of equations 3 and 4 in equation 7 will result in ZI Poisson (ZIP) and ZI NB (ZINB) models, respectively. Finally, the log-likelihood function for the latent segmentation (LS) based count model can be written as: π π πΏπΏ = ∑ πππ (∑(ππ (π¦π )|π ) × (πππ )) π=1 (8) π =1 Substitution of (ππ (π¦π )|π ) by equations 3,4,5 and 7 into equation 8 results in latent segmentation based Poisson (LP), latent segmentation based NB (LNB), latent segmentation based Hurdle (LH) and latent segmentation based ZI (LZI) models, respectively. The parameters to be estimated in the model of equation 8 are: π½π and π for each Latent segmentation based model along with πΏπ for LSP; πΌπ and πΏππ for LSNB; πΎπ (specific to πππ ) and πΏππ for LHP; πΎπ (specific to πππ ), πΌπ and πΏππ for LHNB; πΎπ (specific to πππ ) and πΏππ for LZIP; and πΎπ (specific to πππ ), πΌπ and πΏππ for LZINB model. The parameters are estimated using maximum likelihood approaches. The model estimation is achieved through the log-likelihood functions programmed in Gauss. In the application of these models, determining the appropriate number of segments is a critical issue with respect to interpretation and inferences. Therefore, we estimate these models with increasing numbers of segments (S=2,3,4,…) until an addition of a segment does not add value to the model in terms of data fit. DATA DESCRIPTION Our study areas include ο the Island of Montreal associated with 837 TAZs with a population of about 1.8 million and covers an area of approximately 499 km2 and the City of Toronto associated with 672 TAZs with a population of about 2.6 million and covers an area of approximately 630 km2 (Statistics Canada, 2011). Data for our empirical analysis are sourced from these two cities for the year 2006 through 2010. This study is focused on bicycle-motor vehicle crash data, aggregated at the level of traffic analysis zone (TAZ) for each year. For the five years, the databases have records of 3,066 bicycle crashes in Montreal and 5,475 bicycle crashes in Toronto. The explanatory attributes considered in the empirical study are also aggregated at the TAZ level accordingly. For the empirical analysis, we selected variables that can be grouped into six broad categories: accessibility measures, exposure measures, sociodemographic characteristics, socio-economic characteristics, road network & traffic characteristics and built environment. Table 2 offers a summary of the sample characteristics of the exogenous factors in the estimation dataset. To conserve on space, we presented the sample characteristics only for the Montreal Island. Table 2 represents the definition of variables considered for model estimation along with the zonal minimum, maximum and average values for Montreal. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS Model specification and overall measures of fit The empirical analysis of bicycle crash frequency involves the estimation of twelve models: (1) Poisson, (2) Negative Binomial (NB), (3) Hurdle Poisson (HP), (4) Hurdle Negative Binomial (HNB), (5) Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP), (6) Zero-inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB), (7) Latent Segmentation based Poisson (LP), (8) Latent Segmentation based Negative Binomial (LNB), (9) Latent Segmentation based Hurdle Poisson (LHP), (10) Latent Segmentation based Hurdle Negative Binomial (LHNB), (11) Latent Segmentation based Zero-inflated Poisson (LZIP) and (12) Latent Segmentation based Zero-inflated Negative Binomial (LZINB) model. Prior to discussing the estimation results, we compare the performance of these models in this section. The model comparisons are undertaken in three stages. First, we compare the performance of single-state and dual-state models to determine the potential presence of over-dispersion and zero-inflation in the crash count data. Second, we determine the appropriate number of latent classes for the estimated latent segmentation based count models. Third, we compare the unsegmented models (obtained from the first step) with the more general latent segmentation based count models (obtained from the second step) in order to assess the importance of accounting for heterogeneity in estimating zonal level crash frequency models. For these comparison exercises we compute different Information Criterion (IC) - Akaike and Bayesian and these measures along with log-likelihood at convergence for all the estimated models are presented in Table 3. The reader would note that the log-likelihood function for the latent segmentation models is quite flat around the maximum and estimation of complex model structures such LHP, LHNB, LZIP, LZINB are far from straight-forward (see Sobhani et al.2013, for a discussion). Hence, all theoretically estimable models need not be empirically estimable. Hence, we estimated all the latent segmentation model frameworks judiciously. Determining the Appropriate State of the Count Event To explore for the presence of over-dispersion and zero-inflation in the aggregated crash count events, we compare the performance of estimated single-state and dual-state models. Likelihoodratio test is used to compare the pairs of full and nested models (NB vs. Poisson; ZIP vs. Poisson; ZINB vs. NB; ZINB vs. ZIP and HNB vs. HP). The LR test statistic is computed as 2[πΏπΏπ − πΏπΏπ ], where πΏπΏπ and πΏπΏπ are the log-likelihood of the full and the nested models, respectively. The LR test values for Montreal and Toronto indicate that ZINB and HNB models are superior among other models. Further, for non-nested models (ZINB vs. HNB), we employ BIC and AIC2. The model with the lower BIC and AIC values is the preferred model. The BIC (AIC) values for the final specifications of the ZINB and HNB models (in Table 3) clearly indicates that ZINB model shows superior fit compared to the other models for both cities, suggesting the importance of exploring the possibility of both over-dispersion and zero-inflation in the observed crash count event. Determining the Appropriate Number of Latent Classes Determining the appropriate number of segments in estimating the latent segmentation based models is a critical issue with respect to interpretation and inferences. Among different traditionally used ICs (AIC, BIC, adjusted BIC), BIC imposes substantially higher penalty on over-fitting and are most commonly used IC for identifying the appropriate number of classes for latent segmentation based analysis (Nylund et al., 2007). However, in the current study context, after extensively testing for three segments in latent segmentation based approach for Montreal we found that the model collapses to the two segment models and for Toronto two segment LS models provide superior fit based on BIC measures. Thus, we selected two segments as the appropriate number of segments for all the estimated latent segmentation based models. Comparing the Unsegmented and Segmented Models To compare the performance of estimated segmented models with the best fitted unsegmented model, BIC and AIC measures are used. The computed BIC (AIC) values (as presented in Table 3) for all of the estimated latent models outperform the best fitted unsegmented ZINB model, suggesting the importance of incorporating population heterogeneity in examining crash count events. Among the latent models, LNB and LZINB models have the lowest IC values for Montreal indicating that LNB offers superior fit compared to LZINB model. This comparison exercise suggests that bicycle crash count events for Montreal are heterogeneous across different TAZs in the current study context, but not associated with a dual-state count event of crashes conditional on the latent segments. In case of Toronto, LHNB and LZINB models collapsed to LHP and LZIP models, respectively. Among the latent segmentation based models, LZIP model has the lowest IC values for Toronto indicating that LZIP offers superior fit compared to other latent models. This implies that bicycle crash count events for Toronto are heterogeneous across different TAZs in the current study context, and are also associated with a dual-state count event of crashes conditional on the latent segments. Estimation Results In explaining the effect of exogenous variable, we will restrict ourselves to the discussion of the LNB model for Montreal to conserve on space. Table 4 presents the estimation results of the LNB model. An intuitive discussion of the LNB model is presented followed by the discussion of 2 The BIC for a given empirical model is equal to − 2ln(L) + K ln(Q) and the AIC for a model is equal to 2K−2ln(L)]; where ln(L) is the log-likelihood value at convergence, K is the number of parameters, and Q is the number of observations. segmentation component parameters and crash frequency component parameters specific to segment 1 and 2. Intuitive Interpretation of LNB Model To delve into the segmentation characteristics, the model estimates are used to generate information on: 1) sample share across the two segments, and 2) expected mean of crash count events within each segment. These estimates are presented in Table 4. From the estimates, it is evident that the probability of TAZs being assigned to segment 2 is substantially higher than the probability of being assigned to segment 1. Further, the expected number of bicycle-motor vehicle crash events conditional on their belonging to a particular segment offer contrasting results indicating that two segments exhibit distinct crash risk profiles in the current research context. From Table 4, it is clear that expected mean of crash count events for TAZs assigned to segment 1 is much higher than the observed sample mean while mean of crash count events for TAZs assigned to segment 2 is lower than the observed sample mean. Thus, we may label segment 1 as the “high risk segment” and segment 2 as the “low risk segment”. Latent Segmentation Component The latent segmentation component determines the relative prevalence of each class, as well as the probability of a TAZ being assigned to one of the two latent segments based on different explanatory variables. In our empirical analysis, the explanatory variables that affect the allocation of TAZs to segments include lot coverage, number of one-way links, density of STM bus line, number of restaurants, distance from CBD (central business district) and land use mix. The results in Table 4 provide the effects of these control variables, using the high risk segment (segment 1) as the base segment. Thus, a positive (negative) sign for a variable in the segmentation component indicates that TAZs with the variable characteristic are more (less) likely to be assigned to the low risk segment relative to the high risk segment, compared to TAZs that correspond to the characteristic represented by the base category for the variable. The positive sign on the constant term does not have any substantive interpretation, and simply reflects the larger size of the low risk segment compared to the high risk segment. The result associated with lot coverage, a proxy for neighborhood compactness, reflects that an increase in lot coverage increases the likelihood of assigning TAZs to lower risk segment. The result perhaps is reflecting lower exposure of bicyclist to motor vehicle as trips in compact areas are usually characterized by shorter distances. An increase in total number of one-way links in a TAZ increases the likelihood of assigning the TAZ in higher risk segment. Higher speed of motor vehicles and closer proximity to bicycle on one-way roads perhaps increase the possibility of conflicts between these two road user groups. Higher STM bus line density allocates the TAZs to lower risk segment. This finding could stem from the fact that motorized traffic is less likely to use curbside lane (mostly used by bikers) in presence of bus route, thus providing greater separation to bicyclists from the motor traffics. The result associated with number of restaurants reflects an increased likelihood of TAZ being assigned to high risk segment with increasing number of restaurants. This might be explained by the fact that restaurants are one of the major attractors for utilitarian bicycling (Rybarczyk and Wu, 2010) and therefore are associated with the higher risk segment. Also, the number of restaurants is likely to be higher around the city center where the number of bicyclists is likely to be higher thus increasing exposure. The possibility of being allocated to high risk segment decreases with increasing distance from CBD to the TAZ. TAZs close to downtown are associated with shorter, more cyclable travel distances which in turn increase the exposure of bicyclists resulting in more likelihood to be in higher bicycle-motor vehicle crash segment. The TAZs with higher land use mix are likely to be assigned to the high risk segment, a result also reported by Cho et al. (2009). Overall, high risk segment is characterized by number of one-way links, number of restaurants and mixed land uses of TAZs. Crash Risk Component: High Risk Segment (Segment 1) The crash risk component within the high risk segment (segment 1) is discussed in this section. In terms of accessibility measures, bicycle crashes are negatively associated with higher metro station and AMT station densities in segment one. Our findings differ from several previous studies (Wier et al., 2009; Ukkusuri et al., 2012), which reported higher crash frequencies at these locations. However, the finding could be explained by the fact that motorists are alerted of the location of metro station from far by the large visible metro station sign. Thus they become more cautious and watchful which enables them to negotiate safely with bicycle traffic. Our analysis also shows that TAZs with more bus transit destination diversity are likely to be positively correlated with bicycle crash risk. Generally, more bus destination diversity refers to more bus transit intensity. Bicycles are usually in blind spots in the vicinity of large vehicles (Pai, 2011) and the view of bicyclists become more restricted in presence of higher number of buses on the roadway, which might exacerbate bicycle crash risk. As found in previous studies (Siddiqui et al., 2012; Quddus, 2008), our study also shows that more vehicles ownership per household within a TAZ leads to lower probability of bicycle crashes. Proportion of more males relative to females in TAZ is negatively correlated with bicycle crash risk, attributable to higher riding experience of male bikers compared to female bikers (Walker and Jones, 2005). Increased proportion of non-permanent resident and African population are positively associated with bicycle crashes. This group of population, representing minority in the community, presumably would have less access to private motor vehicles and would use bicycle more. Moreover, it has been observed that this group may pose risky traffic behavior as pedestrians/cyclists (Chen et al., 2012) and in turn might increase bicycle crash risk. The median travel time to work has a negative coefficient which implies that the probability of bicycle crash risk decreases as the median time spent travelling on the roads to commute increases. Increasing median travel times usually reflect increased auto usage and reduced bicycle usage. Further, living in the proximity of work place would result in lower median travel time for commuting. While travelling shorter distances, people tend to be less attentive resulting in more crashes (Huang et al., 2010). Surprisingly, crashes are positively associated with increased zonal average income in segment one, which is counterintuitive as one would expect the higher income neighborhood to be car-dominant. This result perhaps is indicating the fact that bicycle is becoming more popular in high income urban areas (Hatfield et al., 2012) such as core CBD areas which are usually expensive. However, the result is quite interesting and the reasons for the effect are not very clear. It is possibly a manifestation of some unobserved variables that are not considered in our analysis. With respect to average vehicle age, the model estimate indicates a positive correlation of bicycle crash risk with higher average age of vehicles. This variable can be considered as proxy measure for deprivation level of zone and thereby explain higher exposure to potential crash risk. Proportion of early morning (5.00 a.m. to 6:59 a.m.) commuters is associated with higher bicycle crash risk. Motorist commuters may not expect bicyclist or perhaps bikes are less conspicuous due to lower visibility at this hour, which would lead to higher degree of bicycle-motor vehicle crashes. The results associated with functional class of roadways show that bicycle crash risk is negatively correlated with highway density and major road density. This may reflect fewer bicyclists on these types of roads. Consistent with several previous studies (Wei and Lovegrove, 2013), our study results also show that more connection ratio and signalized intersections are positively associated with more bicycle-motor vehicle crashes. With respect to the built environment, none of the variables are found to affect bicyclemotor vehicle crash risk in the high risk segment. The significance of dispersion parameter in segment one confirms that the data are over-dispersed and justifies the use of NB error structure. Crash Risk Component: Low Risk Segment (Segment 2) The crash risk component within the low risk segment (segment two) is discussed in this section. The NB model corresponding to low risk segment provides variable impacts that are significantly different, in magnitude as well as in sign (for a few variables), from the impacts offered by the control variables in high risk segment. In the second segment, the STM bus stop density has positive coefficient estimate. Areas with greater public transit accessibility are associated with increased activity generation (Kim et al., 2010). For instance, in Montreal these locations have increased bicycle flows due to the presence of bicycle facilities such as BIXI (self-serve bicycle) stands; thus it might result in more bicycle-motor vehicle conflicts. Bus transit destination diversity also is positively correlated with bicycle crash risk as in segment one. But the effect is less pronounced in segment two. As expected, higher proportion of driver commuters are associated with lower likelihood of bicycle crash risk. Average person per households, a proxy for bicycle exposure at zonal level, is found to be positively correlated with bicycle crashes. From the estimation results, we can also observe that more kilometers of designated bike lane on road are likely to result in more bicycle-motor vehicle crashes. In existing bicycle safety literature, there is considerable debate over the merits and demerits of designated bike lane on road. However, the positive association of designated bike lane with bicycle crash risk can be attributed to reduced space for bike maneuvers resulting from parked vehicle on the curb side (right side of bike lane) of the road. Moreover, designated bike lane on road may discourage proper merging and turning maneuvers for both the bikers and motorists at intersection resulting in more bicycle-motor vehicle conflicts (see Schimek, 1996 for more explanation on this). In terms of socio-demographic characteristics, the estimation results indicate that the TAZ with higher proportion of American and Asian people are likely to experience lower number of bicycle crashes while zone with higher proportion of European people are likely to engage in more bicycle crashes. The influence of median travel time to work has a strikingly different influence on the bicycle crash risk compared to the effect in high risk segment. In segment two, the median travel time to work has a positive coefficient which implies that the probability of bicycle crash risk increases as the median time spent travelling on the roads to commute increases. This might indicate higher exposure of bicycle on roadways. The result also highlights how the same variable can have distinct influence on crash risk based on the segment to which the TAZ is allocated. The LNB approach allows for capturing such complex interactions. Consistent with several previous studies (Hadayeghi et al., 2003; Siddiqui et al., 2012), we also observe a positive correlation of bicycle crashes with higher proportion of full-time workers in TAZs. In segment two, proportion of higher early morning (5.00 a.m. to 6:59 a.m.) commuters is associated with higher bicycle crash risk as in segment one but the effect of this variable is more pronounced in second segment. With respect to road networks and traffic characteristics, the model estimation result indicates an expected negative correlation of major road density with bicycle-motor vehicle crash risk. For intersection density, the result implies that more intersections per-capita is associated with higher likelihood of bicycle crash risk. This finding could be attributed to the well-known fact that vehicular maneuvers at intersections are complex and increase the potential for bicycle-motor vehicle interactions (and collisions). Results in Table 4 also indicate that more signalized intersections and cul-de-sec are positively associated with bicycle-motor vehicle crashes. With regards to built environment, the result reveals that bicycle crashes are positively associated with more number of bars in the neighborhood. It is speculated that greater bar densities would result in more alcohol-involved bicycle crashes (a result also observed by LaScala et al. (2000) in examining pedestrian-motor vehicle crashes). The significance of dispersion parameter in segment two confirms that the data are over-dispersed and justifies the use of NB error structure. CONCLUSION In conventional single state (such as Poisson or Negative Binomial) or dual state (such as Zero inflated or Hurdle) count models, the impact of exogenous factors is restricted to be the same across the entire region. To accommodate for the potential variation in the impact of exogenous factors we formulated latent segmentation based count models. The entire set of alternative modeling approaches considered for this investigation include: Poisson, Negative Binomial (NB), Hurdle Poisson (HP), Hurdle Negative Binomial (HNB), Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP), Zeroinflated Negative Binomial (ZINB), Latent Segmentation based Poisson (LP), Latent Segmentation based Negative Binomial (LNB), Latent Segmentation based Hurdle Poisson (LHP), Latent Segmentation based Hurdle Negative Binomial (LHNB), Latent Segmentation based Zero-inflated Poisson (LZIP) and Latent Segmentation based Zero-inflated Negative Binomial (LZINB) model. For the empirical analysis we selected bicycle-motor vehicle crash datasets from the Island of Montreal and from the City of Toronto for the years 2006 through 2010. The models were estimated using a comprehensive set of exogenous variables accessibility measures, exposure measures, socio-demographic characteristics, socio-economic characteristics, road network & traffic characteristics and built environment. The comparison of the estimated latent segmentation based models, based on information criterion metrics, highlighted the superiority of the LNB model with two segments for Montreal and LZINB model with two segments for Toronto in terms of data fit compared to the other estimated models. Overall, the study results highlight the importance of accommodating population heterogeneity in the context of bicycle-motor vehicle crash frequency analysis. Acknowledgement The first author of the paper would like to gratefully acknowledge the help provided by Adham Badran, and Michelle Pinto in preparing the dataset. References Abdel-Aty, M., Lee, J., Siddiqui, C., & Choi, K. (2013). Geographical unit based analysis in the context of transportation safety planning. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 49(0), 62-75. Abdel-Aty, M., Siddiqui, C., Huang, H., & Wang, X. (2011). Integrating trip and roadway characteristics to manage safety in traffic analysis zones. 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TABLE 1 Summary of Existing Macro-Level Crash Frequency Studies Noland and Quddus (2004a) Wier et al. (2009) Wei et al. (2013) Siddiqui et al. (2012) Cho et al. (2009) MacNab (2004) Noland (2003) Built environment Negative binomial Pedestrian Bicyclist Standard statistical regions Fatal/Serious injury crashes, Slight injury crashes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes --- Ordinary least square regression Pedestrian crash Census tract Injury crashes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Negative binomial Bicycle crash Traffic analysis zone Total crashes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Negative binomial, Bayesian log-normal model Pedestrian and bicycle crash Traffic analysis zone Total pedestrian crashes, Total bicycle crashes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pedestrian and bicycle crash Young (Age 0-25) pedestrian and Bicyclist crash Community analysis zones Total crashes Yes Yes --- --- Yes Yes Local health areas Injury crashes --- Yes --- Yes Yes Yes Crash State Fatal crashes, Injury crashes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes --- County Total crashes, Fatal crashes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes --- --- Yes --- Yes Yes --- --- Yes Yes Yes Yes --- --- --- --- --- Yes --- Yes Yes Yes --- Yes Yes Path analysis Bayesian spatial and ecological regression model Random Effect negative binomial Noland and Quddus (2004a) Negative binomial Crash Karlaftis et al. (1998) Cluster analysis, Negative binomial Aged driver crash Bayesian spatial model Crash County Negative binomial Crash County Random parameter negative binomial Pedestrian crash Census tract Huang et al. (2010) Amoros et al. (2003) Ukkusuri et al. (2011) Crash level Road network and Traffic characteristics Spatial Unit Socio-economic characteristics Unit of Analysis SocioDemographic characteristics Methodological Approach Exposure Measures Paper Accessibility measures Independent Variable Considered Total crashes, Urban crashes, Rural crashes Total crashes, Severe crashes Total crashes, Fatal crashes Total crashes Cottrill et al. (2010) Quddus (2008) Poisson Regression with heterogeneity Pedestrian crash Negative Binomial, Spatial autoregressive model, Bayesian hierarchical model Census Tract Total crashes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motorized vehicle crash, Nonmotorized vehicle crash, Pedestrian crash Census ward Fatal crashes, Serious injury crashes, Slight Injury crashes --- Yes Yes --- Yes --- --- Yes --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Yes --- Yes --- --- Yes --- Total crashes, PDO crashes, Injury crashes, Fatal crashes Total crashes, Fatal crashes, Pedestrian crashes Total crashes, Severe crashes, Peak hour crashes, Pedestrian and Bicycle crashes Naderan et al. (2010) Negative binomial Crash Traffic analysis zone Ng et al. (2002) Cluster analysis, Negative Binomial Crash Traffic analysis zone Abdel-Aty et al. (2011) Negative binomial Crash Traffic analysis zone Full Bayes hierarchical model Crash County Fatal crashes, Injury crashes --- Yes Yes Yes --- --- Quasi induced exposure method Single vehicle crash Multi vehicle Crash State Fatal crashes --- Yes Yes Yes --- --- Noland (2003) Negative binomial Crash State Fatal injury crashes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes --- LaScala et al. (2000) Spatial autocorrelation corrected regression Pedestrian crash Census tract Injury crashes --- --- Yes Yes Yes Yes Total crashes, Severe crashes, Pedestrian crashes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes --- Yes Yes --- Yes --- AgueroValverde and Jovanis (2006) Stamatiadis and Puccini 2000 Abdel-Aty et al. (2013) Poisson-lognormal Crash Pedestrian crash Traffic analysis zones Block groups Census tracts Levine et al. (1995) Spatial lag Crash Census block Total crashes --- Yes --- Bayesian Poisson Lognormal Crash Traffic analysis zone Traffic safety Total crashes, Severe crashes --- Yes Yes Lee et al. (2014) analysis zone Li et al. (2013) Noland and Quddus (2004b) Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression Crash County Fatal crashes Fatal crashes, Serious injury crashes, Slight injury crashes Fatal crashes, Injury crashes, PDO crashes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes --- --- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes --- --- --- --- --- Yes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Negative binomial Crash Census wards De Guevara et al. (2004) Simultaneous negative binomial Crash Traffic analysis zone Hadayeghi et al. (2003) Negative binomial Geographically weighted regression Crash Traffic zone Negative binomial Crash City Negative binomial Crash Traffic analysis zone Fatalities per million inhabitants Total crashes, Severe crashes Crash Traffic analysis zone Total crashes, Severe crashes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Crash Traffic analysis zone Total crashes, Severe crashes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Moeinaddini et al. (2014) Hadayeghi et al. (2007) Hadayeghi et al. (2010a) Hadayeghi et al. (2010b) Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression, Full Bayesian Semiparametric Additive Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression Total crashes, Severe crashes TABLE 2 Sample Statistics for Montreal Variables Definition Minimum Zonal Maximum Average .000 6.419 .804 .000 37.150 .478 .000 19.230 .074 .000 138.194 26.231 .000 25.000 4.816 .000 .869 .477 .000 .000 .000 3.840 2.377 2.784 1.835 .828 .077 .000 2.191 .957 .000 .321 .033 .000 .560 .103 .000 .923 .174 .000 .565 .116 .000 .640 .158 Accessibility measures Density of STM bus line Metro station density AMT station density STM bus stop density Total Société de transport de Montréal (STM) bus line in meter/Total length of road network in meter Total metro station/Total TAZ area in kilometer square Total Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT) station/Total TAZ area in kilometer square Total Société de transport de Montréal (STM) bus stops/Total TAZ area in kilometer square Bus transit destination Total number of different bus routes in TAZ diversity Exposure measures Proportion of driver Total deriver commuters/Total commuters in TAZ commuters Average person per HH Average person per household in TAZ Average car per HH Average car per household in TAZ Designated bike lane on road Total length of designated bike lane on road in kilometer Socio-demographic characteristics Total male population in TAZ/Total female population in Proportion of male to female TAZ Proportion of non-permanent Total non-permanent resident in TAZ/Total population of resident TAZ Proportion of African Total African resident in TAZ/Total population of TAZ population Proportion of Asian population Total Asian resident in TAZ/Total population of TAZ Proportion of American Total American resident in TAZ/Total population of TAZ population Proportion of European Total European resident in TAZ/Total population of TAZ population Socio-economic characteristics Median commute duration Median commuting duration of TAZ in minutes Average TAZ income Natural log of average TAZ income Proportion of full-time workers Total full-time workers in TAZ/Total workers of TAZ Average vehicle age Average age of all private vehicles in TAZ Proportion of commuters Total commuters commuting between 5 a.m. and 6:59 a.m. commuting between 5 a.m. and in TAZ/Total commuters of TAZ 6:59 a.m Road network & traffic characteristics Total length of highways in TAZ/Total length of road Proportion of highway network of TAZ Total length of major roads in TAZ/Total length of road Proportion of major road network of TAZ Total number of intersections in TAZ/(Total number of Connection ratio intersections+Total number of cul-de-dec) of TAZ Density of signalized Total signalized intersections in TAZ/Total number of intersection intersections of TAZ Total number of intersections in TAZ/Total length of road Density of intersections network in kilometer of TAZ Number of Cul-de-sec Total number of Cul-de-sec in TAZ Number of one-way links Natural log of total number of one-way links Built environment Number of bars Total number of bars in TAZ Lot Coverage Building foot print area of TAZ/Total area of TAZ Number of restaurants Z-score of number of restaurants Distance from CBD Natural log of distance from CBD to the TAZ in kilometer .000 .000 .000 7.038 35.100 12.188 .774 11.211 25.178 10.149 .552 8.982 .000 .401 .176 .000 1.000 .104 .000 .985 .177 .000 .947 .053 .000 2.000 .143 .000 15.886 4.498 .000 .000 29.000 4.920 1.987 2.810 .000 .000 -.704 .125 21.000 .583 10.027 33.661 .576 .170 .001 8.971 .000 .999 .495 − ∑ (π (πππ )) Land use mix π π Land use mix = [ π πππ ], where π is the category of land-use, π is the proportion of the developed land area devoted to a specific land-use, π is the number of land-use categories in a TAZ TABLE 3 Measures of Fit in Estimation Sample Models Poisson MONTREAL Log-likelihood at Number of parameters Convergence 30 -5130.01 BIC AIC 10506.87 10320.03 NB 26 -4670.20 9554.33 9392.40 HP 45 -4492.99 9356.25 9075.98 HNB 45 -4360.08 9090.43 8810.16 ZIP 37 -4511.56 9327.57 9097.13 ZINB 39 -4356.33 9033.57 8790.67 LP 43 -4240.31 8834.44 8566.63 LNB 39 -4150.66 8622.22 8379.32 LHP 47 -4228.44 8843.61 8550.88 LHNB 42 -4230.88 8807.34 8545.75 LZIP 48 -4175.23 8745.40 8446.45 LZINB 47 -4147.10 8680.93 8388.20 BIC AIC 10524.58 10400 Models Poisson TORONTO Log-likelihood at Number of parameters Convergence 20 -5180.01 NB 21 -5105.43 10383.66 10252.9 HP 31 -5113.50 10482.07 10289 HNB 32 -5102.71 10468.72 10269.4 ZIP 28 -5084.77 10399.92 10225.5 ZINB 27 -5064.24 10350.64 10182.5 LP 30 -4998.03 10242.91 10056.1 LNB 28 -4919.68 10069.75 9895.36 LHP 34 -4953.98 10187.73 9975.97 LZIP 30 -4907.88 10062.61 9875.77 NB = Negative Binomial, HP = Hurdle Poisson, HNB = Hurdle Negative Binomial, ZIP = Zero-inflated Poisson, ZINB = Zero-inflated Negative Binomial, LP = Latent Segmentation based Poisson, LNB = Latent Segmentation based Negative Binomial, LHP = Latent Segmentation based Hurdle Poisson, LHNB = Latent Segmentation based Hurdle Negative Binomial, LZIP = Latent Segmentation based Zero-inflated Poisson and LZINB = Latent Segmentation based Zero-inflated Negative Binomial model, BIC = Bayesian Information Criterion; AIC = Akaike Information Criterion. TABLE 4 Latent Segmentation based Negative Binomial Model with Two Segments (LNB) Estimates for Montreal Segments Sample shares Observed mean of crash events Expected mean of crash events Variables Constant Lot Coverage Number of one-way links Density of STM bus line Number of restaurants Distance from CBD Land use mix Segment 1 0.25 0.82 2.74 SEGMENT COMPONENTS Segment 1 Estimate t-stat ----------------------------CRASH COUNT COMPONENT -1.411 -1.407 Constants Accessibility measures Metro station density AMT station density STM bus stop density Bus transit destination diversity Exposure measures Proportion of driver commuters Average person per HH Average car per HH Designated bike lane on road Socio-demographic characteristics Proportion of male to female Proportion of non-permanent resident Proportion of African population Proportion of Asian population Proportion of American population Proportion of European population Socio-economic characteristics Median commute duration Average TAZ income Segment 2 0.75 0.44 Segment 2 Estimate t-stat 1.471 1.855 2.646 2.045 -0.912 -5.767 1.773 6.558 -0.343 -2.838 0.920 4.660 -1.725 -3.408 -4.271 -8.506 -0.374 -0.741 --0.207 -2.280 -1.665 --7.154 ----0.005 0.075 ----1.652 4.442 -----1.864 --- -----5.292 --- -3.941 0.303 --0.678 -7.341 3.996 --5.118 -1.144 2.671 2.463 ------- -4.309 1.718 3.007 ------- -------0.653 -1.127 1.143 -------2.101 -2.002 2.147 -0.066 0.285 -4.346 4.552 0.049 --- 4.434 --- Proportion of full-time workers Average vehicle age Proportion of commuters commuting between 5 a.m. and 6:59 a.m. Road network & traffic characteristics Proportion of highway Proportion of major road Connection ratio Density of signalized intersection Density of intersections Number of Cul-de-sec Built environment Number of bars Dispersion parameter --1.958 --5.736 2.066 --- 3.228 --- 1.520 1.815 4.547 4.988 -2.376 -1.263 1.804 1.146 ----- -5.392 -2.626 1.871 1.912 ----- ---0.544 --0.763 0.142 0.051 ---1.661 --3.038 3.686 4.557 --0.635 --7.351 0.047 0.587 1.671 7.710