Regents Earth Science- Overview of Class Agenda and Goals Week 16-20 **Please note that the following is subject to change and that the current week is highlighted in GREEN** Week 16: 12/16-12/20 Monday -Go Over HW -Finish Video -Finish Seafloor Spreading Lab Tuesday Wednesday Snow Day -Practice and Review -Unit Test: Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes and Volcanoes -Start Interpreting Earth’s History -Alternative Energy Honors Presentations Thursday Friday Lab: Origin of the Hawaiian Islands EXPLAIN how sea floor spreading and plate tectonics have shaped the ocean floor SUMMARIZE how civilians have been affected by volcanoes DESCRIBE how volcanoes form Snow Day OUTLINE the rules used to determine what happened in the geologic past RESEARCH information about the geologic past using the ESRT CHART the location of the Hawaiian Islands PREDICT where the next Hawaiian Island will form Week 17: 1/2/2014-1/3/2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Winter Break Winter Break Happy New Year Snow Day Snow Day Week 18: 1/6/2014-1/10/2014 Monday Tuesday -Check off/Go over Packet -Packet Quiz -Finish Alternative Energy Honors Presentations Lab: Origin of the Hawaiian Islands CHART the location of the Hawaiian Islands PREDICT where the next Hawaiian Island will form Wednesday -Finish Interpreting Earth’s History -ESRT Practice Thursday Sequence of Events practice Correlation Notes ESRT Practice Friday -Absolute Dating -Half-Lifes OUTLINE the rules used to determine what happened in the geologic past RESEARCH information about the geologic past using the ESRT DETERMINE the sequence of events of rock strata using standard rules MATCH rock layers using certain characteristics CALCULATE the half-life of a substance DETERMINE the absolute age of an object given radioactive decay amounts Week 19: 1/13/2014-1/17/2014 Monday -Continue practice with half-lifes Tuesday -Notes: Mass Extinctions Wednesday -Sequence of Events Lab Thursday -RRB practice -Matching Rock Layers Lab Friday -Quiz: Geologic History and Geologic Dating -Begin Review for Mid Term Week 20: 1/20/2014-1/24/2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday MLK Day Review for practical section of the midterm -Practical section of the midterm -Review: Density, equations and mapping Review: Minerals and Rocks Review: Geologic History CALCULATE the half-life of a substance DETERMINE the absolute age of an object given radioactive decay amounts DESCRIBE how events from the past are used to predict events of the future CREATE a sequence of events using rules commonly used in the field CORRELATE rock layers using the rules outlined in class DETERMINE the relative and absolute age of rock layers using the rules of interpreting geologic history and correlation