RESUME - RUGANG LI Experience Highlights -20 years + experience of molecular biology research in plant pathogen and disease resistance; -12 years + experience of genomics research of plant and microbes; -10 years + experience of bioinformatics; -15 years + experience of transgenic technology (potato, tomato, soybean); -2 years + experience of small RNA sequencing and assembly for identification of plant viruses and viroids; -10 year + experience of diagnostics for viruses and viroids (ELISA, RT-PCR, real-time RT-PCR, small RNA deep sequencing, isothermal amplification); - Strong communication skills in both written and oral English; -More than 30 peer-reviewed publications and 22 meeting abstracts/posters. -A member of American Phytopathological Society. Education 1997, Doctorate degree in plant molecular biology of the graduate school of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China Title: Analysis of late-blight disease resistance in transgenic potato plants expressing hairpin and osmotin genes Advisor: Dr. Yun-liu Fan 1988, Master degree in plant pathology of China Agricultural University, Beijing, China Title: Three viruses causing mosaic symptoms on Dahlia pinnata Cav. in Beijing Advisor: Dr. Wei-fan Qiu 1985, Bachelor degree in plant protection, Shandong Agricultural University, Taishan, China Professional Research Experience 2011.05 to present: Postdoctoral Research Associate USDA-ARS, U.S. Vegetable Laboratory, Charleston, SC, USA - - A key researcher for two USDA-NIFA SCRI projects: (1) A system-wide approach to manage plant and human pathogens on greenhouse tomatoes; (2) Understand the global virus distribution in tomato and development of translational genomic tools to accelerate tomato breeding for virus resistance; Completed more than 100 small RNA libraries from various vegetable crop samples; Trained to use Illumina MiSeq system for sequencing and bioinformatics tools (DNASTAR’s Lasergene 10 core suite and SegMan NGen 4) to analyze sequence - - - data; Identified and characterized a new potyvirus tomato necrotic stunt virus (ToNSV) infecting greenhouse tomato in Mexico with small RNA sequencing and assembling technology; Developed RT-PCR, real-time TaqMan RT-PCR, isothermal amplification (RTLAMP) technologies for detection of ToNSV, three genotypes of Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV), Potato spindle tube viroid (PSTVd), and Mexican papita viroid (MPVd); Developed a simple yet reliable method (crude plant extract) to prepare RNA template from infected plant tissues for detection of viruses and viroids; Designed a Tag-adapted overlapping PCR sequencing approach to rapidly obtain a viral genome sequence; Produced infectious several viroids infectious cDNA clones and characterized the biological properties of MPVd; Evaluated the sensitivity of 19 disinfectants to mechanically transmitted PepMV, PSTVd and Tomato mosaic virus in greenhouse. 2007. 05 to 2011.04: Senior research scientist and TGI manager at Ottawa location - Managed TGI soybean transformation project; - Molecularly and genetically analyzed 250 fertile events; - A key member to prepare and coordinate TGI transgenic soybean field trials in both Canada and the U.S. - Prepared annual research report to TGI management team. - Represented TGI to present research results in scientific conferences. 2004. 05 to 2007.05: Research scientist of Targeted Growth, Inc. (TGI), Ottawa, Ontario - Studied the activity of 5 seed-specific promoters in soybean embryos; - Improved the soybean transformation procedure; - Conducted 40 soybean transformation experiments for different promoter/gene combinations; - Produced 750 transgenic soybean events; - Studied the resistance in select transgenic lines to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in growth chamber; - Prepared annual research report to TGI management team. 2000. 11 to 2004. 04: NSERC Visiting Fellow at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research Center. - Constructed two Sclerotinia sclerotiorum cDNA libraries; - Produced more than 2000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs); - Identified 774 S. sclerotiorum unique gene; - Cloned 4 endo-polygalacturonases genes and 2 exo-polygalacturonases genes; - Expressed 4 endo-polygalacturonases with Pichia pastoris expression system and evaluated product activities in vitro; - Constructed Brassica napus DH12075 genomic library and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library; - Identified and characterized 16 polygalacturonase inhibitor (PGIP) genes from above B. napus DH12075 libraries; - Established a rapid resistance-screening method in B. napus to S. sclerotiorum. 1999. 01 to 2000. 10: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA. - Developed a convenient Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression assay for rapid analysis of plant promoter and transcription factors in vivo; - Produced more than 100 transgenic tobacco lines expressing tobacco transcription factor myb1 gene; - Biologically and molecularly characterized virus resistance mediated by myb1 gene in those transgenic lines. 1998. 03 to 1998. 12: Visiting scientist, USDA-ARS, Crop Protection and Management Research, University of Georgia, Tifton, GA, USA. - Revealed the genetic variation within the maize population GT-MAS:gk and the relationship between genetic variation and resistance to Aspergillus flavus; - Identified restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers associated with silk maysin, antibiosis to corn earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae, in a dent and sweet corn cross. 1996. 10 to 1997. 03: Visiting Scientist, Department of Molecular Biology, Centre for Plant Breeding and Reproduction Research, DLO, Wageningen, Holland. - Produced 55 potato transgenic events; - Molecularly characterized those events; - Evaluate the disease resistance in transgenic plants to Phytophthora infestans infection in greenhouse. 1996. 09: Trained for use of Bioinformatics at the International Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy. 1994.03 to 1998.02: Research group Leader, the Biotechnology Research Center, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. - Developed a research project to study the resistance in both potato and tomato to Phytophthora infestans; - Developed DNA marker technology to study the genetic diversity in oilseed Brassica species, taro and apple; - Developed the RT-PCR detection for sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) and sweet potato latent virus (SPLV); - Internationally collaborated with International Potato Center (CIP), the International Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) and the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI). 1992. 09 to 1994. 02: Visiting Fellow with the USDA-ARS, Plant Genetic Resources Unit, Cornell University, Geneva, NY, USA. - Trained to use PCR-based marker technology to study the genetic diversity in Vetiver grass, vegetable Brassica species, and apple; - Identified a DNA marker closely linked to pea seed-born mosaic virus. 1988.07 to 1992.09 Research Associate, the Biotechnology Research Center, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. - Established the hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibody specific to potato virus X (HB strain); - Established the hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibody specific to sweet potato feather mottle viruse; - Established the hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibody specific to bacteriocin M2 from strain M2 of Pseudomonas solanacearum; - Developed antibody-based detection assays (DAS-ELISA, Dot-blot ELISA, Biotin ELISA) for viruses and bacteria infecting potatoes. Awards and Honors 2012: USDA-ARS Superior performance award 2011: USDA-ARS Superior performance award 2000: Chinese Ministry of Education Award for distinguished PhD thesis in China. 1998: USDA-ARS Appreciation Award for "Molecular genetics study and the development of DNA marker linked to earworm resistance in corn". 1993: World Bank Award for "Application of molecular methods and statistical analyses for discrimination of accessions and clones of vetiver grass". Select Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals Li R, Fei Z, Ling K-S (2012) Molecular and biological properties of Tomato necrotic stunt virus and development of a sensitive real-time RT-PCR assay. (Submitted to Archives of Virology) Ling K-S, Li R Blesdsoe M (2012) Pepino mosaic virus genotype shifting in North America and development of specific RT-LAMP for rapid genotype identification (Submitted to Virology Journal) Ling K-S, LI R Panthee DR Gardner RG (2013) First report of potato spindle tuber viroid naturally infecting greenhouse tomatoes in North Carolina. Plant Disease 97:148 Li R, Gao S, Hernandez AG, Wechter WP, Fei Z, Ling K-S (2012) Deep Sequencing of Small RNAs in Tomato for Virus and Viroid Identification and Strain Differentiation. PLoS ONE 7(5): e37127. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037127 Li R, Bancroft B, Zhao SQ, Zheng SQ, Blahut-Beatty L, De Rocher J, Simmonds D (2011) Multiple inserts of gene of interest and selection marker gene are co-integrated and stably transmitted as a single genetic locus in transgenic soybean plants. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant, 47:274-281. Hegedus DD, Li R, Buchwaldt L, Parkin I, Whitwill S, Coutu C, Bekkaoui D and Rimmer SR (2008) Brassica napus possesses an expanded set of polygalacturonase inhibitor protein genes that are differentially regulated in response to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infection, wounding and defense hormone treatment. Planta, 228: 241–253. Li R, Rimmer R, Buchwaldt L, Sharpe AG, Seguin-Swartz G and Hegedus DD (2004) Interaction of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum with a resistant Brassica napus cultivar: expressed sequence tag analysis identifies genes associated with fungal pathogenesis. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 41: 735-753. Li R, Rimmer R, Buchwaldt L, Sharpe AG, Seguin-Swartz G and Hegedus DD (2004) Interaction of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum with Brassica napus: Cloning and characterization of endo- and exo-polygalacturonases expressed during saprophytic and parasitic modes. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 41: 754-765. Li R, Rimmer R, Yu M, Sharpe A, and Hegedus D (2003) Two Brassica napus PGIP genes are expressed at different levels in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Planta, 217 (2): 299-308. Butron A, Li R, Guo BZ, Widstrom NW, Snook ME, Cleveland TE, Lynch RE (2001) Molecular markers to increase corn earworm resistance in a maize population. Maydica, 46: 117-124. Guo BZ, Li R, Widstrom NW, Lynch RE and Cleveland TE (2001) Genetic variation within the maize population GT-MAS:gk and its relationship with resistance to Aspergillus flavus. Theor. Appl. Genet., 103 (4): 533-539. Guo BZ, Zhang ZJ, Li R, Widstrom NW, Snook ME, Lynch RE and Plaisted D (2001) RFLP markers associated with silk Maysin, antibiosis to corn earworm larvae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in a dent and sweet corn cross. J. Economic Entomology, 94 (2): 564-571. Yang Y, Li R, and Qi M (2000) In vivo analysis of plant promoters and transcription factors by agroinfiltration of tobacco leaves. Plant Journal, 22 (6):543-551. Li R, Wu NF, Fan YL, and Song BF (1999) Transgenic potato plants expressing osmotin gene inhibit fungal development in inoculated leaves. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 15 (2): 71-75. Li R and Fan YL (1999) Reduction of lesion growth rate of late blight plant disease in transgenic potato plants expressing harpin protein. Science in China (Series C), 42 (1): 96-101.