
Media (Science Fiction Film Genre)
Independence Day
DEADLINE: To be set by your teacher
What’s our project?
Media is a subject within English which includes topics such as newspapers, magazines, radio,
advertising and film. For this half term you will study the genre of science fiction films and
analysing the 1996 film Independence Day starring Will Smith. This analysis will involve
exploring how a science fiction film is made using various codes and conventions. Your
project will include tasks connected to your study of the history of science fiction film genre
and more creative tasks as if you were planning to create your own science fiction film.
There are 3 parts to the project:
Task 1: Managing my time & resources sheet
Task 2: Science Fiction Film Genre and Independence Day
Task 3: Project Reflection
How do I complete Task 1: Managing my time and resources?
This sheet must be filled in at the end of each week, on or before the date shown in each
box. This will help your teacher to monitor your progress. It must be handed in on the
Fronter Learning Space by the project deadline. You can find this sheet on Page 7.
How do I complete Task 2:Science Fiction Film Genre and
Independence Day?
It’s up to you! This is the main part of your project. As long as your work includes at least
four of the tasks outlined on page 9-11, you can present it in any way you like. Here are some
 A scrap book of all the work you have completed
An explorers case file
A magazine style booklet with articles and pictures
A combination of the above!
You will find instructions for Task 2 on pages 9-11. Work through each of the activities one
at a time, filling in the Managing my time & resources sheet each week.
How do I complete Task 3: Project Reflection?
The reflection must be completed after you finish Task 1 and 2
You will find Task 3 on page 13 of this booklet.
There are 5 questions in the Project Reflection; you must answer all of them.
Your answers should be detailed, using full sentences and correct English.
You should complete your Project Reflection on the computer so that you can hand it in
electronically on the Fronter Learning Space.
Frequently Asked Questions
When do I complete the project?
Your English teacher will help you to get started but the project must be completed in your
own time. You will have about 6 weeks to complete it – the project is your main piece of
homework for this term. You can complete it at home or using the Library at lunchtime or
after school at 3.10 Club. Here are some TOP TIPS for completing the project:
Get started straight away.
Make a list of what you need to do to complete the project successfully.
Plan out your time so that you complete all tasks by the deadline - you should spend at
least 1-2 hours per week on your project outside of lessons.
Leave some time to spare at the end so you can check your work carefully before you
hand it in.
Hand in Task 1 and Task 3 on the Fronter Learning Space by the deadline.
What if I need help?
If you need help once you get started, you can do one or more of the following:
See your English Teacher. There will support sessions each week in the English
Department. Your teacher will make you aware of when and where these sessions will be
Go to the Library/3.10 club at lunchtime or after school
Visit the project Learning Space on Fronter and use the message board
How will I hand in the project?
You will hand in Task 1 and Task 3 via your Fronter Learning Space. Task 2 should be
handed in to your teacher by the deadline they set the class.
How will the project be marked?
When you hand in your work, your English teacher will assess you on the following skills:
The learning that has taken place and knowledge acquired by completing the
project is clear to the audience.
The content of the project is original, imaginative and creative.
The author has thought carefully about the audience and created an
informative and entertaining product.
The material included in the project is completely appropriate and in keeping
with the original task outlined.
The work is presented to a high standard.
100% effort has been made in the production of the work.
• The learning that has taken place and knowledge acquired is by completing the
project generally clear to the audience, though obscured on occasions.
• The content of the project is imaginative and creative.
• There is evidence of some careful thought about the audience by the author.
• The material included in the project is generally appropriate and in keeping
with the original task outlined.
• The work is presented to a good standard.
• A good effort has been made in the production of the work.
• It is clear that some learning has taken place and that some knowledge has
been acquired during completion of the project.
• The content of the project has been presented appropriately, although
somewhat predictably.
• There is some evidence of thought about the audience by the author.
• The material included in the project is at times appropriate but not
consistently in keeping with the original task outlined.
• The work is presented to a satisfactory standard.
• Some effort has been made in the production of the work.
• There is some attempt to outline the learning that has taken place during
completion of the project, though it is regularly obscured.
• The content of the project has been presented in a predictable fashion.
• There is little evidence of thought about the audience by the author.
• The material included in the project is rarely in keeping with the original task
• The work is presented to an un-satisfactory standard.
• Little effort has been made in the production of the work.
Remember, there will be prizes for the best
To win, you need to STAND OUT and make your
What can you do to be CREATIVE and DIFFERENT?
Task 1:
Managing my time &
Managing my time & resources
Tasks for this week
27 April 2012
May 2012
11 May 2012
18 May 2012
Friday 25th May
June 2012
DEADLINE: To be set by your teacher
Resources I will need for my project:
Task 2:
Science Fiction Film Genre
and Independence Day
Your Independent Learning Project for this half term is to produce a
booklet of work about the Science Fiction Film Genre and
Independence Day
You must fill in your ‘Managing my time & resources sheet’ once a
week to show that you have been working on your project. Your
teacher will check this to monitor your progress.
You must complete five tasks in total. You must also complete the tasks in
1) Produce a PowerPoint presentation/booklet on the history of the sci-fi
film genre using the information you have collected on all the film
trailers you have watched in lessons and the sci-fi timeline you have
created (1927-2009). You must include information on:
 the year the film was made (e.g. what was happening in the world
at this time in terms of events and technology)
 the directors
 the basic storyline of the films
 the sci-fi conventions it uses
 how it contributed to the sci-fi film genre as a whole
*(Please note you cannot begin this task for about three to four
weeks as it will take you this look to gather all the information you
need from your lessons).
2) Create your own sci-fi film antagonist (villain) and protagonist
(hero/heroine). Draw a portfolio of rough sketches with notes. Then
produce a final neat version of your two key characters with
reference to personality, names, background, special powers, costume
etc. These drawings should be heavily annotated.
3) Create your own story outline for a new sci-fi film. This could be done in
detailed note form with reference to the beginning, middle and end of the
story. You also need to include information on your key characters: their
role in the film and what happens to them and why at the end of the film.
Then, produce a script for the opening scene of your sci-fi film. It should
contain reference to setting, action and characters.
Your characters
could be the ones you created in Task 2!
Remember, an opening sequence in a sci-fi film should be exciting,
dramatic and display conventions to the audience that the film belongs to
the sci-fi genre. Therefore, you must write an opening sequence which
would grab the audiences’ attention in terms of action and dialogue. (If
you are unsure how to set out a script please ask your class teacher for
4) Refer back to Task 2 where you completed two detailed annotated
drawings on your antagonist and protagonist.
If you are creative and
artistic, make models of these characters and bring them to life.
5) Research another film genre such as:
 romance
 western
 horror
 animation
 thriller
6) Produce a fact file on a famous film director who is credited with having a
dramatic effect on the development of the sci-fi genre. Choose from:
 George Lucas
 Ridley Scott (former pupil of Grangefield School)
 James Cameron
 Steven Spielberg
7) Imagine aliens landed on our planet. They seemed friendly and you were
given the task of informing, explaining and describing to them things
about the earth that you think they needed to know. Produce an alien
advice guide on how to survive life on earth.
8) Write a speech that argues either for or against the existence of extraterrestrial (alien) life.
You may need to carry out some research to
complete this task and you will also need to include rhetorical devices in
your speech such as:
 rhetorical questions
 pronouns
 facts
 opinions
 scientific vocabulary
 repetition
 humour/sarcasm
If you choose to complete this task, ask your class teacher if you can
deliver the speech to your class. This will be excellent preparation for
your GCSE speech task in Year 10 where you will have to argue a point of
view on an issue.
Task 3:
Project Reflection
Year 7 ILP Reflection
You must answer all of the following questions. Your answers should be detailed, using full
sentences and correct English.
What did you have to do for your project? Which tasks did you complete?
Of all the tasks you completed for this project, which did you feel most successful at?
Of all the tasks you completed for this project, which did you feel least successful at?
What challenges did you face with these tasks?
What would you do differently in the future when approaching a similar project or