Goth Intro for LAS - Lincolnshire Autistic Society

Diagnosed in 2002 with autism, the Goth has been working as a trainer and advocate
in the autism field since then. He works for the National Autistic Society as Editor of
Asperger United, a magazine by and for people on the autism spectrum. He also
works on Newcastle University's Autism and Aging research project, sits on the
Autism Accreditation standards body, and the Research Autism scientific advisory
group. He has advised on two television series that featured autists. He has coauthored two books, Asperger's Syndrome for Dummies (Wiley UK, December 2010) and Choosing
Autism Interventions: A Research-Based Guide (Pavilion May 2015). The Goth will be available during
the conference to sign and talk about the latest book, and there will be copies on sale from the LAS
book stall.
Choosing Autism Interventions: A Research-Based Guide (Pavilion May
2015) provides an accessible evidence-based overview of the most
commonly used interventions for children and adults on the autism
spectrum. It summarises best clinical practice from the National Institute for
Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and gives a set of tools to help evaluate
interventions. It is the first guide of its kind to meet the requirements of the
NHS Information Standard and is of value to people with autism, their
parents and carers and professionals alike.