Department of Psychiatry's Rearch Grants Date Range: 2011 to 2011 Funded Knowledge Translation on Antipsychotics, $ .00, Training, Multiple Pharmaceutical Suport, 10-2011 / N/A, Dr. Alina MarinDr. Duncan Scott Grading Risk of Inpatient Threat, $ .00, Training, Providence Care-MHS, 8-2011 / N/A, Dr. Duncan ScottDr. Rebecca Douglas Chronic Pain in Emergency Department, $ .00, Infrastructure, LHIN, 11-2011 / N/A, Dr. Ruth DubinDr. Duncan Scott school based mental health curriculum, $ 55,000.00, Operating, SEAMO AFP, 3-2011 / N/A, Nasreen RobertsKevin Parker Identification of Primary Polydipsia in a Psychiatric Outpatient Population: A Prospective Observational Study, $ 30,000.00, Operating, Queen's University Internal Grant, 1-2011 / N/A, Felicia IfteneDr. Richard Millson, Dr. Roumen Milev, Dr. Desmond Potopsingh, Dr. Samia Hanna, Dr. Dianne Groll, Ms. Emily Hawken, Dr. Ewa Talikowska-Szymczak, Detlef Stein A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-controlled Parallel - Group, Multicentre, Phase II study to evaluate the efficacy and Safety of MABTS102A in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's Disease, $ 362,000.00, Infrastructure, Genetech, 1-2011 / N/A, Dr. Nashed Prevalence of substance use disorders among medical professionals., $ 786.00, Operating, Queen's University Department of Psychiatry, 2-2011 / N/A, Dr. Mir Nadeem Mazhar A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-controlled Parallel - Group, Multicentre, Phase II study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of MABTS102A in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's Disease, $ .00, Infrastructure, Genetech, 1-2011 / N/A, Dr. NashedDr. Teitelbaum Preliminary Analysis of Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor as an addition to the study "Treatment Resistant Depression and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Effect of Treatment with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) on Mood, Anxiety and Quality of Life", $ 7,000.00, Training, CTAQ Endowment Fund, 1-2011 / 12-2011, Dr. Ruzica Jokic Content and Quality of Information Provided on Canadian Dementia Websites, $ 895.00, Operating, Department of Psychiatry Research Fund, 4-2011 / N/A, Whitney HugginsJeanette Prorok, Dalas Seitz Collaborative Models of Care for Medical Inpatients with Psychiatric Disorders, $ 1,000.00, Operating, Department of Psychiatry Research Fund, 4-2011 / N/A, Maria HusseinDallas Seitz Mood Stabilizer Plus Antidepressant versus Mood Stabilizer Plus Placebo in the Maintenance Treatment of Bipolar Disorder., $ .00, Operating, CIHR, 6-2011 / N/A, Dr. R. Milev Database collection for evaluation research with adult patients with ADHD., $ .00, Operating, Queen;s University, 6-2011 / N/A, Dr. A. Marin Stigma within Physicians regarding Mental Health, attitudes towards becoming mentally ill., $ .00, Operating, SAEMO, 7-2011 / N/A, Dr.T.HassanDr.T.A.Munshi. Dr.N.Mazhar. Dr.S.Sikander. Program Evaluation of a National Train the Trainer Faculty Development Program, $ .00, Training, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, 1-2011 / N/A, Lara CookeJason Frank, Jonathan Sherbino, Linda Snell, Denyse Richardson, Susan Dojejii Submitted to purchase Operant testing chambers, $ 57,500.00, Operating, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council equipment grant, 1-2011 / N/A, Olmstead MBeninger RJ, Dumont E to purchase Western blot, ELISA workstation, $ 92,920.00, Operating, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council equipment grant, 1-2011 / N/A, Menard JChivers M, Dringenberg H, Olmstead M, Sabbagh M, Beninger RJ Stress-induced eating and the hypothalamo-pituitary axis in first episode psychosis: Exploring the differential effects of ziprasidone versus olanzapine on metabolic syndrome., $ 100,000.00, Operating, Pfizer,, 9-2011 / N/A, S. ArchieTaylor, V., McKenzie, K., Menezes N., Oyewumi, L.K.,Deghan, M., Gaind, G., Cebrian, C., Akhtar-Danesh, N. The Primary Care Dementia Assessment and Treatment Algorithm, $ 75,000.00, Operating, SEAMO AFP Innovation Fund, 1-2012 / N/A, Dallas Seitz A One-Year, Phase IV, Open-Label, Non-Comparative Trial of the Effect of Ziprasidone HCL on Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Patients with Psychotic Disorders - A1281173, $ .00, Training, unknown, 1-2011 / 12-2011, Dr. Roumen MilevDr. S. O'Brien, Dr. R. Millson, Dr. K. Furst, DR. S. Hanna PILAR: Pharmacoepidemiologic International Longitudinal Antipsychotic Registry #R076477SCH4016, $ .00, Training, Unknown, 1-2011 / 8-2011, Dr. Roumen MilevDr. S. O'Brien, Dr. R. Millson, Dr. K. Furst, Dr. S. Hanna Volunteers Adding Life in Dementia (VALID), $ 50,000.00, Operating, AFP Innovation Fund, 3-2012 / N/A, Dr. Dallas SeitzDr. Salinda Horgan, Dr. Sudeep Gill, Dr. Kenneth Le Clair Risk of Readmission to Acute Psychiatric Units in Ontario: A Gender-Based Analysis, $ 30,000.00, Operating, Women's College Hospital Alternate Funding Plan Innovation Fund, 3-2012 / N/A, Dr. Simone VigodDr. Dallas Seitz, Dr. Elizabeth Lin, Dr. Andrea Gruneir, Dr. Paula Rochon, Dr. Nathan Herrmann, Dr. Valerie Taylor Operant testing chanbers, $ 52,346.00, Operating, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council RTI grant, 4-2011 / N/A, Dr. Mary C. OlmsteadEric Dumond and Janet Menard Addictions in Physicians,substance abuse prevalence in Medical Professionals, $ .00, Operating, N/A, 8-2011 / N/A, Dr.N.MazharDr.T.A.Munshi Dr.T.Hassan Dr.D.Sietz Unfunded ADHD - Creating a database on forensic clients with ADHD, Operating, 2-2011 / N/A, Dr Alina MarinDr. Duncan Scott,Dr Alina Marin, Outcome study of Day treatment for children with Autism Spectrum disorders, Training, 3-2011 / 102011, Nasreen RobertsNaznin Alavi Elizabeth DeGrace Psychosocial Rehabilitation under care of ACT services, factors associated with a good outcome., Operating, 3-2011 / N/A, Dr. T.A.Munshi.Dr.M.El Adl, Dr.M.Mazhar, Dr. D.Sietz,Dr.T.Hassan,Dr.E.Abdelmotaal, Dr.M.El Saidi, Sandy Denison(RN), Donna Lothian(RN). Nintendo Wii and Chronic Mental Illness, Operating, 1-2011 / 12-2011, Dr Martin Feakins Automated medication dispenser: "Keepsme@home" box, Operating, 1-2011 / 12-2011, Dr Susan Ilkov-Moor Screening for Personality Disorder in a Mood Disorder Unit, Operating, 6-2011 / 12-2011, Dr El-AdlDr Cabrera Comparison study on Urgent consults, Infrastructure, 4-2011 / 9-2011, Nasreen Roberts Substance abuse prevalence amoungst medical professionals., Training, 11-2011 / N/A, Dr. Nadeem Mazher Reasons for referrals to psychiatry in emergency in a tertiary care hospital setting and utilization of resident resources. A retrospective study, Operating, 10-2011 / N/A, Varinder ParmarSzymczak P, Stakheiko S, Cabrera Abreu C, Groll D. A multi center, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel-group study to investigate the efficacy and safety of RO4995819 versus placebo, as adjunctive therapy in patients with major depressive disorder having inadequate response to ongoing a, Training, 1-2011 / 12-2011, Dr. Ruzica Jokic Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Active-Controlled, Flexible-Dose Study Evaluating the Effect of Lu AA21004 vs Escitalopram on Sexual Functioning in Adults with Well-Treatment Major Depressive Disorder Experiencing SSRI-Induced Sexual Dysfunction, Training, 6-2011 / N/A, Dr. Roumen MilevDr. R. Jokic C10953/3072: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Fixed-Dosage Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Armodafinil Treatment (150 & 200 mg/day) as an Adjunctive Therapy in Adults with Major Depression with Bipolar I Disorder, Training, 1-2011 / N/A, Dr. Roumen Milev Mood Stabilizer Plus Antidepressant versus Mood Stabilizer Plus Placebo in the Maintenance Treatment of Bipolar Disorder, Training, 1-2011 / N/A, Dr. Roumen MilevDr. Ruzica Jokic Sleep Architecture in Depressed Patients Treated with Desvenlafaxine, Training, 1-2011 / N/A, Dr. Roumen MilevDr. R. Jokic Using a Health Profession Trainees Health Program as a Forum for Interprofessional Health Education, Infrastructure, 1-2011 / 12-2011, Stephen McNevin Psychosocial Rehabilitation, factors associated with a good outcome in patients being looked after by assertive community teams, Infrastructure, 5-2011 / N/A, Dr. Tariq Munshi Prevalence of substance use among medical professionals, Infrastructure, 5-2011 / N/A, Dr. Nadeem Mazhar Copyright 2012 Queen's University. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy. Rendered and loaded page in 0.289 seconds.