Algebraic Expressions and Identities Summary (Concept details

Algebraic Expressions and Identities
Summary (Concept details)
Terms, Factors and Coefficients
Monomials, Binomials and Polynomials
Like and unlike terms
Addition, subtraction of algebraic expressions
Introduction on Multiplication of Algebraic Expressions
Multiplying a Monomial by a Monomial
Multiplying a Monomial by a Polynomial
Multiplying a Polynomial by a Polynomial
Standard Identities
Application of standard identities in problem solving
Level Wise Question:
Level 1
Question 1: Frame the algebraic expression in each of
the following cases.
(i) Sum of x and 9
(ii) 2 subtracted from p
(iii) 5 times m 4
(iv) take away 6 times y, from x
Question 2: Find 4x X 5y X 7z
Level 2
Question 1: Give two examples of situations, where we
may need to multiply algebraic expressions.( Hint: think of
speed and time; interest to be paid, the principal and the
rate of interest; etc.)
Question 2: What is an identity?
Level 3
Question 1: Verify Identity (IV) for a=2, b=3 and x=5.
Question 2: Put -b in place of b in Identity (I). Do you
get Identity (II)?
Activity: [Group activity (on chart paper) or individual
activity (in activity book)]
Prove the identity (a+b)2 = a2+b2+2ab, using geometrical
Objective: To visualise and reinforce the concept of
Step 1: Draw a square ABCD and divide it into two squares
and two rectangles.
Step 2: Let AE denote ‘a’ units and EB denote ‘b’ units.
Therefore AB = (a+b) units
Step 3: Shade the two squares in one colour and the two
rectangles in another colour.
Area of Square ABCD = Sum of areas of shaded portions
(i.e) (a+b)2 = a2+b2+2ab
Home assignment:
Prove the identity II by finding the area of a square with the
measure of the side (a-b) units. The following diagram gives a
hint to prove the same.