A coordinate plane is formed when two number lines


A coordinate plane is formed when two number lines intersect at right angles

The x-axis is the horizontal axis and the y-axis is the vertical axis

The two axes meet at the origin, O (0,0)

A radical in simplest form is one in which the radical has no perfect square factors other than one

The square root of a perfect square is an integer

A linear function is a function whose graph forms a straight line

Algebra is a tool for describing and representing patterns and relationships

Changing the groupings or the order of factors does not change a sum or product

The laws of exponents can be investigated using patterns

The operations and the magnitude of the numbers in an expression impact the choice of an appropriate method of computation

Polynomial expressions can be used to model real-life situations

Apply appropriate computational techniques to evaluate an algebraic expression

Express numbers, using scientific notation, and perform operations, using the laws of exponents

Express the square root of a whole number less than 1000 in simplest radical form

Find the quotient of polynomials, using a monomial devisor

Relate concrete and pictorial representations for polynomial operations to their corresponding algebraic manipulations

Translate verbal expressions into algebraic expressions with three or fewer terms

Use the distributive property to factor out all common monomial factors

Use the x-intercepts from the graphical representation of the polynomial to determine and confirm its factors.
